How do I Jow Forumsill?

I caught a pigeon to eat , fed it cornmeal to get the toxic shit out of its system and prepared to slaughter it, but just before I was about to bring the chopper down my entire body froze up and I couldn't move.

I realise that modern society has made people too soft and has created a psychological wall in me that I have to surpass in order to kill without hesitating.

I'm not a pussy and I know that killing is necessary to survive, so I am asking you guys who have hunted animals(or humans), how do I get past this wall that is making me hesitate?

I live in a shitty place and one day someone is definitely going to break into my house and that hesitation is going to let them kill me and I don't want that. Please advise me

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Pigeons are cool, guy. Leave em alone.

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It is your killer instinct which must be harnessed if you expect to survive in combat. Your rifle is only a tool. It is a hard heart that kills. If your killer instincts are not clean and strong, you will hesitate at the moment of truth. You will not kill. You will become dead

just kill it and get over it ya big baby, cant execute a god damn bird you should be ashamed.

it's pretty simple to be honest.
don't eat anything else until you eat the pigeon.
the question isn't can you kill, it's can you kill when you have to. right now, you simply don't have to. wait until you don't eat for a couple days and all that's standing between you and turkey dinner is the life of one flying rat

Just get angry and remember that liberals are pussy's and will never be able to survive like you can. Also remember animals would eat us just as fast if they could but "most" know we are the king of the food chain. Take advantage of that.

Just do it. I'm going to get edgy on you right now. I've tortured animals as a teen. Cut the neck of a pig while it's bleeding out. Shot and killed a couple other animals. You just do it. Accept that you are death in this moment. That pigeon is food. You are meant to put it out of it's misery. Grab the bird by the neck , slam it on the cutting board over the sink and cut it's head off. Hold it until it stops moving and proceed to do what you need to do. Don't hesitate. Just do it. It will forever change you but it's a good way to start becoming a man.

Have you butchered already-dead animals before? If not, that may be a good place to start. "Butterflying" a turkey and cooking it hot&fast is the best way, btw. Especially if you brine it first. No sawdust-texture to the breast meat. It doesn't even need gravy.

You could also start with animals more distantly related. Lobster, for instance. You boil some salted water and then dunk them into the pot head-first.

I think an important part of the process is is thanking the animal for its (unwilling) sacrifice. Respect it. Waste nothing.

Empathy does not make you weak, it makes you human.

Also, for what it's worth, plants feel pain, albeit slower.

>Not knowing that modern pigeons are domesticated cousins of rock pigeons raised for meat

Ever heard of "squab"?

Don't cut the head. It's harder that way and brutal. Take your index and put the forefinger on its throat. Put your thumb on the back of it's head and slightly squeeze and tilt your hand back. This will suffocate it very quickly as birds don't have great lung capacity. It's won't move much. It's how I finished doves as a child. Now I just twist the head off, but you aren't ready for that.

This user knows what's up

Knowing what they are and not wanting some angsty teen incel to kill them for stupid reasons are far from mutually exclusive

Learning to kill, clean, butcher and cook your own meat is a great way to deepen your appreciation for the food you eat.

i just rewatched that movie

cry some more birdcuck

Fuck off, bird autist, they're vermin, literally worse than rats nowadays as far as cities are concerned.

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Is that you, Mike Tyson?

Why would anyone break in? You eat pigeons. Something tells me you don’t have millions in bearer bonds hidden in your study.

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this desu

I remember how good it tastes, tunnel visioned on the neck and just slit the goats throat. Looked and smelled horrible though as I used a flamethrower to burn off it's hair.

the whole trick that they spend weeks training you to do in boot, is acting without thought. you have to to just do it, impulsively, reactively, and not contemplate it till after

You can either become desensitized to the act of killing or ritualize it. Against people it's necessary to do the former but when it comes to game we've developed countless hunting rituals to root ourselves into a tradition older than speech. Appreciate the animal, ensure a humane and dignified end to it and treat the meat with respect.

I will tell you, you will be scared shitless when it goes bump in the night.
You should go down the killer line your ancestors did too, because here you are.
You WILL pull the trigger and your ancestors will cheer on you.
But you won’t pull the trigger if it isn’t necessary e.g. no bump in the night.
Fast for a week only drinking water, and visit the pigeon every day.
Smell it, lick it.
You will start dreaming eating him after the second day, then your hunger will disappear, but the dreams will still come.
Your smelling sense will improve, any kind of food, you will be able to pick it up.
Then strike the pigeon, and eat him.

You have never killed anything in your life. That's way too autistic. Just grab the bird and smash it's head or cut it's head off in the bathtub so the blood drains or something. It's literally a stupid bird.

OP is too much off a pussy so I wante to help him
He can literally grab it by the head and neck and act like it is a bottle

Oof. Back blast is bad for you teeth but can do wonders for headache and hangover.

>eating a gutter rat
Just let the stupid thing live. Its basically a ghetto mourning dove, they make cool noises.

Last summer when I was mowing the grass I hit a nest of baby rabbits. It was in the center of my yard. The mother rabbit had made the nest in a small recessed spot in the wide open and covered it in some grass.

I obliterated a couple of the rabbits and turned them into rabbit smoothie with the mower but two were just wounded. One had a rear leg amputate and the other had its spine shaved by the mower and you could see the exposed vertebrae.

Without hesitation I lifted the two wounded baby rabbits out of the nest and placed them on the ground so I could stomp on their heads and put them out of their misery as fast as possible. I didn't even hesitate. I just did it. They were both screaming and obviously in horrible pain.

Looking back it is kind of amazing how I just took action and killed them without even thinking about it. I knew it would take me too long to go run inside and find some sort of tool to kill them with so I just smashed their heads with my heel in a quick and firm stomp.

Yeah I've had that happen to me. I keep a small garden so rabbits are always nesting somewhere near by. One summer I mowed over a half dozen of them. Had to finish them remainders off with a shovel. Cats had carried them off by the end of the day.

>catches a sky rat, wants to eat it
Stick with the store bought paleo diets fuckwad

Don't raise a single animal for the purpose of killing and eating it. You grow attached. Raising several animals makes for less attachment and less psychological stress.

>eating pigeon
I know most of this board is retarded but its a fucking pigeon, it has a diet worse than most rats

That seems like an awful lot of work to eat a single pigeon

OP needs to get breeding pairs and start farming squab.

The real moneys in scub anyway.

Getting prepared to kill and eat a pigeon and getting prepared to kill a rampaging chimp in your living room are two entirely different things. The chimp poses a lethal threat to you. Perhaps taking care of that pigeon makes it hard to kill, but this doesn't necessarily cross over to shooting a chimp.

why the fuck did you catch a pigeon to eat it?

You're panicking and telling yourself you have to put them out of misery quickly. Seems a lot easier than killing an animal who's just there.

> just before I was about to bring the chopper down my entire body froze up and I couldn't move
>I'm not a pussy
Pick one.

It's normal. No one's accusing you of not being manly, stop projecting your insecurities.


Burt pls go back to sesame st.

Your dad telling you this all the time isn't what made him manly.

I shot a crow with an air rifle when I was 12 (I'm 26 now). Crows attack the songbird nests here and are vermin.
I felt bad for about 30 seconds immediately after I shot it but then I felt fine, then I thought about how cool it would be to shoot my own meat.
TL;DR In an afternoon I grew up a little bit and stopped being a faggot.

there's a difference between killing an animal for food when you aren't starving and fighting for your life
i'm pretty sure you'll do fine

based dad

You need to go back.


Yeah Sparrows are what gave me my ability to selectively kill. After watching a pair of those fucks kill a nest of peaceful Robins I decided to wage war. Currently I'm trying to keep them away from where the Swallows are nesting because I think those birds are cool as fuck when they divebomb people.

meant for

I saw a guy on one of those bike-drawn carriages run over a bunch of Pigeons in Croatia last summer.

Fucking vermin.

>fed it cornmeal to get the toxic shit out of its system
Nothing you can do to a city pigeon will make it into clean food. You might as well eat a sewer rat. If you want to hunt your own food, get out into the countryside.

you should have reservations about killing something.
Feeling nothing when you kill something for no reason is serial killer tier shit.
Also if you're going to catch animals for food, choose something less fucking shit than a pigeon, wtf? You're the kind of dude that would actually try to eat wild boar.

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It's not fun, especially the first time seeing a fish shake as you cut through it's spine. Or stomping mice in a trailer.

pigeons are flying rats that shit all over everything
fuck them i hope they all die

ducks are /ourguys/

thats pretty metal

You fucked up by bonding with that shit. Hunting and gathering is natural. Raising/bonding with an animal before killing it is not. Do you see lions sitting in a circle around gazelle as they get stronger for more meat?

jeez user, Croatians arent that bad

>Raising/bonding with an animal before killing it is not.
what do you think farmers have done for thousands of years?

>Killing the friendliest bird.

After feeding pigeons for awhile they will literally allow you to pick them up, they wont/can't hurt you. Why the fuck would you kill an adorable pigeon waifu just to eat it lackluster meat, just eat a chicken or better yet kill an animal who's meat has more sustenance than that.
Also pigeons lay eggs that taste like chicken eggs only they don't lay them at an insane rate so eat those.
Fuck the pigeon haters.
-Pigeon Breeder user

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>pigeon breeder user
Is it easy to train a carrier pigeon? How do they know where to fly? Can they only learn to fly to one place and back?

>Is it easy to train a carrier pigeon?
Yes, but it takes time all the while you are risking your bird being eaten by predators.

>How do they know where to fly?
They are animals of habit so you have to travel a short distance away from their home so that they can still see it and wait for them to return. Eventually bring the bird to the edge of your neighborhood/block and then wait for them to return.
Over time they will recognize the surroundings of their home well and you can release them a mile away from their home and they will return.
If you keep on increasing the distance then pigeons are known to travel several hundred miles to return to their home.
There are pigeon races that start in France and end in the UK to give you an idea of how far they can travel.

>Can they only learn to fly to one place and back?
You can train them to return home from several different locations if you want.

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Interesting, good luck with your bird related endeavors.

So they can get home just fine from whatever location, that makes sense.
But how do they know where to go?

Bullshit. You can just yank the head right off of a pigeon. Chickens have more structural integrity.

>not wanting some angsty teen incel to kill them for stupid reasons
He specifically prepped it for eating. He is making conscious, pragmatic actions to exit the world of the angsty teen incel. Give OP a break.

Thanks user. I am not a bleeding heart about every animal being killed but I've kept them long enough to feel the same way that some cat or dog owners feel about their pets.

Pigeons are oddly mysterious, I'm not sure how they return home from very long distances, I've never raced my pigeons but I've heard from reading and word of mouth that they use the position of the sun and or magnetic fields or some wizardry like that to pinpoint their location. I can confirm that their vision is very good during the day though.

Look up project pigeon, the US Navy as used pigeons for a number of interesting experiments.

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farmers dont bond with their animals you gay faggot
maybe at the start they have a few they pay close attention to and bond with but after several cycles of shipping them out to get killed they learn to stop doing it because it makes them feel bad
t.lived on a farm when I was a kid

train your faggy birds to stop shitting all over everything

>shipping them out to get killed
you know, rumor has it, thousands of years ago, you killed your own livestock and ate it.


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Yeah but now agriculture is specialized. One place raises the animal, the other kills them. Have you ever been out of your basement long enough to realize the world doesnt work like it does in your head?

well I was talking about modern farmers
but even then my point still stands, after several cycles of killing the animals they learn to not get attached

I have raised animals for meat. I named them, petted them, healed their wounds, gave them treats, and showed them a general good time. And then I eat them. I don't think I'm a sociopath, it's just nice knowing they had a good life, instead of living on some shit factory farm. There is no reason to treat an animal poorly just because you are going to eat it.

You're right, you are edgy and you probably should have finished your self off years ago.

Nevermind that you could have just told him to yank it's neck like an actual Hunter. Not that it matters since there's about a 2000% chance it's going to be a complete waste of fucking time since he probably work anything in the kitchen that isn't a microwave

>adorable pigeon waifu
You're doing god's work. Every bird deserves to be cherished and loved. They're great companions.

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>In an afternoon I grew up a little bit and stopped being a faggot.
By showing favoritism for songbirds vs one of the smartest species of birds. Interesting view of growth. And I say that as someone that's eaten a shitload of the species in North America

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That's just the livestock lobby propaganda spreading lies to keep livestocks from being banned.

Everyone knows that your local meat department makes meat in vitro.

Yes you retard, you can obviously yank the heads off, nobody is saying you can't. He's saying it harder for OP to stomach it. Goddamn man look at the context

I remember when I was 16 and on spring break and staying on my mom's ex-bf's ranch.
He let me fuck around with his funs.
An old Cooey .22 bolt-action caught my eye, was actually really fun to shoot and plink with.
Few moments later when he's out doing ranchy things on his ranch, saw a small blue bird sitting on his front porch 10 yards from me, lifted the rifle, took aim and fired. In less than 5 seconds I took a life, picked it up and fed it to his cats. The end.

Build a mini guillotine and re-enact the French Revolution. In seriousness, I do lab research and used guillotines to kill rats for some experiments. Most of the time is od-ing them on anesthetic gas.

>I couldn't kill a pigeon for food
>But I'm not a pussy guys