Where do you see firearm rights in the US in 50 years?

Where do you see firearm rights in the US in 50 years?

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Gone. Generation Z was supposed to be our chance but they're a bunch of tidepod eating, gungrabbing retards.

>shall not be infringed

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I thought they were conservative as hell. What happened?

The media only picks up on liberals
Remember all the polls and reports that gave Hillary a guaranteed win?

wow dad strength is a thing, look at those sinew-laden forearms

>implying the USA will exist in 50 years

About the same if not better. What people forget is that many people are getting into guns and more importantly the ar15 is more accessible than ever. Abc or nbc has been conducting a poll about assault weapons and the for the first time (around 2014) a majority of people did not want to ban them. People are looking at the world and seeing that the government has continually failed to protect them and they are worried about the future. Not only are people becoming more independent, they are starting to get polarized. No more compromising our gun rights

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Same rights with far more gun owners, in Confederate States of America.

Thanks for generalizing an entire generation without actually looking into the numbers and who actually supports gun rights and who hates it.

I kinda agree with you. When I started getting serious about this hobby 15 years ago I hardly saw woman and I was usually the yonger one around. These days I see far more woman and yong men.

One of two ways: 2A and gun right supporters accept that gun grabbing attempts (just like blacks killing cops or “hate speech” laws) are proxies for destruction of White Culture. They realize leftists and minorities attack gun rights and the constitution as the last vestige of Anglo, agrarian law because that is whites means for survival . This path means more Bundy style standoffs and possible escalation.

The alternative future is faggots like Tim from MAC, Ian from Forgotten weapons, and others as the standard bearers who support 2A but never raise issues about the other amendments or the overarching agenda. It’s becsuse the motivation for destroying war monuments, destroying gun rights and your first amendment rights are all coming from the same place. Meelymouthed, effeminate boys like these e-celebs are big tent fags who don’t want to lose their e-bucks. They see guns as a cool hobby or a way to make a dollar from ad revenues but never put their neck out and talk about the ADL ruining YouTube censorship because that would imply criticism of a Jewish organization.

We have two paths and we can’t JUST support guns and the second amendment.

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Popcorn in a watermelon, a classic

Fun fact, the leading cause of death in the 20th century was democide, or murder by the state.

What is this image and why does it make me uncomfortable?

Dad gangbang with pre loaded popcorn watermelon bowl.

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With my qt 3.14 gungrabber liberal gf

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It's just some good old boys

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There are goign to be left and right sides no matter what. The media is going to latch on to the people that will spout there line and with Millennial and Gen X in charge being lefty socialists. Well guess whos going to get the most play?

Have you noticed that everyone involved with that shooting was El atrocidad?

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Only the whites, and spoiler, they're less than 50%

This is stupid,theyre just bystanders watching the ceremony that they decided to have in a public park.
Fuck you man.

Not my baby emma shes just confused at the moment

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>only the whites
Lmao dude what the fuck are you on, growing up in the suburbs as a gen zed made me realize the populace that's right wing is mostly spics and asians with a few whites sprinkled here and there. Or at least in the cities.

We will see, every generation starts out more liberal then turns conservative as they age

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This. The promblem is everytime you see a Asian or Hispanic people automatically assume theyre immagrants. In reality they were born here and have conservative views and cherish thier freedoms.

This. They'll be just as feels.reals as millennials are. And so will every generation afterwards.

Hey Vsauce, Michael here

>In reality they were born here and have conservative views and cherish thier freedoms.
>muh based Asians
Being this delusional. The most militantly anti white people in this country are female Asians and spics.

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>arlington national cemetery
>public park
nigger what

Well there's your problem.
I have yet to meet a conservative female in my life that is not fat.

Some parks have cemetarys right behind them its not uncommon,we have one in my town its literally 2 minutes away from where kids play.

Arlington and the tomb of the unknown soldier are kind of a big deal.

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Well there won’t be a US anymore, so I guess they are gone.

Mine (Millenials) sure as hell isn't. I'm ashamed to share a generation with these cucks

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Sure thing.

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Gone, just like any economic prosperity, because the majority of the population on average will have a negative financial contribution to the state. Can't wait desu.

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The gen z is gun grabbing meme isn’s really true. They hate the NRA but they aren’t any more for gun grabbing politics than their parents.

Oh wow, I too believe everything the media tells me.

I believe that some part of north america will secede from the rest, because not everyone want to live in south america 2.0

>Where do you see firearm rights in the US in 50 years?
I don't see the US existing in 50 years. certainly not as currently constituted. Balkanization is at this point inevitable; the only question is whether it will be violent (as in Yugoslavia) or peaceful (as in Czechoslovakia).

You know, "What do you need an AR-15 for?" is a question that there *is* actually an answer to...

Alaska would be the best balkanised state

This man understands what's going down.
It all happened before, and what a time it was...

>female Asians
Is that why they always jerk me off when I get a massage? Is it to drain my life force for the greater good of the rising east?

How many rounds of "untouchable" ammo for myself and my wife for the down fall is good enough?

Also I am anticipating Russian/Chinese support of partisan right wing groups - should I buy an AK and a bunch of 7.62 or would people trying to subvert the US just ship us AR stuff knowing that's what we got? Should I just horde 7.62 and the mags?

The 2nd amendment defends the rest of the constitution

I'll own what the fuck I own boy. Think the gubment going too know?

Britz might of heard of the 1st amendment but they don't know the 4th.

>the children of millennials
just imagine

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you should have both a NATO rifle and a Combloc one.
ARs are pretty cheap these days and you can still find a deal on a Yugo SKS.
I'd suggest an SKS if you are budget strapped because stocking up on stripper clips is alot cheaper than trying to get a pile of GOOD surplus ak mags these days.

>being this wrong

>Where do you see firearm rights in the US in 50 years?

on existent. Millennials will destroy them. That being said they will probably also destroy the USA, western Europe and mankind and reduce the globe to a cave dwelling vegetarian matriarchy that worships homosexuals..

>Gen X in charge being lefty socialists

GenX is the most anti-communist/authoritarian/socialist generation that ever lived.

I actually am not terribly strapped but I was eyeing a new Yugo SKS anyways. Might just get that.

Thanks for the advice! Do you think Russia/China/enemies abroad help us overthrow our government for the sake of removing us from the global stage (something we would want anyways)? What would you suggest for pistols?

I have a Ruger 9e and like 5 magazines for it. Was thinking of a Glock 17 but what should I get for combloc?

Probably degraded at a federal level.

I suspect Deus Ex's NSF might become reality at some point.

I think people are more likely to try to vote for separation than terrorism. We're more likely to lose states as other ones turn into Brazil.

If history has been any indication China absolutely WILL fund communist factions in the case of an insurgency or civil war.
Handgun isn't as important because you won't be using it anywhere near as much, but if you want to hedge your bets then get whatever the chinks are using these days, if that's possible.

Anyone taki g this seriously should take a long hard think about how they sank so low.

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We have voting data. Only one group of people,whites, favor gun rights over gun control

Where's the lie though? You think things are just going to keep going the same way?

>US in 50 years

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>gun grabbers want to destroy """"""""white culture""""""""
user it's called western culture and you dont have to be white to have it.

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Unless there is a global collapse, firearm laws will be a lot worse.
You're delusional to think that large number of firearms equals less chance for gun grabbing.

>US in 50 years
wont be a US

>destruction of White Culture
get your head checked retard

>you dont have to be white to have it.

You really do actually. You are confusing politeness with truth.


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what about the whites that disagree with you?

It would make sense that it's majority white for gun rights on paper considering that most right wing minorities aren't going to show up on the tally counts because they're a minority to begin with and in these specific groups there is a lack of participation in voting. Which is in itself a problem yes, but in the leftie's day of the rope I guarantee they'll be on the lines with everybody else.

>what about the whites that disagree with you?

Well I just nod at them politely. There are a lot of idiots about,

Separatism will be a state movement and the Feds will use the military to enforce unity, as they did before.

>what about the whites that disagree with you?

Would you like to tell me what part non whites had in my nations history (Ireland)? I'm just curious to hear you disagree with me.

The word of the day is AstroTurf

>Where do you see firearm rights in the US in 50 years?
First of all, US won't exist as a united country 50 years from now (not even 20 years from now).

As for guns, 2A will be dead in 10 years. Demographics has changed and massive influx of brown and yellow people has doomed it.

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Can't wait. They can't reject me if they need me this time

You haven't? Most good-looking women are apolitical to a fault besides having a vague, pro-feminist sentiment. Makes sense, really. They can't actually find the motivation to vote on real issues because they don't contribute or digest anything of worth besides making babies. So they just default to a family member's POV.

Well, you see the answer to that is that you aren't white Paddy.

Woked user.

Well you see the problem my friend is a grew up in the ultra-libcuck suburbs of Chicago as a right wing spic. Not a very good place to meet good women.

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These BrockPosts™ always reek of the same snarky, you-go-girl non-arguments since they started posting in 2012 heavily.

No, fuck YOU.

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I hope youre not implying hispanics,blacks,and asians are purposley trying to destroy this country and take your guns.
You have part in the state of this country We put a fucking lunatic in the white house,we still havent done shit about mass shootings,were all to blame not just 1 specific race.

>Generation Z
Lmao. What did you think they would be? You don't understand the purpose of generational classifications. A new generation is classified only when one generation's culture is different enough to warrant a new classification. The only difference between millennials and gen Z is a demographic one.

Gen Z are the mutt generation. They really haven't even begun yet, but are clearly getting started strong. Ironically, given their name, they'll be the last generation before we devolve into a mad max/idiocracy tier situation. Get ready, at this point only a mass genocide of other tribes and traitors can save Western civilization.

Good god what a fucking degenerate, get that faggot nigger out of my country.

>I hope youre not implying hispanics,blacks,and asians are purposley trying to destroy this country and take your guns.
But when the issue inevitably comes up in the future, well demography tells us what the answer will be

>I hope youre not implying hispanics,blacks,and asians are purposley trying to destroy this country and take your guns.
Yes I am. They vote democrat. They are anti-gun.

>You have part in the state of this country We put a fucking lunatic in the white house,we still havent done shit about mass shootings,were all to blame not just 1 specific race.
Eat shit. Better yet, go back to where you came from.

Can't tell if this is bait or you're just retarded

See and This country is fucked. Import the third world, become the third world

Not really a lot of places anywhere, really. Good women hardly exist at all atm in the U.S.

Oh so it's not about race??
It's almost like each person should be evaluated based on what they think and do instead of the melatonin in their skin.

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Mods how is this not a discussion on gun control. Move this bullshit to Jow Forums where it belongs.

There it is! ShareBlue and Intel agencies start losing a discussion to posts like

And they start screaming for the “mods to delete!”

This is a pertinent discussion regarding an important topic - the legal foundation for which the preeminent country in the world based it citizens having weapons. go fuck yourself intel nigger

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>race is only skin

Shut it down!

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Too bad people think and act collectively

>Well, you see the answer to that is that you aren't white Paddy.

I see Protestants in the same way. However in neither my nations history of that or the inferior protonigger protestant culture are their in fact any notable individuals of literature, military, science or the arts who are not glow in the dark white in the last 1000 years. For example. We are on a weapons board. Who invented the flintlock? The percussion cap, the rifled barrel, smaokless powder,, the unitary cartridge, the howitzer, socket bayonet, etc. Please enlighten me on how brown skinned people contributed to the western weapons culture in the last 1000 years other than being killed by them?

>It's almost like each person should be evaluated based on what they think and do instead of the melatonin in their skin.

Well you can do that to but the about of melatonin in their skin sure is a great time saver.