What did they mean by this?

WTF, this isn't my guntuber channel.

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Why do we need a perpetual three threads a day on this one shitty e-celeb?

Haven’t been on Jow Forums in a long time, when did people start disliking ian?

Some things about Karl and Ian's past recently came to light.

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They aren't the MAGA hat wearing retards that these autists expected them to be therefore they are leftist jew loving shills or some other dumb shit

When the newfags started invading en masse in late 2016.

Mostly last week when Ian went to South Africa and it blew up because people were warning him about the ongoing white genocide there. He said that no such thing is happening and that they're misinformed, they responded with autistic screeching.

High crime rate? Definitely.
Farm attacks? Isolated but troubling.
Land expropriation act? Very real and very alarming.
Country going completely to shit with massive corruption? You bet.
Literal white genocide? Not there yet. Maybe early warning signs. I definitely wouldn't want to live there, but white people aren't being rounded up and gassed or shot. Hopefully the attention is enough to put pressure on the SA government to back the fuck off, but I definitely wouldn't blame a guy who visited there and was reassured by white people that it's not at that stage for taking the words of the people he met in person over some poltards commenting on the internet.

No, seriously, he’s boring as shit and I don’t get the appeal. C&Rsenal does the same schtick but way better. And yeah, I know this place is infested by literal homos, but Mae at least has a vagina, which makes her objectively more appealing than this place’s inexplicable mancrush on Ian. So just stop.

>Mae at least has a vagina
Jow Forums is a meritocracy
gas yourself affirmative action communigger

Somebody's JEALOUS

He's a communist antifa supporter.

>has a vagina therfore more interesting
Holy shit want me to tell you how you have never gotten laid in your entire life?

Because he posts on Jow Forums with the rest of us?

He got cancer from Karl and his toxic opinion so we hate him.

Honestly the biggest problem South Africa is facing is an imminent water crisis.

I cringed really hard at this. kys..

Sorry, this is Jow Forums, not Jow Forums - the woman-haters club is that-a-way.

Don't forget commies! Anything that I disagree with automatically means communism.

Ian wants more gun control, all yall ian loving fags can fuk off

>the fanboys desperately try to defend their fallen messiah

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And power, the worst areas in SA have no water or power. The country is about to shut down in the most destitute areas

>newfags realise that popular gun YouTuber is not Jow Forums nor has ever been Jow Forums despite the board making up a decent amount of his viewerbase
>old relationship used to be Ian knew of us but left us to our own devices
>new fags on the board take board culture and memes to Facebook because they just have to share the most ebic mames
>post all over ian’s Facebook
>weird him and Karl out
>Karl reacts badly because he’s Karl
>now we have animosity between nu/k/ and Karl
Good times

SA is seriously fucked in many ways thanks to the corruption. The land expropriation act looks like a cheap short-sighted money/power grab that appeals to only the lowest denominator. It'll backfire horribly if implemented because most of the money in SA's economy is held by white people and if they establish a precedent of just taking shit away arbitrarily all of the foreign investment will pull out and dry up.

It's the same nose-dive Zimbabwe went through for basically the same reason. You want people who control key economically vital resources to leave your country? They will, but they will take their money, equipment and talent with them.

You seem like a half decent person, why would you waste that on a tripcode?

When I first lurked and posted on Jow Forums it used to have a lot of decent trips, and a few shitty ones. I guess trying to be a mostly helpful tripfag is my futile way of keeping old Jow Forums alive.

Support your claims.

Tripfags are alright, man. I come to Jow Forums pretty rarely these days but I always like seeing that some old trips are still around, unlike on the other boards I browse. Back before generals and forumlike circlejerking got big on every board the good tripfags were helpful and the bad ones were at worst entertaining. By becoming recurring characters they channeled varying degrees of attention-whoredom and/or outright narcissism into what was essentially a community service, especially on higher-traffic boards with fewer easily-recognizable anons.

>Mae at least has a vagina

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Only because nogs breed irresponsibly

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A tripfag is right... well I'll be damned

>spends the first 30 minutes explaining how the video was made and what other videos you should watch first before talking about the fucking gun in his hands
>sometimes there is no gun


C&R is the less autistic nuttinfancy of obscure firearms

>who is Zed
But yes I do miss Ivan

Mass immigration from other African countries is a huge reason too

Also any white person in SA than gets the chance to leave usually takes it, I’m sure many more will follow especially with this land grab threat

>>new fags on the board take board culture and memes to Facebook because they just have to share the most ebic mames
This is something I'm really fucking sick of seeing, especially when they try to greentext on facebook

That's been going on like a decade or more now. Your problem for using that honeypot. I just want to diddle myself to anime tummies without it being interpreted as a political statement, man.

Karl has always been a bit... Special. He'd probably fit right in here sadly enough.

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>government announces that they should forcefully take back their land from the white devil
>no genocide going on here guys
Jesus tittyfucking christ, tripfags.

>still watchign Egon

yeah nah, I'd love to drop that cunt in SA though. let's see who there is no state sponsored pogrom against whites when it's his ass on the line....

really? I always though we vrush our theeth and don't sport meme beards and haircuts. the hair egon and coral ahve may be ok for a 19 year old but not for grown men. then again, neither are men.

I chuckled

Put your trip back on you fucking faggot.

But the whites that literally live there are tge ones that called BS on it

That's business as usual in corrupt postcolonial shitholes. Nobody usually does anything in the past several decades because they know their economy is dependent on maintaining an environment friendly to foreigners. You westerners don't understand, living in your mature stable democracies with your civil liberties and civil society. Especially in southern Africa where land redistribution has caused massive poverty in living memory, you can't really expect anything to happen until someone actually does something.

If you don't know what you're talking about don't talk about it.

really? all 3 of them? if so, why are SAans asking for asylum in Australia, Canada, NL and elsewhere? if so, who are those people Lauren Southern interviews?

>weird Karl out
>Karl reacts badly
What? Details?

just look at the face of ian, absolutely disturbing

>first lurked and posted
When was this?

Those are alt right narzis, obviously. Ian even said the South Africans he spoke to said it's all BS and if you disagree you don't leave your basement
>(I'm in agreement with you btw, just shitposting)

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You can tell his nice guy persona is just an act, that's the eyes of a cold blooded psychopath.

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>File: 1524858046985.jpg (140 KB, 1152x540)

in times like these I really regret that's I'd just shoot him in the head instead of skinning him alive like the aztec, mohammedans, chinks or zulus would do.

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>believing anything Lauren Southern says
Why would you believe the less hot of the two sister?

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>I make strawmen arguments on an alpaca cheese making forum

>mature stable democracies with your civil liberties and civil society
Kinda sounds like what South Africa used to be...

Okay retard

>All the white Africans I have spoken too
>I base my entire argument on anecdotal evidence
What a fucking mongrel. He's the picture of a low information voted. Alright, regardless of whether there is an active genocide in SA or not it is undeniable by anyone with 2 brain cells that it is trending towards genocide.

Whites have been steadily dehumanized for decades in SA, hate crimes have risen, organizations and political groups have formed with the intent to destroy whites, GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS HAVE CALLED FOR THEIR EXTERMINATION, and plans are being made to strip away privately owned land (the majority of which is knowingly possessed by white farmers). All of these things are indicators of a trend leading to genocide.

Any of you niggers that can't see this should read a book. You can all jerk each other iff about if there is a genocide or not with your shitty evidence from Laotian bead sorting forums and anecdotes, but the things listed above are all well documented occurrences that have appeared in SA and have also appeared before other genocides. This is a ticking time bomb.

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I cracked a smile and three low hehehes came out my throat.
Good job.

>Says C&Rsenal is better


>bc vagina

...there went that compliment.

He sperged out about spies from "/k" being in their discord.

Because on nu-Jow Forums if you're not a total stormfag it means you're an anti-gun faggot.

This is the best take.

>average homicide rate
>white farmer homicide rate
>black farmer homicide rate
>man dismembered while alive, wife gang raped and lit on fire, son drowned in boiling water, no items stolen
>"robbery gone wrong"
>rinse, repeat.
>so many "robberies gone wrong" that the SA government has stopped reporting the races of victims and offenders because "the data is racist"
Leave you basement some time, and maybe ian should try leaving the safe zones some time and actually talk to the people being effected by these things.

i like ian for his videos but this

wait so criminals are black and racist ?

>state sanctioned, promoted, and likely facilitated race based violence
>official plans to strip race of rights
>literally photograph evidence of killers using military signal jamming equipment
>J-just some criminals doing normal criminal things!

It isn't a genocide, but it is certainly an honest to goodness ethnic cleansing over a long period of time. It is genuine replacement policy and it should scare the shit out of anyone with a brain.

Ian is the type of faggot that probably voted Clinton in 2016 because "guns aren't the only issue on the table."

I mean, the Bantu aren't even from that part of Africa. They come from way the fuck NorthWest of SA. They also treat the actual natives of the area, the Khoisan, like absolute garbage.

I can definitely see these as warning signs but they are not at the stage of full on genocide right now. That's why I don't think it's unreasonable for someone told that there is a white genocide ongoing to dismiss the idea.

Moreover what really troubles me in all this is that this backlash is basically a political witch hunt for wrongthink against someone who isn't a politician. Ian's content isn't political and I don't care much what his political opinions are, because that's not the information I go to him for.

As a more extreme case, I love Jim Carrey as an actor. He's a rabid anti-gunner which is kind of disappointing, but he's a good actor and I'm not doing myself any service denying myself the enjoyment of his work just because of his political opinions.

Furthermore, this kind of politicization of everything and everyone is exactly the kind of thing that got everyone disgusted with the SJWs. It's a page straight out of their playbook. If the growing movement of young conservatives is going to have any legitimacy we are going to have to do better. We need to avoid the unnecessary witch hunting, circle jerking, confirmation bias and self delusion that (rightly) turned the lefties into a laughing stock. If we make the SJWs look like the sane option, that's where the inertia will move.

I always found him to be a smug, sanctimonious nerd, his reaction to this didn't do anything to change my mind.

c&r is the most boring and dry fucking shit ever. condensing information is essential to making a half decent youtube video. the content is solid, but the presentation is ass. also mae isn't that much fun to watch shoot as much as ian.

I think yhe issue people are having is that he didn't say "I think you're exaggerating and definitely misusing the term genocide"

Instead he outright attacked people, implied there is absolutely nothing going on, and flat out stated that if you believe there is a serious problem you're a basement dwelling manchild.

That's why people are upset. Also, he is in the business of educating, NOT entertainment, he gets held to a higher standard.
>Before you hurfa durf at me, he statrd thst forgotten weapons is an educational platform, not me, if he's going to then turn around and aggressively discredit something he'd better be right. Especially when that something has thousands of potential murders connected to it.

Go away Othias, and take your Kermit voice and living Missy Piggy with you.

>hickok45 gets a good following on Jow Forums for being a good content creator
>"whoo gun grandpa!"
>hickok says something dumb about bump stocks
>"reeee what the fuck you betrayed us boomer shitstain"
>Ian gets popular for creating good content about rare firearms
>"whoooo praise gun jesus I love your ass Ian!"
>Ian turns out to be a shitlib with shitlib opinions and a smarmy attitude
>"reeeee what the fuck Ian you friggin libturd"
The cycle repeats.

I despise celebrity worship so I'm glad that Gun Judas revealed himself as a virtue-signalling liberal that's denying real political turmoil and putting his tangible butthurt about a small forgotten african nation on display.
At least now people are going to stop jerking off to him 24/7.

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>that trenchcoat
I literally own the same one. How has wilson's not changed the design is 20 years?

You know its okay to dislike Trump? Its doesn't make you unAmerican.

>Ian turns out to be a shitlib with shitlib opinions and a smarmy attitude
He is just a fucking libertarian who refuses to take the final pill.

Trump is a ZOG puppet and will hang with the rest.

Maybe he would if he dropped that fatfuck karl

Ian is, unfortuately, quite hostile to Jow Forums-type internet culture.
While I respect his views on free speech, he is basically a normie in his other viewpoints, going out of his way to censor le craaaayzy internet nazies, making him somewhat of a hypocrite.

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>they have an agenda
What fucking agenda?

This, Ian is genuinely entertaining and the channel is fucking amazing but he's a bit of a fag when it comes to politics desu

>Jow Forumstards lose their shit when Ian drops a truth bomb

What part of this is Jow Forums-related again?

The funny thing is I know at least one of these reply's to is othias. show yourself Kermit voiced bear.

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>Jow Forumstards lose their shit when Ian drops a truth bomb
Disregarding the Jow Forums aspect, how is the population displacement by the SA government not real?

This is what Jow Forums has become now, familia

OK, that's a more sensible point than calling him a communist.

I can kind of see it from his perspective of being frustrated, but he prides himself on being professional so it shouldn't show in any case.

I still enjoy his content and will continue to watch it though. If someone else doesn't want to or was supporting him on patreon but cut the funding that's entirely their prerogative and they have the complete right to do so.
I really don't like the assholes that over-reacted and went mass-flagging all of his videos though, since that interferes with the ability of other people to view his content.

Jesus Christ, I hate that a namefag is the most reasonable voice on this topic.

>Farm attacks? Isolated but troubling.
given that the attackers are organized and carry military tech equipment (that the average sub Saharan can't maintain and operate) I'd say that there's an organized agenda

I don't know what is more autistic, taking Jow Forums shit to Facebook, or Karl sperging about Jow Forums spies. Fuggg

Jesus Christ Othias have some dignity.
You just lost a fan.

I kind of doubt it considering his level of personal investment in the industry and hobby

the same reason those kids didn't get any older either

> Wilson's

To be fair, confiscation of property of an ethnic group is considered part of genocide by the UN and HRW.

Ethnic cleansing, not genocide.
Still very bad of course.

>Literal white genocide? Not there yet
They've already killed whites by the tens of thousands, often in ways more gruesome than you can possibly imagine. How many tens of thousands more have to die before you admit that it is, in fact, a genocide?

So every time anyone has a thread loosely related to Ian we are going to talk about South Africa?

I'm aware of the farm attacks and those are definitely both gruesome and targeted, but tens of thousands? Are you sure about that? We're still in the realm of a couple thousand which is still bad, especially considering the possibility that state actors may be involved.

It's not the same thing as a large group going across the country and systematically rounding up/killing every white person they see. It's in the realm of hit/run terror. There's ethnic violence, and the government isn't doing anything about it, but that's not the same as them actively rounding up and killing all white people.

So my standard here is not just numbers but methodology. If there was a group operating in broad daylight with open government endorsement seeking out and killing every white person they find (or putting them into concentration camps) then yes, definitely genocide.