This show was the shit growing up in India
about three friends that Join the Army and there trials and tribulations
half the show was set in the Bosnia war the other during Siachen conflict
it had decent action scenes for the time and a lot of weapon porn

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Loo i get it ha ha very funny
I know my county's a shithole I am reminded of it everyday

My favorite kino from your tribe

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We can't help ourselves Pratesh. However, if a war ever breaks out between you and the Chinese I'll be cheering for you.

This, India might be the butt of the joke here, but I'd take them over the Chinese any day of the week

I'd take the chinks, honestly. At least they don't shit in the street as much, and they have some women that are actually attractive.

if it makes you feel better i always had a hard on for qt curry negresses. too bad all the good looking ones seem spoiled as fuck.

>At least they don't shit in the street as much

You'd be suprised.

At least they have designated shitting streets in india. Chinese just shit everywhere, all around the world.
>Outside the Louvre in Paris, there's a sign in Mandarin which tells visitors not to defecate in the surrounding grounds. This sign is only written in Mandarin Chinese.

Attached: Guangzhou_Man_Defecating_on_Subway_031.jpg (600x400, 52K)

Honestly i think its a bit 50/50 if we ever to go war however i do fell some Indians are fucking delusional to an extreme degree thinking that we can take them with out any problem cause every war we've been involved was against Porkistan

well every guy has a hard on for Pakistani chicks(its an enigma we re in we hate the Pakistani men but we do find the women attractive)

Ya gotta have thick skin to post on Jow Forums. Be glad you’re not Chinese.

Good lord! An adult literally shitting on the floor, in a crowded subway and looking down in shame. Can't he hold his shit in until he's at home?

Care to explain why Bollywood tends to behave like an anime movie/show?

>Implying he has a toilet at home

No idea but i do like Bollywood films cause how weird they can get but i will admit that our shows and TV serials are horrendous the worst things in existence so cringe inducing with bad acting bad plots overly stretched narratives

I do prefer Pakistani tv series I don't like Pakistani people but there tv serials are compliantly made and have effort put into them

>At least they don't shit in the street as much

Nigger, wtf are you on about? The street shitting meme originated in China, it took a couple of years of concerted effort by ChinkShill Inc. to shift the focus to India. Any way you look at it- per capita, gross tonnage, as a percent of national throughput- China generates volumes more street shit than India. There is a significant shit gap, as a matter of fact.

>and they have some women

No they don’t. A few decades of One Child policy took care of that.

Or until he reaches a public toilet or until he reaches a more private place, doesn't matter.

Memes aside, a war between you and China would be an ugly bloodbath. Something like the Iran-Iraq war writ large, with bonus nukes.

Jeez, I didn't know it was this bad in Guangzhou (a city in China).

>Iran-Iraq war 2: Shitflinging edition
This needs to happen.

Attached: image.jpg (470x606, 64K)

No it wasn't. Water Rats was great on Stars India also Zee TV had decent shows.

Kill the Pakistanis already

You're telling me you've never had a close call? Like a sudden unexpected painful urge to shit, and you got lucky in finding a toilet nearby? What if you hadn't gotten lucky?

I have IBS and live in a constant state of background anxiety when I'm not at home, because of this exact reason

thankfully chinks are a bunch of incredibly thin skinned autists so Jow Forums's automatic chink insult defense network drives them all to some other shit board like /his/ or Jow Forums

that's muslim writing how is that indian

also not talking about mahabarata
or ramayan

That's why I said "as much".

Attached: indian hygiene.jpg (855x534, 713K)

>China now has a population of 1.38 billion, compared to India's 1.31 billion, according to new data from the United Nations.
Hi Pajeet. Sorry, numbers don't work like that. Maybe you street-shitting chucklefucks could do more than pound out shitty javascript if you actually knew how math works.

Attached: Open-Defecation-in-the-World-national-2012.jpg (1898x727, 208K)