What the hell is going on anymore

What the hell is going on anymore

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What the hell?

"Scouts Boy Scouts of America"

Lol the absolute state of inclusivity autists

Are the girl scouts still a thing?

>girls are allowed in the boy scouts
>boys arent allowed in the girl scouts

Once the girl scouts start losing members they'll probably open up membership to boys too. They might as well merge at this point.

As long they keep the cookies, I don't care what they do.

Yes because boys can’t have fun

Fuck this is funny.

Yeah and they're pissed about the BSA letting girls in. The whole thing is hilarious.

>What the hell is going on anymore
Egalitarianism gone wild. Just sit back, and enjoy our slide into irrelevance as a nation.

Egalitarianism != Inclusivity autism

Egalitarianism made our country great. Unless you think being a subject to the Crown is awesome. Identity politics, inclusivity activism, and gender politics are a cancer though.

They're two separate entities all together. No funds sharing or anything. But the BSA was tanking hard after losing all the funding from companies after the gay shit. So why not broaden their income base and accept girls. Helicopter moms already responsible for the destruction of the BSA in the first place rejoiced so they can take out their frustration with their mediocre lives on children by destroying yet another thing.

Thanks jews.

Have to agree with user here. I've had some great BSA women leaders alongside the guys (actually in some cases better since some of the male leaders where libshits while the women were generally right leaning pro-gun).

It's the difference between equality and equity. The inclusivity loonies want equity, not equality.

Ok, I'm an Eagle Scout that left before BSA got neutered down to SA. My pop is still in the organization. Essentially what happened is.

>be BSA in current year
>lefties come into BSA more so than normal
>conservative values starting to be worn away
>some of the women leaders are more masculine and right leaning than the fuckboi twink leader (other scout leader was cool though)
>anyhow liberals caught wind gays were banned from BSA, completely ignoring the $10 million dollars paid in damages because faggots who molested little boys
>Disney withholds funds from BSA groups who really need the funding to do their hike trips
>allow gays in
>in retrospect Girl scouts were incredibly condescending and useless from what I heard, as in literally just cookie vendors and sewing, no fun stuff like firearms and innawoods hiking trips
>ok fuck it whatever
>allow girls in
>Venture Scouts 2.0

At this point I don't even care anymore, since I don't associate myself much with the organization. There are more right leaning reasons for why they're letting in girls (like actually allowing them to use gats and camping trips) rather than forced diversity. My dad is right leaning and he's ok with it. As far as I'm concerned letting girls into BSA is ok so long as they are no longer called BSA. Anything else would be an insult.

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So why not reform the Girl Scouts?

Because the girl scouts are a cookie company, not an actual scouting organization. Reforming would lose them shekels.

>Egalitarianism != Inclusivity autism
You cannot be considered an egalitarian society if you do not include everyone in every activity imaginable. That is the modern way of how we measure equality in this nation. You cannot allow boys to have their own separate thing if the goal is to make every member of society equal to one another. You may not view egalitarianism as this diversity inclusion bullshit but that is how the majority measures it. It has been perverted in this nation from legal egalitarianism to this horror that we see.

>Egalitarianism made our country great.
No, responsible government that allowed private citizens to do as they desired with protections against tyranny from an oppressive government is what made our country great. No some high minded ideal that only appeared in the US in the 20th century with the start of the "progressive" movement.

>Unless you think being a subject to the Crown is awesome.
The last time I checked the US still had hierarchy when we split from England and only certain members of the population could vote and hold office.

>Identity politics, inclusivity activism, and gender politics are a cancer though.
What the fuck do you those ideals evolved from? They didn't just sprout out of the ground like turnips you fool. There are more laws on the books protecting minorities in this country than ever before. That battle is over, so you know where that battle shifts too for the activists that were pushing for equality? Diversity quotas, and they will not stop until every organization has been neutered by this bullshit. We are fucked.

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Because that would cut into their profits. The girl scouts are a multi-level-marketing scam that uses unpaid child labor to enrich the executives.

The Girl Scout headquarters is in a downtown New York City high rise.

The BSA HQ is in a building in Texas that was donated to them by a former scout.

Are you done sperging? Is it possible that I was referring to the original Enlightenment concept of egalitarianism and not however it's been redefined by progressives? Just because the libs want to fuck with semantics doesn't mean the concept of egalitarianism should be tossed out. Authoritarianism is cancer and fundamentally anti American and that's the alternative you have to egalitarianism.

not really accurate, both are business. The only differnce is that boy scouts is bigger and the membership is dropping so it has started eating up the smaller scout organizations.

This is pretty much john locke's invisible hand. Market is stepping away from boy scout so the boy scouts are changing to follow the consumer.

Consumerism is cancer.

Fred Burnham and Baden-Powell are rolling in their graves. There's no merit to these organisations anymore, decent parents should just take thier kids outdoors.

>Are you done sperging?
Are you done being a mouth breathing faggot?

>Is it possible that I was referring to the original Enlightenment concept of egalitarianism and not however it's been redefined by progressives?
Yes, that is clearly what you were referring too. The form of egalitarianism that was based on merit and the character of the individual. Unlike you I actually know how to read. I'm saying that that ideal has fundamentally changed for the worst. Note the "gone wild" language in my first post.

>Just because the libs want to fuck with semantics doesn't mean the concept of egalitarianism should be tossed out.
user, the libs have done more than fuck with semantics. They redefined it, and that ship sailed a long time ago. I'm saying that this modern perversion of it has completely corrupted us as a nation.

>Authoritarianism is cancer and fundamentally anti American and that's the alternative you have to egalitarianism.
No, it isn't you fucking moron. Even in the most free society there is some sort of authority that keeps things together. That is why we have a federal government that reels in the states with protections that were put in place to make sure the feds don't get a bit too overbearing. You know, the system of checks and balances? If you are worried about authoritarianism then you need to understand that the form of egalitarianism this nation once held dear died a bloody death in the 20th century and the US government has bypassed those protections and abuses its authority in order to promote the new definition. The US government now forces diversity quotas via funding and other administrative means with unelected bureaucrats that hold their petty political goals ahead of the welfare of the nation. Then there is the 4th branch that brow beats anybody that doesn't buy into the progressive redefinition of egalitarianism into submission.

>Consumerism is cancer

It's only cancer if you let your lowest desires override long-term planning. Personally I stopped caring but BSA provide benefits in getting into college if you get your Eagle scout.

Look, running organizations like these cost money and donations. Disney used to give money but they got taken over by Jews so there goes that source of funding.

Progressives are in of themselves cancerous, and generally complement consumerism.

fuck this shit. i'm never taking my kids near this shit again. i guess i'm going to be the last eagle scout of my family, not that that title carries any meaning after this.

same desu. Sad because my troop wasn't one of the retarded arts and crafts ones, we went on high adventure trips nearly every year I was in. Hell the army even gave me one more rank because I was an eagle scout, and honestly it made complete sense.
>already knew how to ruck
>already knew basic first aid
>already knew orienteering very well (land nav)
>already knew how to shoot and clean a rifle
>already knew how to lead small groups
>already knew so many other things

But now I bet they'll just be building fucking birdhouses or some stupid shit. Nice to know that young scouts on high adventure like philmont or boundary waters will be getting the nice experience I only recieved at 19 with dealing with females on movement, carrying their gear since they physically cannot handle it, dealing with their stress chimp outs. Very nice. Actually, the """""""Scouts BSA""""""" is doing an even better job of preparing you for the army now, since you have to deal with women in places they shouldn't be and mentally ill or otherwise leadership.

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I can imagine all of the camp bjs I could have had.
in b4 gay scouts.

>start new boys club
>American Boys Club
>it's pre-Jow Forums
>redpill the fuck out of kids
>no faggot ass merit badges, we teach boys how to resist leftist bullshit
>we crack down HARD on leftist shit
>faggots get "accidents"
>liberals get "accidents"
>non white kids not allowed
>teach them how to COD in IRL
>Supreme Gentlemen everywhere
>ABC is a proto SS

I'm gonna need a torrent of that comic

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I looked for one but can't find any seeded

Eagle scout increases military rank? That's fucking based.

Every day we stray farther from God.

I hope you realize scouting was originally military prep.

My alma mater (Cornell University) performs a swimming test on all incoming freshman to guarantee they're fit for military service. If you fail the test you're mandated to take swimming as a PE course. More institutions of higher learning need to do things like this.

* to help guarantee


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