Is it possible to live a survivalist/prepper lifestyle without being judged or called paranoid?

Is it possible to live a survivalist/prepper lifestyle without being judged or called paranoid?

Currently live in VA and I've been considered moving to
either Western Montana (outside Missoula) or Northern Idaho.

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Grow your hair out and double the size of your farm. Boom, you’re not a prepper, you’re a hippy who lives sustainably. Bonus points for ironic greenpeace sticker on your car.

Yes. Rule 1? Don't tell fucking normies about it. Only discuss your preparations with your family, your very close friends (who are on board with your ideology) and kindred spirits - though do that last one anonymously, if you can.
What, did you think you were supposed to go down to the wal-mart and tell everyone that you just put 10,000 rounds of 5.56 in your bunker?
Rule two? As this guy said, if someone notices you have some off-the-grid thing, say it's for the environment and, if pressed, start blathering about global warming or emissions or some shit like that. Their eyes will glaze over and they'll never talk about it again.

What's with so many younger people nowadays feeling a need to justify everything they do to other people? Can't they just ask them to kindly fuck off, and do what ever they want? Maybe move to a less shitty area if the folks are getting on your nerves.

Not to mention a true "prepper" never reveals that he's one. Does not showcase his gun and gear collection, does not talk about possible doom's day scenarios in the public.

Now, if you really want to make excuses for your "hobbies", it's not really that hard.
>I'm a hunter, I need this stuff.
>I'm in the army's reserves, and it's good to have this gear.
>I don't want my wife to get beat & raped if she has to stay alone at home for few hours.

Hell, there's also all those natural disasters and sad incidents that have left up to 100s of thousands of people without water, electricity, food, home even, for long periods of time. In such cases, being a bit more stocked up really helps.

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Yes. Just keep your mouth shut or only talk to friends and family that aren't cunts.

>Is it possible to live a cringe lord faggot lifestyle without being judged or called a cringe lord faggot?


Who cares what people think. Unless you're trying to date. In that case, do as other anons suggest and make it about a normie tier subject such as doing your part for the environment.

>Is it possible to live a survivalist/prepper lifestyle without being judged or called paranoid?

If people already know you stockpile for SHTF you've already fucked up. You want to look as unprepared as the next neighbor so you're the last house the angry mob visits giving you time to get out of dodge.

Using “prepper” as an epithet is just the Jews way of demonizing Whites who are self sufficient and don’t live hand to mouth like the third world brown hordes they intend to replace us with.

Pay no attention to anyone who demonizes you for having useful skills and preparing for any unforeseen disasters.

>Is it possible to live a cringe lord faggot lifestyle without being judged or called a cringe lord faggot?
This. OP, people think you're a weirdo, because you ARE. Other people will spend their time and efforts to move up in society, while you're jacking off in your doomsday shelter alone with 200 pounds of twinkies. Survivalists/preppers are the ultimate incels. I have yet to meet anyone describing themselves as a 'prepper' as being well-adjusted, or even remotely squared away.

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Yes, don't talk about it.

>spend so much time and money preparing for the happening
>it never happens

at least its fun

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Whats the point in moving up in society?

Just don't be one of those preppers who preps just because he wants to shoot people.

it's your innermost dream.
Even hermits want to be higher up in society.
That's why they abandon it so they are the masters of their own society.

>t. Afro American

>Whats the point in moving up in society?
So you can actually enjoy the fruits of life, accumulate power, trophy wife, ect.


Power? What are you gonna do with that? Same with a trophy wife, if you don't fuck her and she's just for showing off all she's good for is getting half of everything you own

>Power? What are you gonna do with that?
Alter the world at your behest. Heck, use it to avoid the doomsday preppers are so scared about.

>Same with a trophy wife, if you don't fuck her and she's just for showing off
Why wouldn't you? Nobody gets a trophy wife to just be an eternal virgin.

>younger people nowadays
because they WANT to control your life via "Socialism"

basically all you need to do is just operate your land like a hippy commune.

it works pretty well. thinking about doing it myself when I am older and have the money to buy some place up north somewhere in either the Midwest or West and just chill and farm shit.

Gr8 b8 m8

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people in Alaska get away with it all the time. But the entire state is trying to kill them so they get a pass.

Sorry to pop your delusional power-fantasy.

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>don't talk about your stash of shit that's supposed to be extremely valuable in the right situation
>don't be a faggot who longs for something to happen so that they have the excuse to shoot people or other power fantasies
>actually be reasonably fit and knowledgeable of your equipment so you don't look like a fucking idiot with too much money to spend to people who actually do outdoors stuff/use that equipment
I put that first point first because it's should be the most obvious, but the later two are really the most important for not being a fucking cringelord.

nothing is scarier than a hikki with a gun. id rather fight a crackhead with poo all over his nails than be near a developmentally challenged gun nut.

its not hard to juggle both having normal goals while society is still in tact and also being ready for when china finally decides we dont need to exist

Fuck western Montana. Full of hippies. Ya need to move east, like the bull mountains, Missouri breaks, or maybe Lewistown. Everything west of Lewistown has been colonised by lefty.

I just like being in forest, hunting, fishing, learning food materials like mushrooms and berries and food- and medical herbs etc.

Survival skills are just normal thing to have in forest.
I am just bug out bag away from being survivalist.

So your children have a better life than you did.

I'd like to believe that, but so many cling to power with their last dying breath.

Survivalists/preppers are mainstream now. Don’t worry about it.

Most people give their children life lessons and the opportunity for better education and work, even if it isn't a deliberate decision.
Take blacks that stay married and move out of the ghetto for example.

Whatever you do, stay away from the VA militias because they're all retarded.