Remember when Jow Forums was silly and not a borderline insurrectionist III% board?

Remember when Jow Forums was silly and not a borderline insurrectionist III% board?

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Yeah then Jow Forums became a thing and ruined the whole site. Good luck talking guns or fun because it will inevitably turn into some far right screeching

They'll lose interest and leave eventually.

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He's pretty cute

One day firearms and politics will no longer be intertwined, they will leave, and we will be at peace.

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>fucking based blacks and hispanics will defend my second amendment rights!

Jow Forums is filled with a bunch of retarded civic nationalists who would still suck their country's dick even when their government hates them.

Jow Forums shows their obsession with minorities again

Oh come on I’ve never seen that 3% bullshit, at least not with any frequency.
Don’t blame Jow Forums for being anxious about politics - blame the politicians trying to take away our shit. All memes aside, comedic shit takes creativity and has to occur organically - much more difficult than other kinds of postinf

Integrated blacks and hispanics who happen to lean right, probably will. Other than that, the vast majority of them who are reliant on government gibs in some way, wont.

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They are welcome to stay as long as they don't advocate for disarming minorities. It's the only honest ideology as far as I'm concerned.

Here we fucking go

Actually most of Jow Forums are libertarians or conservatives. Civnats would throw away their gun rights if Trump orders them to.

no, you must have confused it with reddit, faggot.

Daily reminder that SaigaMarine is a stolen valor fag who became a degenerate agent provocateur.

It kind of pissed me off that I never got to go to one of the Minnesota nugget fests, and now thanks to him, several komandos are in prison, and we're likely not gonna have a nugget fest again.

demographic changes is the greatest threat to the 2a. retard

I'm silly and I want to put commies and jews against the wall. You can be both.

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Hahahahaha I know right, guns are only for shooting at paper at government approved ranges, anything else is Jow Forums

It's not just him. McNig have to mess around with the Bundy thing and even deleted his YouTube account. Tripfaggotry is a rotten disease.

Shhh, they are watching you fool!

No one stated otherwise

Jow Forums is and always has been a libertarian leaning board. Our rights aren't a question or up for debate, and arguing and ranting about demographics is obnoxious drivel. We want to talk about guns. Go back to Jow Forums.

OP, your image reeks of tumblr and the fact that you not knowing that old Jow Forums was both a silly fun board and full of III%er borderline insurrectionists shows you're a fucking newfag and probably a leftypol raider. Fuck off and if you're so worried about lack of silly fun content make some yourself.

Hold on what happened?

>We want to talk about guns. Go back to Jow Forums.
Enjoy them while you can then.

Within ten posts, every time.

Jow Forums is Jow Forums

>n-no u

>they don't even put up a fight!!!!

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Alright I wasn't there for it, but here's the story I got.
>bunch of edgy kids from MN nugget fest decide to go hit the town
>Saigamarine was one of them
>him and some others joke about shooting brown people over text on their cellphones
>they all somehow end up walking into a black lives matter protest,
>they get get followed for blocks, and protestors start grabbing the Jow Forumsommandos arms
>somehow the nugget fest fags think it's best to shoot for the legs
>Saigamarine dips and leaves the state
>some of the kommandos get locked up thanks to the brown people jokes and being white/hispanic
I don't know whether dislike my county's judges or Saigamarine less.

dislike the blm protesters who assault people over jokes the most

That's not the point. Obviously black lives matter is retarded. And I don't think the protesters even knew about the jokes, granted there are a lot of details that I don't know. It just sucks that the MN nugget fest is something that I will never experience.

I fucking don't.

Remember McNig? He was a good nigger.

>they all somehow end up walking into a black lives matter protest,
that is very much NOT how it happened. Tthey purposefully sought out a BLM protest with the express intent of going there, and memeing at the redguards.

They played stupid games, and won stupid fucking prizes.

Is this them?

>Go to place at time
>Justifies jail time

He’s a pussy for saying sorry. Man up and own your own actions.

If you mean by not including them and understanding that diversity means marketing will change not the 2a. Ya fucken idiot.

Are you being intentionally obtuse? Do you not understand what intent means? premeditation?
They recorded themselves talking about wanting to provoke a violent encounter.
>bubububu he dindu nuffin saiga marine wuz a gud guy

OP pic is a tumblr/twitter meme.

That's not entirely accurate. I guess I'll dig up some copypasta from the archive.

For anyone who wants a comprehensive summary of this case:

This guy, Scarsella, was a tripfag on Jow Forums named BlackPowderRanger. He and some other tripfag named Saigamarine (who later turned witness for the prosecution in order to save his own skin...) videotaped themselves going to a BLM protest, where they spewed stupid memes and did their best to irl troll the people they talked to on camera. Obviously, the people they were trolling found out about this and were not too happy about it. As such, when Scarsella decided to visit the BLM protest again four days later in order to troll them again on videotape, his traitorous buttbuddy Saigamarine probably sensed there would be trouble and decided to stay home. He was right. They ended up in an altercation with a large group of protesters that ended in a situation where Scarsella shot into a crowd and claimed self-defense.

Unfortunately for him, his activities on the internet came back to bite him in the ass massively. Aside from the video he made with Saigamarine from the first trip, where they talked about how they were attending the protests in order to incite the protesters, he had literally years worth of texts and posts talking about how he thought black people were subhumans who should be exterminated and how he wanted to engineer a situation where he could shoot them and get away with it. That being said, this was hardly the only reason why he was convicted. Here's the complete trial transcript (it's in 10 parts):

Been here since 2009 and no, I don't remember a time when it wasn't.


Some highlights from the trial transcript include
>Saigamarine had to explain to the court what terms like "dindu," "loli," "cultural enrichment," and "making the fire rise" mean.
>Scarsella somehow managed to get into West Point and then got himself kicked out of West Point, when modern West Point is so permissive that even fucking idiots like that communist bastard Rapone can graduate
>One of Scarsella's fellow defendants took the stand over the advice of his attorney. Said attorney actually made a statement about this that went onto the court record so he wouldn't be accused of incompetence regarding his client's sheer stupidity
>This fellow defendant decided the best way he could use his time on the stand was to brag about Scarsella's marksmanship with a handgun under stress
>Scarsella and co. were unable to articulate a reason why they ran AWAY from help when the protest was taking place literally right outside a police station with police officers surveilling the situation 24/7
>Every single witness for the defense was extremely weak. Nearly all of them admitted to being under the influence of alcohol or marijuana at the time the incident took place, and their stories should have easily become inconsistent under cross-examination by an attorney that isn't a public defender
>One of Scarsella's friends, who was a police officer, was fired when the 1488 shit he talked about all the time with Scarsella came to light

> Do you not understand what intent means?
Lol ok Hillary.

There's BLM shit all over the city I live in. For the record, North Minneapolis/Crystal & Robinsdale are dark as charcoal and impossible not to find trouble there. It's also one of the few places in the Minneapolis proper with an indoor range/gun shop which also happens a black part of town.

Archive of texts and IMs used against him in the case:

>ok Hillary
wow you sure showed me
explained it better with sources and citations, neck yourself you dumb faggot

I keep seeing this being posted, and I don't get the joke. Is it not a Glock, is it demilled (my guess from the look mark in the slide) or is it a rubber ducky?

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What absolute retards.

>go to place with intent of starting shit
>shit gets started
>shoot people
Yeah, jail time man.

Do I think the BLM niggers were right? No. But neither were the retarded tripfucks.


They literally posted video where they state that they were going specifically TO the protests. In fact, they did it multiple times.

>he had literally years worth of texts and posts talking about how he thought black people were subhumans who should be exterminated and how he wanted to engineer a situation where he could shoot them and get away with it.

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>>Saigamarine had to explain to the court what terms like "dindu," "loli," "cultural enrichment," and "making the fire rise" mean.
Holy shit I thought user was shitposting when he said this

It's just Jow Forums being Jow Forums.

>They literally posted video where they state that they were going specifically TO the protests. In fact, they did it multiple times.
Ok, I didn't know that. Thanks

When revolution comes I will gladly carry out war crimes against Jow Forums just for how incessantly annoying they are.

Are Blackman and Saigamarine the same person? Also, did the Jow Forums ever come up in the trial? I'll probably read throguh the transcript later, but thanks for the summary.

I remember routinely leaving the board because of bootlickers uninterested in their rights but rather playing with their toys.
Friends like these as they say.

Haha fucking racists they don't like BASED KANYE amirite fellow pede?

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it's a hipoint you dumbass noguns

I mean the picture. I couldn't care less about Jow Forums. I tried going there once or twice, but it has the same kind of crazy I've seen when visiting people in the psych ward.

It's a rusted hipoint that a dumbass thinks is a Glock

And retards are obsessed with 40 s&w

Here's the thing, he should have shot to kill if that was his goal, instead they consistantly shot people's legs

>Detailing your scheme for how you'd go about shooting people over electronic communications for several years before actually going through with it.
Are you a boomer by any chance? You don't seem to have this whole "computer" or "internet" thing fully figured out.

They'll be surprised when semi-autos are banned. But they won't discuss why. It's pathetic. For the record, since all such gun rights discussions are supposed to take place on Jow know what happens there? All bumpable posts (i.e. the first 300 posts) are flooded with yuronogunzfags shitting on Americans for having guns. So there's no chance to rally the people on there. None.

>apple device
>"i'm fucking blind" zoom level
>native extension
>inability to grasp the concept of INFOSEC

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>Oh no, my important thread on an indian cup stacking forum about protecting my guns from the liberal hoard is being drowned in shitposting
>But if somebody says that maybe not all blacks are animals, they are obviously a paid shill from the Clinton Foundation and nobody should actually try and debate them
It's almost like Jow Forums is a containment board meant to keep you fucks out of the rest of the site. Really makes you think, doesn't it?

Thanks. I knew it looked ""off", I just haven't seen high-points in person. More M16s and M4s than anything.
You realize that you can enjoy weaponry and not own firearms, you gibbering, half-witted, slack-jawed, partially lobotomised moron? I prefer boobytraps, myself. My area of experience is only US Gov't issued garbage. Besides, this is a weapons board. It's not JUST about your precious little rooty-tooty point-n'-shooties.

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No, it doesn't, Jow Forums is not a containment board anymore than Jow Forums is.

lurk for 2 years before posting

Fuck off back to wherever you came from, we're full

This, I hate Jow Forums as much as any leftycuck but anyone that can understand that self defense is the inalienable right of all life is alright enough.

>But if somebody says that maybe not all blacks are animals,

Not what I said at all, but thanks for that strawman. You should really run for office, you'd be a perfect RINO.

>rooty-tooty point-n'-shooties.
>toy Story tm

lol not even them. Even conservative republican blacks vote Democrat, look at the statistics. Your based niggers and spics aren’t even based.

Been here a while. Ain't leaving.
Did it. Fuck, I even read the "Mall ninja" shit when the sticky said it was required reading. Take your ego, load it in your slavshit, and suckstart it.

>arguing and ranting about demographics is obnoxious drivel. We want to talk about guns. Go back to Jow Forums.
This. The problem isn't the politics themselves, it's the insistence in injecting politics into every single fucking discussion on every board, the complete disregard and disdain for Jow Forums's traditional board culture, and the fact that it draws endless outside attention to what used to be an insular place. It's actually ironic because all of these Jow Forums newfags are doing to Jow Forums exactly what they're always whining about immigrants and minorities doing to real-life countries.

>OP, your image reeks of tumblr
That's exactly what old Jow Forums was like, though. Tumblr, reddit, and even big media Rick and Morty type shit are basically just old-school Jow Forums humor endlessly recycled by people who don't get it. I'm not saying we should go back to spamming cockmongler and DESU DESU DESU but it's not right to cry "tumblr" at actual classic Jow Forums image macros.

>That's exactly what old Jow Forums was like, though
>it's not right to cry "tumblr" at actual classic Jow Forums image macros

>I learned everything I know about Jow Forums from ED

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If you think that SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED should be infringed for anyone, animal, sapient tree people, 2d cat girl, simian, or any other. you are part of the problem not the solution

As long as you FEEL righteous, that's all that matters.

The niggers there admitted on tape that they chased and beat them for not taking off their masks. The judge was a woman and a literal fucking communist and the jury was probably made up of urban libshit whites, women and niggers.
There is no such thing as justice in this country anymore.
Meanwhile in tucking Florida some nigger teen(acfually a teen) killed a white teen when the white teen called him what he was, a nigger, and got off Scott free.

>Been here a while.
But you don't know what a hipoint looks like. Or that it's spelled hi, not high.

no. He's a fag, but so are you. Also traps are gay, but fucking traps isn't.

>implying Jow Forums wasn't created to prevent all the /new/tards from shitting up the rest of the site, as they had been doing after m00t killed it (again).

It doesn't take much to put two and two together. Now feel free to go back whenever.

>It doesn't take much to put two and two together. Now feel free to go back whenever.
So you made an assumption. Awesome. I assume all gun owners want to kill blacks. See how retarded it is to make assumptions like that?

is it that hard to grasp that the niggers were wrong, but so were our stupid fucking white-skinned niggers?

If you kick a dog and it bites you, that's your fault for kicking the dog. Meme at niggers and they nig, likewise, it's your fault.

Slip-ups occur. I'm used to trying to spell words properly, not in the way of some big name brand. And like I said, I'm used to Gov't issue firearms- not normal people ones.

And you shouldn’t go to prison for it, words or simply not taking off your mask doesn’t give them permission to assault and chase you. By the way, they ran, they retreated.

And now you've learned a lot and been called a faggot. This is the genuine Jow Forums experience, get used to it.

Ma nigga. As an actual faggot, I'd prefer that people are free to criticize my lifestyle and orientation because we all own enough guns to keep the government off our backs, rather than live in a world where neither I nor evangelical Christians can make complaints regarding the third world migrants shitting up our countries because free speech died with gun rights. The second protects the first (and all the others to boot). It's vital to freedom, and I wish my country could have it.

Yeah. If they didn't have nearly a decade of evidence pointing to this being a premeditated attempt to literally get away with murder, they would have gotten away with it too.

But, again, our trips were stupid fucking niggers, just with white skin.

Been used to it. You remember Notch?

Remember when funs was about funs not tucked penises?

I've been here since it was Jow and Jow Forums didn't even exist yet. This place was cringey as fuck by modern standards. NO U and O RLY were cutting edge Jow Forums humor at one point. I know the modern Jow Forums audience are big fans of historical revisionism but that's simply the reality of how it was, and if you aren't aware of that then you must not have been there.

>I'm used to Gov't issue firearms- not normal people ones.
>normal people ones
LOL like what, negro?

The difference between your assumption and mine is that you pulled yours out of your ass, while I based mine off the fact that you're a Jow Forumstard, and thus are likely to adhere to whatever principles and opinions are dominant in that hugbox/echo chamber. You can go ahead and say that I'm strawmanning and continue to make shitty analogies because you didn't explicitly say that you hate all blacks. I honestly don't care, as I have nothing to prove to you. If you have a problem with people shitposting in your threads, I suggest you find a different website.

>le go back to le rebbit
Try harder

Stop posting

That shit look like a dildo.

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>guys talks about shooting niggers on the internets, shoots niggers under suspicious circumstances
>gets reamed in court because his bragging makes it seem like premeditated murder
>muh muh kanye

Isn't it crazy to think a segment of Jow Forums was responsible for kicking off Occupy?

How times change.

I dont care who you are if you keep it between consenting adults and you can get behind the 2a your all right by me.

Dredging up dead memes doesn't win you any oldfag points. Normalfag image macros and old chan macros are qualitatively and semiotically different and you're either a blatant apologist or too out-of-touch to notice.