
why is Ian deleting his FAL videos?

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To troll Jow Forums

Because he’s a fucking leftist faggot that thinks there is no white genocide in South Africa and thinks that Rhodesia was racist.

He's convinced whites aren't being targeted in S. Africa because the guys who escorted him said it was all good.

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Because he's a leftist and the Southern Poverty Jew Center has decided to call the FAL a symbol of right wing white supremacy along with Rhodesian flags.

post the bigger one

There's no white genocide in South Africa. The government is certainly giving credence to the idea of ethnic cleansing, but they haven't genocided the local white population.

I wish there was a button to kill all Jow Forumstards. All you do is shit up every thread.

Having the same trouble on /tv/. Same group of incel NEET Jow Forumsniggers making bait threads and shitting up the board.

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Because people are starting to remember the FAL now

Because a couple of massive faggots from Jow Forums got mega assblasted that he didn't agree with their dogma and decided to throw a hissy fit and mass flag his videos out of pure butt-devastation. Let this be a reminder to you that Jow Forums isn't Jow Forums and they need to go back.

For a ton of faggots that are obsessed with genocide and ethnic cleansing they sure have a hard time being able to distinguish between the two in SA.

This. We can't even have dindu or rhodie threads anymore without some Jow Forumssmoker taking it seriously and ruining it with their autism and incoherent rants. Plus they brought leftypol with them and they're just as bad. I wish we could to back to pre-2016 before all these colossal newfags showed up and ruined the site.

So all you saw was the word leftist and you start screeching about Jow Forums?

They're literally just pallette-swapped SJWs. What did you expect?

The only people who would call Ian a leftist are the same butthurt Jow Forumstards who have been sperging out about this for days now. You're either fresh off the boat from Reddit or you're being deliberately obtuse.

>decided to call the FAL a symbol of right wing white supremacy
youre joking rite

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If we were dealing with sane rational human beings I'd say yes, but Jow Forumsacks will believe anything and take anything seriously. I bet I can get them to start thinking the moon is hollow if I tell them the j00s are behind it.

Perhaps I exaggerated but that's because I'm right pissed that he's caving into social pressure and removing his videos.
He may not be a "true" leftist, but he definitely hasn't been standing up to PC brigade lately even though his FAL videos literally did nothing wrong.
Pardon the mobile link, I'm at work currently.

I like his taste in music

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>Caring about South Africa

One of these posts said absolutely nothing about south africa
Do you lack reading comprehension?


the poorly made bait version?

Goddamn fuck this cuckoldry.

Fuck this political correctness.

>start using a brand new hosting service because youtube wont let you identify nazi firearms with a nazi flag
>delete study of an entire family of firearms because a portion of the population of a nation that used them was mildly racist
What makes you think that these are even the actions of the same man?
It's probably just grabbers grabbing, as usual.

It's Jow Forumsfags' fault for literally memeing interest in Rhodesia to death.

Anybody saved and reuploaded his video with Larry Vickers on the rhodesian FAL?

the honest version

That would be genocide, no?

Who cares about that? The whites in Rhodesia are still being mistreated by the current regime.

It's just brushed away because dey white, dawg.

Again, Jow Forumsfags shat it up, he probably doesn't want the negative attention these videos bring and doesn't want to be associated with a "neo-nazi website!1!". Maybe he'll bring them back some time later.

>it's the damn Jow Forumsacks's fault
Goddamn you SJWs really fucking hate us, do you?

I bet Ian and Karl go to LGBTQ+ pride parades

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I hate both equally, you're killing internet communities and leaking into the real world.

That's a cuck beard.

Except the internet community has always leaked into the real world, after all, they are all real people existing in the real world.

You are just mad that Jow Forums dares to fight back instead of just whining on the internet.

So any time a racist group latches on to something from history we have to suppress said item or event's existence?
With that kind of attitude we should just get the flamethrowers ready and start torching all the books.

I've been saying for years Ian wasn't pro-2A.

>pre-2016 newfags
I consider myself a newfag and I still wish all of the pre-sandy Gooch newfags would leave.

All Jow Forums has been since then is the recycling of old memes to keep "Jow Forumsulture" around.

All the good men moved to Eight.

when is he gonna start praising the VC?

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>Who cares about that?
A bunch of Jow Forumss apparently since they keep coming here and making threads about it.
The only ones saying that are Jow Forums.
Full30 doesn't allow anything "political" and utube doesn't even pretend to need a reason to delete gun videos.
Anyone have any proof that this is anything other then regular censorship.

I don't think you can call someone a leftist for listening to leftist music. I mean I want to ship every pickaninny in the country back to Africa and then literally gas the kikes but half of my discography actively campaigned for hillary clinton.

You aren't kidding anybody
Ocho Chan's Jow Forums is a graveyard

So can anyone ask?

And no, we care about gun videos being deleted due to political bullshit, Jow Forums cares about whites dying.

It's just slow, unlike here.

Eight is trash as well, I don't care for the same Jow Forumsfaggotry there either.

No, but they do taint everything they touch. It sucks that he's removing videos, but I'm just rationalizing why he did it.

Dude, I think you might go to r/guns to accept POLITICAL DISCUSSIONS in A POLITICAL BOARD.

VC were an Army supplied from another Army

he's also talked about "not having sympathy" for corporations after being asked about his attitudes towards unions

Does everyone in southeast asia have skin made of tanned water buffalo hide?

You are blaming the wrong fucking people.

Instead of blaming the people who do the wrong thing, you are blaming the people who question the people who do the wrong thing.

Well yeah that's just objectively leftism in the classic sense.

this. the April 1st hack n recovery afterwards cleansed the place quite nicely, but unlike other board knockoffs, infinite chan is basically super slow

>fight back
SJW outrage fuels Jow Forums and Jow Forums fuels the SJWs. You're not "fighting" against them, you're "fighting" with them. Different side of the same shit covered coin.

Except we are fighting them by pointing out how awful they fucking are.

Notice how SJWs are actually regarded as fucking awful instead of having their shit taken seriously, unlike in 2012.

>Different side of the same shit covered coin.
And which coin that is?

how could you look at this face and say "wow. that guy sure shares my beliefs about race and IQ"?

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What did you even try to say?

I don't care if people discuss politics but Jow Forums is a toxic mess and I don't even have to prove that. Anyone who subscribes to their ideology proves it themselves.

plebbit spacing

hey man the right has all sorts.

it just doesn't have this guy.

fuck ian.

>you are blaming the people who question the people who do the wrong thing
You have yet to even prove the person you're mad at did anything at all.


> but Jow Forums is a toxic mess and I don't even have to prove that. Anyone who subscribes to their ideology proves it themselves.
Oh wow a self-fulfilling theory, except not.

The cuck in this thread already fears Jow Forums to self-censor themselves.

If he didn't do it, then it's the video channel who does it.

No one escape the blame.

Then take your political discussion back to Jow Forums and leave it there.

lol ian posted the video on full30 instead of youtube because of all the reports.

Attached: As a Jew The Holocaust was a direct result of disarming my people. The 2nd Amendment is key to preve (852x960, 73K)

Jow Forums is a political board, dumbass.

Gun rights are a huge political issue.

We know you do, kike. Cry harder.

/tv/ is Jow Forums territory. Go fuck off to /co/ with the other Jewish faggots if it bothers you so much.

>If he didn't do it, then it's the video channel who does it.
Or it's the hosts that did it, or its whiny soccer moms reading nytimes, or whiny Jow Forumssmokers that decided he was a cuck.
Either way you have decided, without any information at all backing up your claims, that it is Ian who is to blame.
Well, how about that.

I'm this poster, and I'm not pol, I literally just posted screenshots of real posts by the guy that are relevant, if that makes you see pol boogeymen you need to check yourself.

Also, Ian has heavily implied he doesn't agree with an absolute liberty view on the 2a and has said there are good sspects of European licensing requirements for firearms.
Just a thought, not trying to make a point, just a factual observation.

>Jow Forums is a political board
Just because you can't hide behind anonymity on Jow Forums anymore doesn't mean you have to shit up other boards with your retard excuse of da joos.

It's also funny you are the same fag in this thread that acts like you aren't doing the exact same shit as the SJWs that you are waging your autistic might against. But here you are using buzzwords to try and prove a point.
It's not self censoring to not want unrelated topics to affect the discussion of another topic. It's fucking retarded to think that anyone who genuinely loves weapons to want to dilute their place to discuss said weapons with politics that aren't even weapon related most of the time. You aren't here because you like weapons, you are here to discuss politics with people who you think are like minded because your cesspool that you would normally hang out at is fucking dead.

>Also, Ian has heavily implied he doesn't agree with an absolute liberty view on the 2a and has said there are good sspects of European licensing requirements for firearms.
post proof right now or shut the fuck up

Their Q&A that had a segment on public shooting ranges, and one of his trips to Europe (finland excursion I think?)

When did I say that? I even ask if you can ask such a things.
>anyone who genuine love [something]
>willing to self-censor it
This is wrong on a fundamental level, either Ian stands up for his videos, his contents, or he self-censors to please the SJWs who will always hate him anyway.

And please tell me how exactly I am a SJW?

And no, I'm here because I like weapons, and I hate cucks like you who hate weapons, hate guns rights and cuck yourself with any chance you got.

I fucking hate all of you people. The left's growing insanity and extremism has only fueled the more extreme right's insanity, which in turn validates the left and encourages them to even greater heights of lunacy and now if you hold any beliefs right of Woodrow fucking Wilson you'll get your ass fired if you so much as mention them.

You're all assholes

Because he is a massive faggot. I’ve been telling you kiddos this for years. All he wants is your money.

Ian is a faggot and will always attempt to appeal to the leftists that will never allow him gun rights if they had their way. He is the definition of cuck.

Then pick a side or stand for what you believe in.

Yeah no I need this job to live.

lol he unironically is anti 2a

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Dude, you think they can fire you because you shitpost on Jow Forums?

>Hold any views right of Woodrow Wilson
So you believe that Oriental Cooliesm is dangerous and that Birth of a Nation is the greatest movie ever made?

No shit. Like many others he just wants to earn a buck and doesn’t give a fuck about your rights. I’ve been preaching on this for over two years. He is shady as fuck.

I'm waiting for it to happen to one of us.

>When did I say that?

Ian hates Jow Forums. get used to that fact.

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Oh please Wilson was a big government socialist who not only let us be led by his unelected wife after his stroke but he shouldnt have even won 1912 anyway. Thanks for that Teddy and Taft.

when is he gonna start reviewing helicopters?

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Fuck off there isn’t anything related to this on Jow Forums you dirty jew

He tips his hand a bit in the video on Thompson riot ammo when discussing labor riot responses by the industrialists of the 1920's and 1930's. You can't fairly discuss the labor riot massacres without mentioning that IWW and other such groups encouraged and abetted bombing campaigns, assassinations, and sabotage throughout the period. "In the name of The United Fruit Company, disperse!" still gave me a hearty kek though.

I am going to kill myself if pic related is some sort of lefty unionist

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>Not killing yourself anyway

>Jow Forums is a political board

Sorry sweetie, Jow Forums is a weapons board, no matter how many times you say it isn't.

No shit, you keep making the threads here instead you dumb nigger.

Then go live in Bongville fagit
>Ian hates Jow Forums
More like Jow Forums creeps him from their autism, their lust to stick their dicks into ballistic gel and/or firearms (along other stuff), and their homosexual lust of shoving firearm parts or ammunition up their asses. Lest we also forget the amount of /d/ tier content posted and passed around

Fuck wrong thing. I wanted to type that this is the reason I download any video i find and like immediately, anything else in this day and age is just naive.

>implying he wasn't an immediate supporter of bump stock bans
Pull that trigger.