America BTFO

are you guys ready for chinese century ?

Attached: Screenshot_2018-05-04-12-09-24-936.jpg (1078x1658, 595K)

Yes I am. I mean..

Here we go again.

Doesn't that go against the U.N. Anti Laser Treaty? Because blinding people is a real good way for us to load up a few nuclear weapons up in space.

Only if their intent was to cause permanent blindness.

June 4th 天安门广场大屠杀
June 4th 天安门广场大屠杀
June 4th 天安门广场大屠杀

Tiananmen Square 1989

Pretty sure that was the intent, there are no lasers that can be effectively used as weapons right now, and China did a shitton of optical laser tests.

My mom told me I'd regret not going to chinese school, and it's turning out that way.


Just shows how more advanced the Chinese military is over the Americans. It just probably shows why there are a lot of American shills going around the internet to dissuade people from finding out the truth.

>China taking the lead in world leaderships
>every country around the world recognize China as friend partner to rebuild earth after centuries of theft and destruction by the US
>burgers literally shaking
let the world be glad and rejoice we finally have a good and wholesome support from a good country like China
China doesn't steal and destroy things like the US.
China build railways, roads, bridges and hospitals to make positive changes in other countrys around the world
All america can do is autistic screeching and throw poop everywhere

Attached: CHINA NURSE.jpg (3366x1893, 808K)

>railways, roads, bridges

slanderous, we all know the PRC will develop trans-dimensional near instantaneous hypertransportation structure capability by 2025

China is just taking its turn figuring out exactly what building hospitals, railways, schools and shit in Africa gets you in return.
>Spoilers, it's a headache.

Attached: DWdDOYHUQAALxQO.jpg (1200x675, 69K)

China is going to be better at it than the US.

what is this meme from

Empire of Dust. It's about a Chinese railway worker experiencing the "joys" of working in the Congo.

Attached: 1525413461913.jpg (406x812, 259K)

What happens to the workers from China who get sent to African nations for projects like mining or oil extraction? Do they get paid extra for working overseas? How long are they over there for?

>China is going to do it better than the US
>The US is going to do it better than Britian
>Britian is going to do it better than the Dutch
>The Dutch are going to do it better than the Portuguese
>The Portuguese are going to do it better than Tribe B
>Tribe B is going to do it better than Tribe A

The ride never ends, you see.

except China isn't the CIA subverting legitimate govts, creating and training terrorists, or inciting revolutions

Attached: 517.jpg (248x233, 9K)

Africa has been a shitfest long, long before the CIA was ever a thing.


Ever wondered why Philippino Duterte went to China instead of staying with US? American NGOs subverting the people for the CIA's goals. Just like Nuland.

>inner mongolia
>east turkistan
>north korea
He's right you chink. The Chinese economic model only works with a large slave class supporting a small elite. China switched out the ethnic han serfs for tibetan and mongolian slaves to allow economic growth in the 80s.


Except when they supported Robert Mugabe and ZANU

thats literally almost entirely what their foreign policy consists of retard

>literally almost entirely what their foreign policy consists of
yeah, the US foreign policy