Stormfag defense

What gun would you use to defend yourself against stormkiddies if actually they got out of their mom's basement and started their autistic rahowa bullshit? Pic related for me, proven track record of killing stormfags and the .30-06 will easily penetrate their many layers of lard.

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a three foot length of black iron pipe with a shitty paper sign taped to the end for plausible deniability

don't bring a gun to one of these protests if you want to stay out of jail

Thinly veiled politics thread. Good job, idiot. And the men who made up the allies during WW2 would be considered to be "stormfags" by modern standards.

i'd use a pre 1917 luger personally, notging like seeing insults to ubermenschen taken out by a prussian gun.

Being white.


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>"hey Jow Forums what funz do you recommend for killing nahtzees?"
Christ is it May Day already?

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My sks because its the only sa rifle I own.

Wow what a statement, thank you for this thread.
God bless America for saving the world from racism and people with opinions that make me upset.

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Use this OP and you can kill all the nazis at once
Might be a little awkward what with your big nose and all

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I don't see a stormfag uprising, honestly. They have neither the manpower, the brainpower, nor the willpower to bring about the change they wish to see.

But to answer your question: 1903 chambered in fuddy-06. One shot to center mass should do the trick.

imagine being this mad online

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The US soldiers weren't stormfags. There's a monumental difference between Liberalism (of the classical variety, not social) and Totalitarianism.

Listen i didn't draw the damn thing so you an hero

>dat picture

kek, don't cut yourself on that edge

Is OP a nigger? Because only niggers will have to defend themselves in a rahowa from stormers.

Pretty much anything. They're very soft, thin-skinned creatures. That's why they're so filled with impotent rage.

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>img 1488
Lmao kys atomwaffle larpfag

>defend yourself against stormkiddies if actually they got out of their mom's basement
A book.

Agreed, liberty for everyone, keep the blacks out of my unit though.

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he he

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imagine being a retarded larping stormkiddie

this is unironically the most autistic dogshit I have had the displeasure of seeing today

imagine still falling for the 2012 stormfront boogeyman meme.
Get with the times, the new boogeyman is Ironmarch.

You seem to be confused. Back in those days, we killed nazis.

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The slur "stormfag" isn't directed exclusively at those who advocate for fascism. Case in point:

You larping faggots are the worst possible direction for natsocs to go to
I hope you all get fucking Waco'd while screaming read seeeeeege over and over

You realize what was considered "Good" and "Nazi" then is wildly different from what's considered "Nazi" now right?

stormweenies and leftycucks projecting their insecurities

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r*ddit was a mistake

you are in for an absolute ride my friend

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Yeah, I agree. Anyone blindly calling a trump supporter "stormfag" is a fucking idiot. Still, the US soldiers weren't stormfags.

Anyone on the political fringes is insecure. All of them are desperately trying to find purpose in a world that shamed them - for being retarded.

No, you're the one who's confused. WW2 wasn't fought because of the ideology of Germany's government. According to modern standards the man in pic related would be considered to be a "Nazi".

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being centralist is gay too btw

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The irony being that synthetic stocks on a garand make them unshootable due to recoil I've heard.

Its sad that I can't even like hating Nazis anymore because of SJW-types.

Now I want one

Mason bless.
All these niggas on Jow Forums complaining about people with Jow Forums tier leanings coming on their sacred board when they don't even know it could be a hell of a lot worse, you could have these guys spamming your board instead.

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Well we must have a different conception as to what constitutes the term. I thought the term referred to any any white person who rejected so called "multiculturalism", gay marriage, believed race is real and matters in shaping society, valued traditional structures of marriage, thought western civilization is superior, among other factors.

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If being normal is considered gay, then I'm a flaming homo

holy shit that is the edgiest image I've ever seen

What is even normal in the Western world?
300 lbs and balding manlet?

prove me wrong, protip: you can’t

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That's the irony.

You've just described a TradCon. You can be all of those things and still not be a stormfag. The operating difference between them is that stormfags want a totalitarian, paternalistic government. They want to irrecoverably destroy the problems they see in society, even if it causes untold bloodshed. It's basically the idea of collectivist utopianism.

> literal fucking cowadooty skull masks

hahahahahahaha is this what you fucking autists think looks cool you would get shot to death by a bunch of literal fucking hoodrat niggers if you ever tried anything

Normal is knowing that people shouldn't die because of their class or ethnicity. Normal is respecting the rights of others and defending your own. I won't to give up my rights to some despot.

It's even better when you realize the kind of cucks that are behind making and posting images like that.

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Thats not normal anymore too btw.
They either want Hitler or Stalin nowadays, or they are based centrists and do nothing while they are being fucked over, like sheeple.

>You've just described a TradCon. You can be all of those things and still not be a stormfag
Again, this is a matter of us having a different idea as what defines the term/slur. I'm not interested in debating this with you, especially not on Jow Forums. You're either being disingenuous or you're simply ignorant as to how the term/slur is usually used.

we need an international event that could kill people like this, like a huge earthquake or an alien invasion

> slur

hahahahahahahahaahahahaha you fucking stormkiddies go around screaming nigger at people all day but when someone calls you out for what you are you fall back on the same "muh fee fees :(" dogshit leftists do

i think he was just making a reference to the new jewish bull pup rifle that came out a few years ago by using a bull pup pistol

>Thats not normal anymore too btw. They either want Hitler or Stalin nowadays,

How delusional are you? Nearly everyone in the west supports liberal democracies. It's what has worked best in maximizing human flourishing and happiness. The only people pushing this "commie-nazi" polarization are commies and nazis.

I'm not ignorant. The most widely accepted definition of stormfag is either a user of stormfront or a neo-Nazi. Typically both. You're just trying to expand the definition and insidiously leave out totalitarianism because you want to recruit more people to your cult.

Stormfront is a long standing boogeyman to explain why so many on imageboards have gravitated towards the right in recent years. It's pathetic, really.
>you fucking stormkiddies go around screaming nigger at people all day
Yes, we're all neo-nazi skinheads. Any white person who believes in things which were considered to be the norm just a handful of decades ago is evil and deserves to be murdered by antifa. We get it.

Luckily the hood niggers can’t aim with their hipoint glocks colt 45s aimed sideways and will just hit surrounding hood niggers.

that goes both ways which is the best

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Politics is a spectator sport.
5% of the population fought in the revolutionary war.
The rest simply joined the guys who looked like they won at the end of the war.

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I know these images are just stupid photoshops by shitheads who think they have a point to make.. but everytime one of these gets posted I involuntarily go into engineer mode and try to rationalize how this would function.

Wow, I just got BTFO by that strawman and caricature!

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It only really needs to be a single shot for function.

What a stupid fucking question that's been asked millions of times in different, less obtuse ways, on this board.

The question of what do u pic to kill "x" group of humans is fucking retarded because any gun will do as long as they aren't wearing armor and you hit them in lethal areas. They are human beings, all guns can kill human beings. Even 22lr. Shoot them in the head/heart/cns practically everything has enough penetration to kill someone if you hit them in these areas.

You don't need to defend yourself from storm kiddies. The communists are more likely to form an organized violent protest/revolt than the alt-right/stormfront people. Literally the only precedent is the tiki torch rally, and leftists have done worse things before then, like burning down campus's and beating people to death because someone said they were going to come say things they didn't like. Or forming groups of hundreds of basedchildren covered in black clothing to remain anonymous and vandalizing city blocks. Which they have done. Dozens of times.

What a stupid thread. "What gorn do u pic to kill deese hoomands i disagree wtih" Unlikely, bullshit. But it's mostly a stupid question because any gun can kill someone if you have proper shot placement. It doesn't matter what you choose, so long as they are un-armored.

It's not a strawman if it's true

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I never said that Stormfront was invading Jow Forums, although they did admit to brigading Jow Forums. I'm saying that neo-Nazi and stormfag can be used interchangeably, since their beliefs are exactly the same.

How new are you?

>It's not a strawman if it's true
pic related

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>5% of the population fought in the revolutionary war.

That's a common misconception/myth. It was 25%, not 5%.

>The rest simply joined the guys who looked like they won at the end of the war.

Now you're just pulling stuff out of your ass

> he says as he posts le merchant man for the 4,689,582nd time
It's scientifically proven that stormfags have more bodyfat than the average human

Nice bait OP I hope you still think it's funny when you're hanging from a rope

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Stormfags came here after we raided them years ago. They thought because we were jokingly calling each other niggerfaggot that they were among their own kind.
Then they took over pol.

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Found the stormfag

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im white so idc if stormfags rise up. in fact i would probably support it so i can get white welfare

>he says as he posts le merchant man for the 4,689,582nd time
What the fuck are you talking about?

Did they really take it over or were they amongst their own kind?

Literally does not matter. Higher bodfat never translates to more fat around your forehead or your face, at least, not enough to make a difference if you put one in their temple.

Are you stupid?

Take your meds schizo

Of course he is all 88.... digits don’t lie

25% is still no majority

Nice try, fucking communist. I'm a libertarian, not a totalitarian. God damn it both groups, you S 0 Y commies and the nazi's are retarded. Both of you are garbage creatures.

I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you’re referring to as pedophilia, is in fact, hebephilia, or as I’ve recently taken to calling it, ephebophilia. Pedophilia is not merely the attraction to anyone under 18, but rather a totally separate disorder (not a legal term) listed as a sexual-psychological disorder categorized under paraphilias, a group of sexual-psychological disorders in the DSM-IV and considered a disorder under the standards of the American Psychological Association. Many people could be considered ephebophiles despite the fact that they themselves may not know the term, much less what it means. Through a peculiar turn of events, ephebophilia and hebephilia became grouped under the very general and inconclusive cultural term "pedophilia," and the majority of people using the term are unaware that they are referring to non-paraphilic sexual preferences that are unmentioned in the DSM-IV and occur relatively harmlessly in a great deal of the population. There really is a pedophilia, and these people may be referring to it, but nevertheless it is a small part of what is labeled under "pedophilia." Pedophilia is labeled as a paraphilia because it is by nature unhealthy. Paraphilias are all unhealthy and destructive to relationships, but are restricted to the definitions set forth in the DSM. Pedophilia is simply grouped with the non pathologized conditions of hebephilia and hebephilia because they share a few similar traits. In reality, pedophilia separate from both and should be treated as such, and many people described as pedophiles would be better described as hebephiles or ephebophiles.

Imagine being so stupid that you think America went to war because of the nazis and not because Japan attacked us.

They would have rather lost the war then ended segregation.

What’s wrong with national socialism? Also why are you triggered by larpers who live in their parents basement?

Committing yourself to a war isn't just "participation." It's putting your life on the line and most likely dying. You can still participate in politics without joining the armed forces.

Obviously I would use the tried and true Nazi killers, my Mosin and my Tokarev.

Who said that 25% saw actually combat?
Face it, there is a reason why the silent majority never does shit, because they are fucking lemmings.

>the founding fathers would be considered far right evil neo-nazis if they were alive today

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all those based black guys in Easy Company. we sure showed those fash scum.

"Diversity is our Strength." -101st Airborne Maj. Dick Winters

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Jow Forums and /new/ were always majority right wing libertarian and a sizeable minority nationalist/fascist/national socialist. It's just that over the years more and more right wing libertarians became increasingly nationalist. Left wings want to use "stormfront" as an excuse because they can't stand the idea that internet savvy young people became more right wing on their own volition.

And do you honestly believe the guys in the photos you're posting are "neo-nazis"? They seem to be the typical the_donald posters to me. Are they all "neo-nazis" in your mind? Do other anons understand why I said the term "stormfag" is constantly misused?

Nyet comrade, you get ammo Boris get rifle now run

Neo-Nazis keep on citing this statistic. Any chance you have a source on that?

At any rate, the US soldiers still stood on the side of liberty against tyranny, and the rights of the individual above the collective. They were not neo-Nazis or stormniggers.