Why were the Saxons so worthless in combat against the vikings?

Why were the Saxons so worthless in combat against the vikings?

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didnt generally attack military targets
heavy cav

because they cucked to the christgod. The age of heros is dead, the christgod killed it, now all we have is weeping martyrs.

They did okay for a bunch of amateurs



Christ God allowwed for the age of heros to happen. Pagans got btfo'd because they sucked too much cock instead of the Saxons, who eventually stopped farming and killed all the fucking vikings
viking pop now - near fucking nothing

Personally I think that the seafaring way of life the Vikings practiced simply created better military leaders. All sorts of things can happen on a trip across the sea to raid in England. Ships get separated or blown off course, storms may prevent you from approaching a planned landing site, maybe there's a bunch of pissed off archers waiting for you to slow down and navigate your way to shore (since you likely don't have charts for wherever you're landing).
Leaders of these raids would have to be able to adapt to whatever comes his way if he doesn't want to go home empty-handed, if he gets home at all. And even if you aren't in charge of the raid, there's no guarantee the leader will even arrive successfully, so you have to be ready to step up and take charge.

Because manlets gonna manlet.

*Loses the entire Middle East to Muslims*

Friendly reminder that viking is an occupation not a people and that there were christian and Muslim vikings.

>assimilation is "killing all the fucking Vikings"
>all the Vikings were in the English isles
>kings across the known world didn't buy their own based viking security services... especially Saxons
>the UK isnt filled to the brim with decendants of viking love children
>christian monks writing to Rome bitching about how all the Saxon women preferred the pagan Norse men over the Saxon men because the Norse actually bathed and groomed them selves unlike the Saxons because Jesus will smite you if you wash your ass for some reason

Saxons were Christians when they invaded Albion.
Vikings were BTFO everytime they had to fight a real army.

>don’t exist anymore

Norse didn't make maps nor are there any records of them using them.
>inb4 Vinland map
Its a proven fake

They weren't. Read a fucking book.

Yup, that's a bullshit.

Attached: england-danelaw-map.jpg (377x425, 33K)

Actually the UK norse genetics is much less than people think; there doesn't seem to be any genetic edvidence of a large influx of scandinavians into Northern England or even Scotland; they mostly just killed the leadership and took over, renaming a ton of places, but not actually replacing the population. Then they got Saxon'd later on.

Imagine being this fucking clueless about history

And Sicily is Danish

And then look at what happened to the Danelaw.

Attached: Earl1050.gif (810x1125, 14K)

Because the vikings avoided battles with proper military forces.

Attached: 4E9C3061-43DB-4978-B6DA-8E8705BD6B49.jpg (1532x763, 368K)

>Another retard appears!

Who are you quoting?

t. Sven Von Cuckshed

vikings used hit and run tactics against coastal/riverine farming communities. they used numerical advantage and surprise attacks against mostly unarmed/untraied farmers. remember, the vikings are not a people. viking is a job description. those men who would become vikings were the second sons of their fathers who would not inherit their father's farm. their only option was to a. kill their first born borthers or b. become vikings and steal shit/sell people into slavery. vikings are literally niggers.

Because it's hard to kill drugged up snowniggers.
Also, because the native woman blanda'd up with the snowniggers and got VIKANG'D, succesfully demoralizing the native male Saxon population


>muh shroom meme
When will this shit die? Stop getting your history from the history channel.

You've almost got it. Vikings were norse 'raiders', that went on raids on their longboats and mostly targeted coastal settlements.

The most prominent muslim raiders were "the barbary pirates". I am unaware what the christian equilevants were called.

If you want a broadbrush, brainlet answer: Effect of Christianity on society and social structure didn't help but it was still a 'warrior religion' in those times.

If you want the actual answer: It's not that simple and your conclusion is wrong to begin with, go read books and not out of date ones.

Interesting to note Bede predicted this generations ahead of time. It would have been more interesting to see the Anglo Saxon warlord-kings of the 7th and 8th centuries fight the Vikings, when dynasties depended solely on the leader's war/political cunning and there was little else to give continuity or stability to any dynasty.

Everyone had sea raiders user, but their were infact actual vikings that were infact actual Muslims and christians. Keep n minds the vikings raided and traded all over the known world.

Oooh, so you meant that some muslims and christians joined vikings on their raids? Yeah, I can see that happening.

>Everyone had sea raiders user
Like I said, norse raiders (sea) are called 'vikings', while the best know muslim raiders (sea) are called 'Barbary pirates'

No, the vikings took on many traditions of the peoples they encountered this includes religion. Yes some joined them others were taken by force influencing culture. When vikings converted they didn't just stop being vikings and go by a different name, the golden age of the vikings was a culture in decline the later vikings of this age were christen not pagan and then you've got the kevian rus and Baltic vikings...

Vikings traveled to the middle east, Africa , Asia and america look up the interactions with the skrealings user, the vikings where smart unlike the latter Europeans that came to America in that they forbid the trading of weapons to the skrealings
>probly not very coherent because tired and pain meds.

Also to add if you do bother to look into this you will non doubt come across mentions of gold Buddha statue found in a grave. Some say theorize that meant some vikings made it way into Asia and converted to budism of adopted Buddha into their house cult but don't buy it at all. Keep in mind that they loves shine things and placed a high value on material wealth, you'll also find that their are rings with Arabic found n burials. again I say its because of then shineyvand wealth over a fmuslim faith aspect but their are record an of Muslim Vikings but rare. Again sorry if I'm rambling or nonsensical

What's your point? They were obviously capable of getting across the sea to England, and more importantly, capable of getting back to where they came from. And they did it with enough reliability that one could make a living off it.

There's evidence of them having sun compasses and latitude compasses, among other navigation aids.

>Hey Sven, if we sail southwest and keep the sun between the second and third set of oars, we'll end up by this church I saw on my way back from last month's raid. Just look for the big rock that looks like a goat dick.

user didn't know if they had maps I informed him of theirlack of maps. Did I anger you in some way? And yes you are basically correct on theyr navigationalmeths I was also pointing out that Vinland map is a fake. I dot knownwhat you want frm ne, so sorry I geuss?

King Aethelred the Unready literally ordered that every Dane in England be killed.

Attached: 1499830483040.jpg (1007x1080, 500K)

Literally failed and was cucked by Olaf

That's hardly the point. When one's king decrees that a specific group of people must, by law, be slaughtered to a man, one can hardly call those people "assimilated."

>doesn't matter still cucked

Good points.

An important point to make is that the Norse who chose to go raiding where already a step above their own countrymen. The average farmer or fisherman just stayed home. The anglo-saxon armies on the other hand would be comprised of large amount of militia with little motivation or ability. It doesn't really matter if you have a bigger army if it is also more likely to break. In the period its really just which army who flees first that losses. With each victory morale would drop even further amongst the anglos.

Danelaw existed for roughly a hundred years. I wouldn't really take that as evidence of the ango-saxons btfo the vikings

It's Christianity.

It makes people weak.

Tbh that is a pretty good tactic when fighting a larger force. If a smaller forces evades you repeatedly, raids you towns and steals all your cattle your hardly going to feel like you won. Or be in a good position come winter.

Unironically this

The saxons were badass raiders that did the exact thing that the vikings did, but to the britons, but they were pagan then.

When saxons were converted by the brythons and romans, they become cuckold.

Mainland saxons are pretty cool though, with Henry the fowler and Otto the great basically 4D chess Charlesmagne's empire and turns it into a German empire.

Histories biggest empires have been Christian

That's during Age of Sea era, Christianity ain't so big anymore.


And the romans fell soon after converting. Christianity is a fucking blight on humanity. We were stronger before and we'll be stronger after this filth is removed.

Actually most scholars think a) it didn't happen as a whole sale massacre and b) there would not have been any easy way to tell settled Danes apart.

More likely it was targeting recent Danish mercenaries who had, or were planning on betraying the Anglo-Saxons and got BTFO. Led by Pyrig, potentially.

Æthelreds terms are rather vague. Roach' s book on him covers it pretty well and came out within the last year or so.

Sure that's both right. But he didn't specify an era.

This is all true, "vikings" were good at individual fighting and small unit skirmishes but were hopeless when it came to actual strategy and large unit tactics, simply because they had never been up against larger forces before.
It's not until vikings that had served in the Varangian Guard started to bring back knowledge from serving in Constantinople that they started to get a better understanding for it, and by then the "Viking age" was just about already over.

> but their were infact actual vikings that were infact actual Muslims and christians.

no there wasnt and you need to go into a mass grave

The Vikings generally attacked and GTFO before the Saxons could get their shit together, Longboats were good for damn near anything, sometimes sailing miles upriver to lay siege to a fortified town. The Norse had terrific strategic mobility up until they started settling down and at that point the Saxons became more and more dane-ish while the vikings became more and more saxon-y.

Between that and people figuring out where Denmark was the vikings lost their advantages.

dont try to act like you know something when youre on a trip m8 it sounds retarded a f

Did mommy make you go to church last week.

You mean by the Irish. Until Whitby anyway.

hey kid want to try some mushrooms

>didnt generally attack military targets

They were able to out manoeuvre them. Also, your average Viking had been cracking heads, drinking blood and slinging dick for a living since adolescence. Their entire society was dependant on raiding, so it stands to reason they were pretty good at it.

>the reason i said generally
wait you're just pretending to be retarded ? right