Are the Helghast /our/ guys? Sure they're fascist assholes but damn do they have style

Are the Helghast /our/ guys? Sure they're fascist assholes but damn do they have style.

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No but I know who is.

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Don't be a bootlicker just because they look cool.

>t. Vektan who supports genocide

>sure they're fascist

thats what makes them /ourguys/

There is nothing wrong with Fascism or Nationalism you faggot

fascism is only really bad when it's the German aggressive autism kind

you can even have Republican Fascism

Nationalism is good.
Fascism is a nanny state.
Nanny states are bad for Jow Forumsommandos because of you disagree, you need to fight back. Fighting back means you need guns. Fighting back is bad for the nanny state, which means that the nanny state doesn’t want you to have guns to fight back with.

See what i’m Getting at here?
They’re aesthetic as fuck but i’d Never side with them. Frankly I probably wouldn’t go vektan either.

to be fair, fascism doesn't show up out of a void, they arise because of radical social change enacted by the left, so they don't spend their time oppressing average Joes, they're busy fighting a war

the top boy fucker in the Legion

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>There is nothing wrong with Government having absolute authority over citizens freedom

is this bootleg Sony Halo?

ave, amicus

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too bad they fucked the Killzone series

>Killzone 1
>4 different characters to choose from
>the character you choose sets the difficulty
>you can experience the campaign in different paths
>all guns have an alt-fire

>Killzone 2
>a literal carbon copy of CoD

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>glowing eyes
god I hate this shit meme that plagues every sci fi on the planet and ruins otherwise good aesthetics
why in the shitting fuck would you want lights inside your helmet, not counting the dim back glow from NODs

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Absolutely loved kill zone one. Best game I've ever played. Been kicking my self for over a decade that I can't play the sequels because I still only have a ps2. If the sequels are just cod with a helgast skin then I'm even more pissed, they could've gone so far with the story and game. I swear I remember reading in official playstaion magazine that they were going to make a movie out of it.

so the enemy knows you're an ebil spase nahtzee who uses infants as combination dog food/toilet paper

The Institute logo is kino.

Shame the story behind Killzone is so neglected. It's actually one of the few modern FPS storylines where the "bad" guys have actual reason and motivation behind what they're doing besides "because we're the bad guys".
Yeah, the Helghast are militaristic autocratic bastards with little regard for individual human life and a serious hate-on for Vekta. But it was Vekta who kicked them off that lovely Earth-like planet, forcing them to settle on a goddamn death world where you can't really afford to care about individual human life because you have to spend it in large amounts to make sure at some of it survives. Can you really blame them for invading Vekta?

Pic Related can do whatever the fuck he wants and he's proficient with every weapon known to man.

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Vetka are gay

I loved that picking the Helghast character made the the assault rifle/shotgun a beast. There are even maps where you can sneak around and your squad won't fire until you do or they're discovered, the swamp level I think.
Shame about the ending though.

Same, when I found out about the Helghast back story I got MAD AS FUCK at the ISA, they literally sold Vekta to them, and when the Helghast did so well and were thriving on Vekta, the UN/ISA was like "whoops, we take that back" and proceeds to invade. The only thing the Helghast did wrong was not building true warships, slapping some missles on cargo haulers a warship does not make.

But I have to draw the line at the later batshit insane fuckery the Helghast did. Nuking your own people and then planning to nuke Earth into extinction.
But then the ISA goes full retard and then nukes the planet, forcing the Helghast to live on Vekta.

Killzone had a fantastic story, with both sides doing completely fucked up shit, but the Helghast kinda edge out the atrocity meter, mowing down civilians to include children is all kinds of fucked up wrong.

Killzone 1 was severely underrated. The weapon alt-fires and different characters were awesome to play with, and they threw it out the window for the sequels.

>fascist assholes
>they literaly are the oppressed


considering the aesthetic was no shit copied from jin roh, it makes sense

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No killzone is part of a large sony "halo killer" series.

This is the only anime I will admit to liking. It is top tier.

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Get into Killzone lore and learn that the Helghast really are the good guys. A significant portion of the fanbase agree.

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He also gets owned like 4 times in the story, can't achieve power for himself, and leaves no cultural or genetic legacy.

The Helghast literally did nothing wrong. Look at the history of the setting. They were a corporation that colonized a couple planets in space. They were successful and brought prosperity to the region. Then, because they were so successful, the ISA comes in and invades them, takes their planet from them, and forces them to live on a hellhole wasteland of a planet called Helghan for no reason. The Helghast are rightfully pissed, so they build up their military and reinvade their homeland, Vekta. Then the ISA illegally assassinates their leader, and fucking nukes their planet killing 99% of their population. The ISA is indisputably the bad guys of the war, they're a bunch of bloodthirsty assholes.

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>t. Boomer cuck who loves diversity and thinks homogenous white civilization is fascism
OP faggot confirmed.
Jow Forums is a NatSoc board.
Like it or gtfo.

>Doesn’t do the playthrough where you rule Vegas.
Keep talking

>Jow Forums is a NatSoc board
Jow Forums isn't a board dumbass, and only Jow Forums is a NatSoc board.

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pol is the natsoc board
and even they are divided. sorry man.

And to be fair the reason Helghan was destroyed is because Stahl got into that pissing match with Visari and started a civil war. The Petricide event which destoyed the planet was a direct result of Stahl developing the prototype ship (which he hid from the rest of the Helghast leadership) in order to destroy earth which the ISA obviously would try to and did destroy.

Stahl hoisted the entire planet by his own petard.

>fuck off government REEEEEEEEEEEEEE
>pointlessly violent war-crime filled retaliatory strike
Yeah that's decently Jow Forums. More so than the ISA anyway. I'm still baffled by the ISAs plan in the last game to use a bioweapon against a race that's constantly wearing gas masks.

i'd fight em, preferably at night

who the fuck thought glowy eyes was a good idea for a military uniform?

Nigga you've probably been here less than 3 years

He probably hasn't even been outside Jow Forums for a week if he thinks anyone outside Jow Forums is NatSoc

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The prototype had been shot down by the ISA, it was completely neutralized as a threat, what the ISA did was nuke the wreckage, setting off the petracite warheads, which the chain reaction set off the rest of it.

What nearly every game does wrong is the "only bad guys on screen" trope, in reality (I was United States Coast Assault) there are civilians EVERYWHERE. Civilians out number soldiers 10/1 at LEAST, and in Afghanistan what made it so hard was the fact we couldn't just go full death blossom and carpet bomb everything around us.

When the Terracide happened, (Helgacide??? Cause Earth is Terra) millions, probably BILLIONS of innocent people were killed, women, children, people that were completely innocent of any wrong doing.

>Helghan are fascists
>somehow a bad thing
Please kill yourself now and never again sully the memory of the greatest galactic lebensraum that has ever graced Vidya.

ISA a shit.

>Stahl got into that pissing match with Visari

You mean Admiral Orlock, right?

>Fascism is inherently totalitarian and exclusive to dictatorships

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Shit I forgot about that, yea ISA just murdered billions of people for no fucking reason.

Yea I fucked up, Rico shot Visari by accident then Orlock and Stahl got into it.

>now you're thinking in 1 dimension
thats just what I needed

>That rifle

Looks like a vektor got gangbanged by an M4 and an H&K

>Nothing to my right but the wall
>Infographic shows the wall to the figure's left according to the perspective of the figure

>there is objective truth in politics
>"WE WUZ NATURE N SHEEIT" brand autism
>correlating said autism with political truth
>being as autistic as possible makes you correct
this is your brain on fascism everybody
don't be a retard

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>If you're not my specific definition of fascist you're the enemy!
Yeah, that'll totally work and not just result in everyone else teaming up to murderfuck you. Good plan. Anyway yeah OP the helghast are pretty aesthetic but honestly Jow Forums chafes pretty easily under any type of authoritarianism. Maybe that'd be different if we all held revenge boner for some sin committed against us but I dunno.

>Nothing to my right but the wall

What is Julius Evola?

>new Killzone
>still genociding the Helghast

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>germ warfare against the guys constantly wearing CRBN gear
You're joking, right?

The Helghast literally did absolutely nothing wring and are 100% justified.

>there are no natsocs outside of Jow Forums

Jow Forumstard

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Anyone ever figure out why the foot soldiers have ANZAC accents and all the higher ups are Germans?

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>tfw most Kerberos saga material is untranslated, out of print, and will never be translated

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How does it work?

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>carrying about a cheap knock off

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