OREGON Innawoods/Stalker Thread

So I've been wanting to go innawoods for some time, but I don't know the best areas. I don't mean hiking trails, I mean either good completely off trail locations or better yet, abandoned structures. I know most urbex locations near Portland are no more, but I was wondering if you guys knew of some locations to get that Stalker vibe going.

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82nd ave after midnight. Especially around powell/division lots of el goblinos there.

WAfag here
U guys r gay

You guys aren't too bad yourselves.

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Awhile back I was looking for abandoned buildings to do photography and they seem to be few and far between in oregon at least accessible sites. The closest shit I could find was eastern oregon. The other option is to go drive around in the sticks until you find some abandoned barn and hope the land owner doesnt shoot you.

Oregonfag here.
Use fortwiki, it's good for every state. Several old ww2 radar stations on the coast, a couple cold war era ones in east oregon. Even an OTH-B radar just like the brain scorcher... too bad it's still USAF property.

As for innawoods... for fucks sake all of western oregon is woods.

Oh, and the umatilla army chemical storage depot is supposed to be privatized.

Also the dunes, for that underrated Dune vibe.

Oregon fag here. Grew up in Coos Bay/North bend. Lots of old ammo bunkers there. Mostly full of homeless and druggies now. Now I live in the Portland area. Girlfriend's parents own land and house in the outskirts of Welches, lots of woods up there no motor vehicles allowed in large swathes of areas, no trails just woods. Guy could disappear around there.

Except for those sand niggers that live in eastern Oregon

Anyone know of any remote places to shoot around Sweet Home?

Are there any places that aren't remote around sweet home?

Oregon a shit I've had it, I'm leaving. Good luck bros, hope that PERS doesn't reduce you all to Venezuela-tier poverty.

I work for Portland, walk the spring water corridor or any wooded area near the city not actively patrolled by parks and rec if you want a stalker experience.

Do not do this without a firearm obviously.

Streams that flow through and around the city often have some cool areas that you might consider stalkerish.

92nd & Flavel

Nice dude. WAFag here with a vacation house off 101, north of north bend.

Oregon is full of faggots, especially around the Roseburg area.

Got any coords for the bunkers?

Sand fudds.

Yes...but fuck you I'm not saying

I mean, I've heard someone mention Bald Peter but I'm not 100% sure which logging roads I need to take to get up there.


Just did a lot of google crawling for my fellow stalkers considering an umatilla run. The army appears to have transferred or is in the process of transferring the land to the local government/ private investors so now is prime time to get in there when it's out of army control but they haven't demolished the bunkers, which could take some time anyway.

However an article in 2018 says the army is investing 25mil to redevelop part of the property which they are keeping for what sounds like some kind of reserve/ leadership training thing. I would guess this would be the southern maintained cluster of buildings. If you check it out there is another big cluster in the middle and some other shit spread around, hard to tell how up to date google earth is but I'm sure some cool stuff is around as of now.

I'd advise a northern or eastern entry parked deep into the farm circles and hopping in. Good luck STALKER.

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Here's a recent article.
National guard has and is presumably operating in their part. I feel like they may notice heavily armed, camo-clad figures traipsing across the plains.... I thought about stalking there but I'm not looking to get fucking shot

Also, nerve gas storage. Pick the wrong bunker? Enjoy relearning to eat

"The Oregon Military Department’s 7,500 acre portion of the 19,728-acre depot was transferred to the department in November for creation of an Oregon National Guard training facility, but the remainder of the land is still under the Army until the transfer to the CDA takes place."

My cigarettes don't cost fucking 12 bucks a pack, you fucking Olympia cucks.

PERS is fine, it's the fact that those fucking silicon valley transplants don't pay taxes that it can't be funded. Fuck Californians, we need to build a wall on the southern border.

Try Wheeler county. Nobody wants to live there, and there's a good chunk of abandoned farms and buildings. Turns out that Fossil is the shithole it sounds like.