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>your vacation destination when your budget is low. Welcome, everybody, to Fresno
Can anyone recommend me a good brand for hooker repellent thats not too expensive? Everything at my local lgs and hunting stores are wayyy out of my budget.
What started off as a minor nuisance has turned into a huge problem. I cant get food for my family anymore because i cant walk to Wal*Mart without getting stung by hookers.

And to answer the user from the last thread who just moved here; no, you cannot use the gun ranges until winter. The methheads hibernate in the snow.

Attached: fresno_ca_van_ness_portal.jpg (1200x801, 128K)

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If you vacation funds are low, why even go to Fresno? Just spend it on gas money and drive out to some woods/river/etc and camp out and enjoy yourself and nature for a few days.

Nobody in Fresno owns a car except for the druglords and meth taxis. People vacationing in Fresno are usually from Fresno anyway.

I live in Coarsegold, I can confirm this is in fact isn't true.

No one ACTUALLY lives in Fresno.

Of course you do, or atleast you will soon. I heard a couple of the warlords are teaming up to take over Coarsegold and make it a part of Fresno so they can split the land and have greater influence.

Fuck you flat lander. Stay the fuck out of Murdera county if you know what's good for you.

So which is objectively the worst town, fresno or bakersfield? And why?


Bakersfield at least has the oil industry. Bakersfield is basically little Dallas in California. It has it's problems, bu it's not Fresno or Madera bad.

Why the fuck are you even here OP?
Anyways good spots to avoid are P street and vantura ave if you want to get away from hookers Same with some spots on blackstone at night.

A good cheap hooker repellent i have two suggestions Pepper-spray i found one at a hardware store for around 20$ i forget the brand
Or a used glock as the pimps may not be so happy with out, there are a couple gunstores that sell used handguns and i once saw a glock used for around 235-350$

Somebody needs to shop “arbeit macht frei” in place of the motto.

>vacation destination
Aryan Earth.


Hahahahaahahhaha you deserve to get hep-c from a hooker bite if you're seriously "vacationing" in fresno. I lived there for most of my childhood, can confirm it's a shithole. However at the end of welbarn rd off auberry rd there's a great trail down to the San Jaquin or however you spell it. But seriously why and what are you even going to do inside fresno?

"Can I pay you next week?"

Blossom trail is a good one if you have gas money and a car, if not there is a trail behind shaver that leads to the peak if i remember correctly.

Californian here. Why the hell would anyone go to Fresno? I mean there is an airport but that's about it.

Op explain yourself, I at least have the excuse that my dad worked at the national guard unit. WHY??!


>Not Visalia

>Not every city in the central valley.

I can find nothing to dispute in your post.
T. Born and raised in Sanger.


t. Former sufferer that escaped to the beautiful PNW with no mag caps and no stupid pistol roster.

Post your brown skin

People seem to forget that california for the most part is really really fucking sad and awful. but i guess we have LA, SD, SF (not you, oakland!), Sac, yeah actually its pretty diverse. but most of it is sad desert nomans land.

The valley is a depressing, spic-filled methy dumb. So fucking glad I got out. I worked customer service for telecom for a bit and was tortured by flyover bumpkins asking me if I go to the beach daily.

Fresno is the new jersey of cities. When youre not being conscripted into fighting by your local warlords, youre stepping over methheads at the gun range just to pop off a few rounds until they steal your ammo when youre not looking. Its like mad max, far cry 2, and escape from new york combined. Why the fuck would you not want to live there?

yet. It's coming for you too Kevin.

No hablo

Alright listen up faggot, here's the most important thing you need to know about Fresno, there ain't JACK SHIT to do here. HOWEVER, it is a great jump off point to see the rest of California or Nevada

>Monterrey and the Coast just 3 hours to the west
>Las Vegas is 5 hours to the East
>Sierra Nevadas, Bass and Shaver Lake, Coarsegold/Oakhurst, Yosemite and all sorts of natural beauty just an hour or two drive to the north
>LA and all its beaches just 3 hours drive to the South

As for Fresno itself, I recommend staying in Clovis just Northeast to it, its a lot nicer and safer than Fresno itself. Avoid the homeless people, do not go south of Ashlan and DO NOT go to Southwest Fresno or as I like to call it, Sheriff Dyer's containment zone.

If you INSIST on doing something in Fresno itself, try Old Town Clovis. Downtown or the Tower District ain't worth it, the college kids don't even go there and its crawling with stray gangbangers and feral homeless people.

Good luck and go fuck yourself

Dyer is chief of police, the sherrif is a lady

Some of the tweakers are even friendly. I met Fred the Friendly Tweaker the other day at the end of my shift at work.

>Closing up the warehouse because our isntallation crews are back and orders for the next day pulled
>Lowering last roll-up door
>Hear "Woah, woah, woah, brother, you got a minute?"
>Get startled at this grungy looking man seemingly appearing out of nowhere.
>"Hey Brother, you guys got some aluminum sitting next to the dumpster, you guys tossing that?"
>Not wanting to enable tweaking on the third week I was there, I Turned to co-worker "Hey, [user's co-worker], you want to give this guy a hand?"
>Me and Co-worker go out to where aluminum is sitting. Determine one of the install crews threw it there without telling us, and that we could still use it.
>Co-worker thanks tweaker for letting us know it was there, offer him some conduit from our scrap bin instead
>Tweaker was incredibly appreciative and drives off in a very badly running 2003 Explorer pulling a trailer built from the bed of a 80 something Toyota.

This taught me a couple things. One, a friendly tweaker exists in Fresno near the airport. Two, Tweakers can be next to silent. Three, I probably should get my carry permit (live in Madera county) and keep it in my backpack with me, company policy be damned. No one gives a fuck about warehouse anyway.

>do not go south of Ashlan
I work just south of Ashlan next to the airport. Can confirm. Watching the ANG is neato though.

>mfw can't post mfw I always mix up Mims as Chief and Dyers as Sheriff, especially when drunk

Also did you know the Fresno was the drunkest city in America for years?

I actually live in New England but did a lot of research on the cities of the Central Valley last quarter. It looks like the most depressing place in the world. How do you guys not just run into the Sierras/ Pacific and never come back?

Because I live in the Sierras and only have to spend 40 hours of my week in the valley. That isn't too bad. It could be worse.

Most central valley fags cant afford to leave.
Its basically a cycle of depression that feeds into itself.
That is unless you are an almond rancher and/or in the pump buisness, then its a gold mine.

t. Former Modesto resident

Ever notice the civilian metro liner on the ANG property? It's the local surveillance aircraft that assists sherrif with counter drug. I understand it's just work for them when not on overseas deployment but I always thought it was a little weird having a military force doing policing work

comparing shit to a butthole lmao. Cant wait to leave bakersfield fucking spics and crackheads.

Greater Fresno is the worst place in all of California. I worked for a solar company with branches all up and down the coast then I worked for a oil company with branches all up and down the valley. I've spent weeks pretty much everywhere in this god forsaken state.
Fresno is the worse. Even the white folks there are worthy of the gas chamber.

>all the places you actually want to go are just a few hours away!

Runner up is Redway by the way. Just a bunch of dirt poor welfarefag stoners.

I'm at the 11L end of the runway. I've not actually been past the ANG facility in a while, and they do have those great big concrete walls too. So I've not seen it. My experience with the 144th is them on take off or landing. There's also the occasional superbug and surprise F-35 doing overhead breaks above me.

It's the ONLY redeeming part of Fresno. I get a daily airshow from F-15s and T-38s with occasional guest appearances by C-17s KC-10s, F-18s, F-35s, and F-22s.

Lived in Fresno for a handful of years; the worst part of living in Fresno is being surrounded by people that think Fresno is literally the best place on the planet to live.


I miss those sexy f16s, f15 are fine but they were so cute

F-16s are cute sure, but upgrading to F-15s is like going from a street bike to a muscle car.

Shame they probably won't get F-22s down the line. Maybe eventually F-35s. but I want more F-22s dammit.

It's so fucking true goddamn.

I seriously thought that was what the thumbnail was for a second.


Well, we did actually get that Applebees and Del Taco. So there's (some) hope for us yet!

But seriously, get out while you still can.

Someone from porterville took the time to make this shit...

Attached: 1521694579374.jpg (480x360, 18K)

>people in the valley having anything to do but line up to reup their food stamps yearly and harass the gov for an extension to their unemployment benefits
Time is not in short supply.

I work at the Fresno airport and when Swearengin was mayor she had a prerecorded message that would go off every hour or so on the PA system that would end with "...that's Fresno is known as California's year round playground." Nobody believed it and it made me gradually begin to hate her.

Fresno vs Clovis

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First of all, this is not Jow Forums-related. Second of all, why the fuck should I ever visit Commiefornia and give my money to fucking mexicans???