Any bump helmet recommendations?

Tornado season here and I'd like to up my helmet game. Any recommendations? Not Team Wendy because fuck those communists.

Attached: FAST_Bump_1__60777.1449680242.jpg (1280x1204, 221K)

Might as well dig a little deeper in your mom's purse and just get a maritime. Atleast that's what I'm thinking. I'm just not all about dumping that kind of money into something that isn't NIJ rated.

a... maritime?

OPS-CORE Maritime. It's for high speed low drag Cheeto consumption. That chin strap will take a lot of abuse.

How are they Communists?

they were also huge Dem/Clinton donors

Attached: hillary-clinton-speaking-at-a-rally-at-team-wendy-cleveland-industrial-h4c51n.jpg (450x320, 50K)

Who the fuck wears a helmet besides those retard kids that bump their heads into walls and shit?
>retarderating retarderationally

That's funny, you talk about Communists but voted for someone who is in the pocket of former Communists and looking to start it up again.

It's 2k18. Everyone's a communist.

Not a gear queer and I just entered this thread out of curiosity. Is $1.6k for a fucking helmet normal?

>someone who is in the pocket of former Communists
go to /x/ with the rest of the schizos

Go home, Hillary. You're drunk.

It's to compliment your 53 dollar flashlight [/obscure]

only if taxpayers are copping the bill

People who don't like TBIs.
Ask me how I know you've never run around with guns for real

What you using it for? Nothing wrong with a decent skate helmet, you'll get that lowkey 90's delta aesthetic while not becoming poor or looking like a try hard

I need a helmet for tornado sheltering purposes, but while I'm at it I figure I'd might as well get something to compliment my plate carrier and battle belt. One day hope to get some NVG btw.

>wants a helmet
>hasnt done the thirty seconds of research it takes to find the most popular helmet model

Just get a razor bike helmet from walmart since all you want is to play dress up

Get a rock climbing helmet for $60 and paint it. Tacticool helmets are a rip off.

Attached: SmartSelect_20180502-182640_Amazon Shopping.jpg (1419x1800, 370K)

I have run around with guns almost every night to fight the ninja zombies from outer space who try to enter my home, but I will do you one better, I was ejected from a rolling vehicle due to a blowout at 84mph. No helmet. I did have a couple injuries to the head aside form others. Skull fracture to the crown, banged up my left orbital, scraped my eyeball, tore muscles and had it turn, broke my jaw. Coma for three months but it was induced/sedation. Helmets are for pussies. Seat belts, on the other hand, you should wear them.
>btw: "coma dreams/nightmares" are fucking hardcore

did you have wet dreams in your coma? Did you cum into your catheter tube?

I want you all to realize that bump helmets are literally just fucking bicycle helmets with rails. It ballistic or nothing friendo. I would suggest you at least get a pagst if you want to feel operator, but don't buy that overpriced junk, and if you don't want a ballistic helmet, then just go to fucking Wal-Mart and pick yourself up a skateboard helmet for $20.