What's the deal with America and Israel?

I don't want to hear your senseless Jow Forums bullshit. I want to hear founded arguments and supporting evidence. Let's try to keep this bullshit free.

So what's the deal with America and Israel? America seems to do an awful lot to help them and in turn, they seem to do very little, if anything, for us. Why does the American Government do so many favors for them? The most "logical" argument I've heard is that Israel is a key ally because of it's location in the Middle East. I don't buy that though. We've done too much for them.

From what I've seen, Israel will stir shit up and expect America to clean up the mess they've made. But why do we agree to clean up their shit? It should be their problem, no? I don't see us going anywhere else in the world cleaning up after other nation's messes. I think they need to grow the fuck up and take care of their own shit. Not ask America to do all the heavy lifting.

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Its a colony created after WW2 by western powers to keep the middle east destabilized.

Glass Israel now
sorry you seem to be a clueless cunt op. time for talking is over. absolute extermination is the only solution that remains

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fpbp and the truth

Why the Middle East? History is not my strong suit. But weren't all the problem countries during the WW2 era European? Why would America have an interest in the Middle East during that time period? And what evidence is there to support this?


A destabilized middle east means low oil prices.

Honestly, from what I've read, the Jewish people seem to have a very long history of not being liked. Again, from what I've read, it seems to stem from the fact that they were the first people to create "interest" on loans. People didn't know what that was, they agreed, and were met with a nasty surprise. They felt conned and they ran the Jews out of town. Then they went somewhere else and did the same thing? That's probably wrong though. I have nothing to cite.

But there's too many coincidences. Why take the people who have a long history of being disliked and give a whole region of the world to dislike them even more? Why use the Jews? Was it because they didn't have a home land? This doesn't exactly sound like some altruistic move to me. Why not use literally anyone else and say "hey, this land is yours now."

But doesn't North America have a fuck tonne of oil resources? Why ship it over from half way across the world? Cheaper labor? What's the reason? It's also not like gasoline prices are low right now either.

>Why the Middle East
Oil and a desire to keep competition at bay from what was the former Ottoman Empire, which dissolved as a consequence of WWI. After WWI the British Empire went in and did its divide and conquer thing in the middle east. After the British Empire decline due to WW2 USA went in and has continued British foreign policy more or less. Israels creation as a destabilizing force in the middle east is a part of this whole story. They basically do a lot of the dirty work for the west by just existing in the region.

>WW1 UK said that Arabs get 1 state
>UK and France *dab* on the arabs and carve up the middle east between themselves
>then WW2 happens and the former colony forces UK and France to decolonize
>but the retarded borders stay
>now the shit is fucked up already but what should we do?
>yes add a fucking spark to the powder keg
>Israel there get much lands
>get also many monies from US
>US like that cheap oil
>Israel like that water sources (Golan heights) and rivals dead (Iraq and whole North Africa)
The funny thing is that the mudslimes are outbreeding the jews now anyway (already a majority) so it was all for nothing lel

They were kicked out of 379 countries if I recall

>literally in the first minute
>"Christians in the west have come to worship the Jews as God's chosen people."

My parents were in the military, so I moved around a lot. Never in my life have I ever met a single person who ever worship the Jews. I've never met a single person who ever held the Jewish people on any sort of pedestal. I've never met anyone who had any special reverence for the Jews. They were always just that weird group of people who kept to themselves and had a weird religion. No one ever gave a fuck about them. That video barely begun and it already pissed me off.

>I've never met a single person who ever held the Jewish people on any sort of pedestal.

also some we wuzz

>let’s veto everything that everyone else agrees on in the UN
>okay deal
>here, have some nukes and stuff
>gee thanks

So is everyone "in on it"? Why is Israel a recognized country? Or is it not recognized in other parts of the world?

I've only personally seen a weird worship of Israel among super fundie Jesus freak types. The sort of types who think Israel is a part of end times prophecy in order for Jesus come back etc.

They stole our nuke tech. We didn't give it to them.

He's just some brainwashed faggot. Or is some ruse master trying to brainwash other faggots. He sounds like some televangelist con man.

Because they think that if the Holy Land isn't under Judeo-Christian control during the second coming Jesus will peace back out to Heaven or something.

Oil is pretty vital for things other than gasoline, mate.

Exactly. Dont listen to the last retard. Europe and china take arabian oil, not us (barely).

>But doesn't North America have a fuck tonne of oil resources?
Yes, but due to the opposition to oiling, pipelines, fracking, offshore drilling, etc. we aren't always obtaining as much oil as we'd like, so it's useful to have a destabilized middle east to keep oil cheap.

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>not recognizing a sovereign nation
Not recognizing Israel as a country is like calling Monaco part of France.
Ignorance is not an ideology. Yields no benefit no matter how you look at it.


But aren't the Jewish people known for having the highest general IQ? Or is someone going to tell me that's a lie or some kind of brainwashing trick?

Those black people in New York that wear those black robes. Aren't they just a bunch of racist assholes? Don't they literally spew some "religious" bullshit and insult everyone on the street? They have a name, but I forget what they're called.

>hey goy Sadam has WMDs
>sadam overthrown none found
>hey goy gaddafi is real bad and is gonna get WMDs
>gaddafi overthrown, no wmds found, refugee crisis starts
>hey goy Syria is doing bad things
>fund Syrian civil war, isis created, Refugee crisis made worse
>hey goy Iran gonna do anudder Shoah
We are here
It doesn’t matter if you hate Jews or not. Israel is more trouble than its worth. We should let Iran nuke them(if they even have nukes)

If this is legit, why was it allowed?

Their nuke program was illegal and they were helped out by the French mainly.
It was created basically because the major world powers felt like it and nobody else could do anything about it. It wasn't a U.N. resolution (Arab states all rejected it in the U,N. and conflict indued)

Master slave relationship.

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I realize that, but are gas prices not reflective of oil prices?

If America really is built on such a fragile dependence on oil, as so many people say it is, would it not be in our best interest to extinguish out dependence on oil? Wouldn't that literally be on the top of our priority list?

>the mudslimes are outbreeding the jews now anyway
You're acting like that matters.

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God's chosen people, goyim. Do not critizice.

>If America really is built on such a fragile dependence on oil, as so many people say it is, would it not be in our best interest to extinguish out dependence on oil?
How do you propose doing that?

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>Hyper Dimensional Physics

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Wasn't he overthrown primarily by his own people?

Also, where's this idea that Israel is giving us this information? Don't we have out own extensive intelligence networks that don't just involve Israel?

Why would France help their illegal nuke program? Isn't France a huge American ally? What does France have to gain from this?

How is some puny little literal shithole country going to have influence on the most powerful country known to man? It just doesn't make sense. I always hear that Jews have implanted themselves in key government positions in America, but look at congress. There's a fuck tonne of red blooded Americans. How could they not see through such a ruse, if one really existed? Why would it ever be allowed?

We pumped a lot of money into Libya, and with sadam bibi did the same thing he did with the recent press conferences about Iran and Syria to the UN

>Why would France help their illegal nuke program?
I really don't remember the back story here but they helped build all their nuclear facilities for enriching uranium and plutonium etc. It was all very top secret and I think the French were trying to keep it a secret from the USA. Western European powers may be allies but they still do shit behind each other backs all the time.

Hello, IDF here, it goes something like this:
Things the US does for Israel:
>United States give Israel cheap or free military tech and equipment
>United States vetoes resolutions against Israel
>United States sometimes helps Israel in wars (but not really)
In return, what Israel does for the USA:
>Israel acts as basically a base for the USA in the middle East
>Israel acts as somewhat of a military Ally (probably can't actually go attack distant countries, but will help with air Force if requested , probably)
>Israel almost always supports United States in votes, unlike other countries that get as much military and monetary assistance , if not more
>Israel shares a lot of technology (drone tech, anti missile missiles, tank APS, much more) and Intel with America
>Israel invests a lot in it's tech sector, which is mostly made up of American companie's branches here
To conclude, for their money and protection, the US gets double votes in the un, contributions to it's technology, both military and civilian, and a staging base/military Ally in the middle East.

That's exactly what happened. Jews were the only ones in that era who would do that, due to the majority of religions making it illegal. Then, as the jews prospered in foreign lands, the envious poor would get mad and start anti-semitic sentiment among the people.

France nearly fell to communism in the 60s.

>How is some puny little literal shithole country going to have influence on the most powerful country known to man?
By having nationals of that country in the most powerful positions of the government and by controlling the media of the country.

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You should have dinner with my family sometime.
They have actually said that the Jews are God's chosen people. They're Protestant.

There is your problem

Billions of mudslime suicide bombers are kinda dangerous

Not when you're willing to mow them down at the border without remorse.

How's that idol worshiping coming along, p*pist?

how is some puny.....
By infiltrating our institutions and elite classes in our society, thereby allowing them to select for people like them, increasing their influence, or people not like them, who will still do their bidding (shabbos goys) increasing their power. If you look into the elite classes, and the wealthy, you'll find that the higher up you go, the more jewed it gets. Hell, there was a little spar not too long ago where the jewish owned media complained that Princeton was antisemetic because jews were only overrepresented among the students by a factor of TEN instead of like thirty at Harvard.

Once they got in they could let more of themselves in, essentially, and now that they control their share and the other through coercive means, they essentially control not only the institution, but who can get into the institution.

That was actually really insightful. If you're still there, what's your opinion of the Israeli government?

USA is a zionist occupied goverment (ZOG). The Balfour Declaration was the starting point of Israel. It was the promise to drag the US into WW I to prevent defeat of the UK. Look who the chairmen of the FED are, almost all of them are jews. They control the currency and therefore the goverment. You are not voluntarily part of this.

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I doubt that would happen with the us and uk literally next door and everywhere

Its..... Difficult, especially for people like me (non-religious).
While the government itself is not doing anything that's really bad, it's failing in doing many things (developing public transport is the thing that annoys me the most), and still can't separate religion from State (no busses on two days of the week).
Furthermore, demographics show that intensly religious people are rapidly becoming a majority, and Im afraid we will turn into a Jewish Iran.

Thanks, kike.

I'd hate you less if you were honest about the sheer amount we give you in comparison to other shitty nations we shouldn't give any.

But alas, that's too much to expect of you and I appreciate your almost honest statement.

>four billion a year.

They didn’t create it. Christians were banned from charging interest. The church gave jews a pass then stirred up hated for them sighting their “greed”.

As to why they were kicked out. For much the same reason the templars were destroyed. People, especially kings don’t like having to pay off their debts.
Most countries they were run out of the ruling class was in debt to local Jews.
What easier way to eliminate debt than to eliminate the creditors.

Stop reading shit online and open a book you basement dwelling retards!

>America's greatest friend and ally
Has never joined us once in battle since the creation of the state. Don't pay attention to what people say, but rather what they do. The answers you seek are therein.

Yeah we just let a bunch of Jews build our bombs. How did the rest of them ever figure it out?

An actual informed post underneath the multiple replies of a Jow Forumsnigger shitposter

The khazars have been infiltrating themselves in govts around the world for centuries, maybe millennia.

Alexander Hamilton was a kike delegate of JEW YORK (then capital of the US) that wanted a stronger central govt and subsequently a national bank. Benjamin Franklin opposed this, saying "There are several parts of this Constitution which I do not at present approve, but I am not sure I shall never approve them." But after a little arm twisting to shut up, he did "because I expect no better and because I am not sure that it is not the best".

The articles of confederation paved the way for our Ancapistani America. Hell, a PRIVATE ARMY stopped Shays Rebellion, not any of the states. And if the state banks failed, they failed. That's capitalism aka the principle the original United States was founded on.

The Constitution is a Jewish ploy, as are all modern Western constitutions by the khazars to hide in North America and Europe from the undesirable browns of the world. Israel is their move to action, being meant to touch base in the center of the world to control oil, heroin, arms, and human slaves and the flow of commerce connecting Africa to Europe to Russia to The East from the Nile to the Euphrates to the Black Sea. Why wouldn't you want to secure and control all that?

That's because they're told not to. Bush had to beg them to not fuck up Iraq during the Gulf War.

Europe and Oil.

The MEs primary customer of petroleum are European countries who are strongly allied with the US. If oil flow is disrupted or potentially disrupted then that has the direct effect of destabilizing European economies and by extension, governments, thereby risking US strategic positions.

So it becomes of paramount importance to make sure that the ME has certain stabilizing positions for the entire region to anchor to. Originally, it was Saudi Arabia, Iran and Israel as they were considered the most stable. You can see in history that the US did significant work to help prop up and strengthen those three countries from military to economic aid and investment. Israel had shown that they can weather attacks from the entire region (with more than a little initial help from the soviets), and the house of Saud didn't look like it was going anywhere anytime soon.

Carter fucked up Iran, but Egypt was coming around and that Saddam guy seemed like he at least knew the score and wouldn't fuck up things in the gulf like the Iranians were by attacking oil vessels and platforms. So the US began investing in Egypt and to a lesser extent, Iraq to fill the void of Iran (pretty much impossible, it can't be overstated how badly carter fucked up with a key player like Iran). The removal of Iran only strengthened Israeli and Saudi positions with the west. The ongoing issues with Egypt and Iraq deciding to do the one thing they weren't allowed to in fucking up the oil flow cemented the preeminence of Israel and SA.

Frankly, SA has gotten away with a lot more than Israel and gets more equipment, training and attention than the Israelis. However stormnigs only concentrate on Israel because muh jews. The attack on the Liberty pales in comparison to 9/11. Yet they both still got away with their crimes because the destabilization of the ME has far reaching consequences for billions of people.

Realpolitik it out and everything the US does makes sense.

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>telling anyone anything
almost had me dude

US supports countries that it thinks are useful for geopolitical control. Israel is one of them, but US has supported and continue to support countries with ideologies directly opposed to Israel, such as Saudi Arabia.

>destabilize region
>which interrupts oil company operations
>who now can't output as much oil as they could under peacetime conditions
>which drives up prices due to demand staying the same
Excellent strategy.

>Alexander Hamilton was a kike delegate of JEW YORK

I don't know why, but that made me laugh really hard. God you people are fucking retarded

No refutation or even contradiction close to resembling an argument; just straight ad hom. Nice. Kys kike/ cuck


I wasn't trying to make an argument. I'm just saying, how do you expect anyone to take you seriously when you write shit like that?