Do you own a sword Jow Forums? If you own one, have you trained in its use?

Do you own a sword Jow Forums? If you own one, have you trained in its use?

Attached: i got your nose.webm (406x720, 308K)

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I own a kaiser blade, some folks call it a sling blade.

>that webm
Wow both of those retards 0/10 would not party with

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Yeah, I have a collection in my autism room. I've just always really enjoyed them. Started collecting when I was eleven. Mainly European swords through the ages.

Yes. Yes.
Would I actually use it over a gun? Hell no. The gun is a lot easier to train with.

>The gun is a lot easier to train with.
What could be easier that using a sword?

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I have a pair of old British military sabres from a great-grandfather, I think from WWI.
I do not however train with them and larp as a modern swordsman like a fedoralord.

Well he's gonna have a cool scar now at least

Getting shot by somebody pointing a gun at you.

Yes and yes

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good point

What the fuck...just what the fuck.

Remember when that one fuck tried to cut an empty beer can with a katana and cut a dudes hand?

I know the reason is drunkenness, but this shit is unbelievable.


Is that adulthood then? Squirreling away all of your autism into shadow boxes in one small room and then just keeping the door shut? Is this what I have to look forward to? There’s just a stump in one of my rooms, the other is a pile of books and animal skulls. I don’t wanna grow up!

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>Is that adulthood then? Squirreling away all of your autism into shadow boxes in one small room and then just keeping the door shut?
Basically. My wife lets me use $50 every month for something I want so every year or two I have enough saved to buy a new gun.

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find the webm wih audio
you can hear the clank when the steel touched the bone

I like mustard on my biscuits

You should be put against a wall and cuddled you degenerate

The reference
Your head

Your head
My hands cuddling you

I know that guy IRL.

He's actually not that much of a mall ninja as you'd think.

Please tell me you're kidding otherwise kill yourself cuck. If what you said is true, I hope you're a genetic dead end. We need less little weak cucks running around.

>not being in charge of your own finances
Is she the bread winner or something? I don't get it.

>my sife let’s me

Not him, but my wife is the bread winner and I still manage our finances. There's literally no excuse for being this much of a bitch.

thats almost as bad as the webm where the drunk guy throws a dart in a drunk girls eye. i love these gory ass party fouls

dude. 50 a month, wow. what are you saving up for?

i got two Great War era bayonets that are about a foot long. they are pretty much daggers.

i feel bad for the dude in the hat
someone convinced him to lean back with a sausage in his mouth looking like a fag at a gay bar
And then let a retard slice his nose off
lessons were learnt

Watching people get shot doesn't bother me one bit, but there is just something awful about seeing/hearing a blade hitting a human body.

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post sauce

>my wife lets me spend 50$ a month
Holy shit man grow a fucking pair

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thats an orgasmic sound


Maybe his wife is hot and has a golden pussy?

>tfw mouth breather for the foreseeable future

Never amazes me what white people do when they get drunk and start listening to shitty music.

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'Bout time you learned, boy.

Kaiser Blade...

Attached: kaiser_blade.jpg (640x640, 19K)

... Sling Blade.

Attached: slingblade.jpg (1000x1000, 18K)

Or Surveyor's blade or ditch bank blade, but you can't expect a man with mental deficiencies or who has to spend an above average time around Dwight Yoakam to get everything right.

I've recently started taking fencing lessons. Learning classic Foil and Saber. So I'll probably be buying a sword in the near future so I don't have to use the clubs gear.

Because drunk black people don't do shit?
Sure m8.

That’s a yo-yo.

I have one as a wall hanger, but I don't have enough 'tism to go out and play warrior with one.

That's what my guns are.

Bet the little one has spent some time with her head locked between the big one's thighs.

>my wife let us me

neck yourself

Just one I got from my friend as a birthday present. No real uses for it.

havn't been able to date it that well bat it is an 1800's prussian saber I got from my great uncle for doing an oil change on his kia. He was a ww2 vet on fixed income so he couldn'y pay me but wouldn't let me go without taking something. He got it when he was young doing trash pick up with his brother in lynn mass and someone had thrown it out.

I'd rather have a halberd desu

How does it feel like that your wife fucks you in the ass?

>someone convinced him
BAHAHAHA. He's an adult. No one "convinced" him of shit. He's in the hospital on his own accord, stop blaming everyone else.

Point that finger at yourself.

That's a Lochaber Ax.


I dont own sword but I am trained in the Longsword and the Estoc, with some training in the Rapier too.

I hav my bayonet and some training in knife fighting for home defence though.

A lot of weapons have their roots in farm implements.

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>Make a movie reference

I hope a squirrel climbs up through your urethra and gnaws its way through your balls while your parents shame you in front of everybody.

Using a club.

I own multiple swords, mostly replicas from the Age of Chivalry and the 1400's. I also have a suit of armor from the time period.
I'm not a mall-ninja though, and I think it's a shit idea to use them as actual self-defense weapons. I just have an interest in HEMA and I like to spar with them every once in a while.

>white people

Elmore is a point blank autist retard. I've met him too and he is peddling absolute bullshit

This, swords were just sidearms

Who said anything about black people dummy

Where do i get a katana that's not cheap cosplay garbage but also not autistically bladesmithed from moon rocks

Is there a $500 katana

Aw fuck man, fuuuck.

I wanted this.

fuck off nigger

yes there is

it isn't these shitheaps

Paul Chen/Hanwei is the go to for a decent monosteel katana

Coldsteel cutlass machete. Train as much as any drunken pirate. Should have got the gladius but that handgaurd and 30 inch reach with stabbing point is sweet. Now I can buckle some swash. Does anyone make a good polymer flintlock pistol stock to go with it? Really kinda digging the idea of LARPing as a "tacticool privateer".

Yes, I am the shashka user from the fuck up thread

I have owned many. Mostly Japanese. I trained in Eskrima which is a philipeno martial art utilizing a short blade or stick. I don't own any swords now. They are neat when you are young, but they are obsolete. Guns are brutal enough OP, you don't want to start hacking people up with a blade. Just watch it on the TV box.

Yes I do. One "viking" sword. a 1796 light cavalry sabre and a european arming sword. Also own a couple of knives and bayonets.

I've practised kendo, iaido and HEMA at various times, so for some of these I have a bit of training in how to use them.

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I own an Épée, does that count?

>another triggered white bitch

>have you trained in its use?
Define actual sword training. Not seeing a lot of those classes around. Fencing counts, but a bit tough to "real world" that...

No, it's not. The lochaber axe doesn't have a hooked blade, it has a separate hook facing rearwards.

Attached: kilr-lochaber-axe1.jpg (562x180, 13K)

>do you have a sword?
>I have a [sword], does that count?

He just let you take it that easily?

A spear

you're suppose to have two friendo

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I need the second from the bottom.

>fuck this wheat in particular.jpg

I have one.
Use to practice around with it a little bit and find any source material I could to study about it.
In the end I just realized it was a sharp stick and if I really ever had to use it I'd most likely just try to impale someone.
So I got a gun instead.

Paul Chen blades are pretty good. I picked up a laminated steel (folded I suppose, but has the soft core) one for around 500 a couple years ago. It's not stainless steel so you have to be really careful about oiling it. Otherwise it needs to be polished and that's not easy with a sharp blade. It's really surprisingly sharp. I wouldn't recommend this but some blades if you put pressure on them, don't move at all just pressure and see if it cuts. I've done this with my finger with hardly any pressure and I can feel a little score where it cut through a couple layers but not enough to draw blood. I honestly feel like it's a decent brand from the one I got.

If you haven't had one before it's probably a bit better to go a little bit cheaper on an actual shinken type blade and then not be afraid to try to learn how to do stuff like polish, sharpen, or do a different fitting rather than a nicer type because they come out really well done from the box and you probably don't want to make mistakes on too nice of a blade.

Swedish infantry sergeant's sabre m/1899. Not seen all that often on auctions and whatnot, but everyone's all about the tarted up officer's version, so they seem to stay cheap.

Attached: m1899 01.jpg (852x538, 153K)

lol cringe thread. This shit is gay as fuck.

Own a weird repro cavalry sabre.
No, I do not study the way of the sword.

So what? They'll still kill you dead. As a civilian, a sword would be more sensible anyway.

he gave it to me and wouldn't let me leave till I took it. He knew I collected war memorabilia.

How do I get her job?