
Has anyone experience with the Converse/Reebok Rapid Response boots? Thinking about picking up a pair. Also boots general

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Other urls found in this thread:,2332,5131/1,5131,2332/1&dl=b tacitical balckhawk down sneakers boots&mfe=search&clk_rvr_id=1094202648041&_osacat=0&_from=R40&_trksid=p2045573.m570.l1313.TR4.TRC2.A0.H0.TRS0&_nkw=Nike SFB Boots&_sacat=0


Havent really seen them on /out/ but maybe they are okay.

That sole gluing looks like sweatshop work

That's why I posted it here

Total garrison boots. These things won't last two weeks in the field.

Reebok boots are trash even black soldiers complain about them

>not going barefoot

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When do you see yourself wearing them?

Best boots for swamp/humid and damp environments? With street walking too? I have some Vibram soled Oakley boots I bought when I was deployed but my environment is pretty much the opposite of Afghanistan

are those air force boots? they don't look in army regs

They're Reeboks so there are like 15 video reviews up. They have a work shoe brand so they might be functional but Converse and Reebok don't exactly come up when most outdoors people think of reliable footwear. What I notice is that at least the eyelets are metal but I doubt there's any real reinforcement in the toes or sidewalls. The tread looks weak. They don't look insulated or water resistant at all. If you want a good brand around the same price range maybe look at Oboz.

Haix jungle boots, bought pair two years ago and they are fine despite heavy use in eastern poland and belarussian swamps.

desu lad a lot of boots that people say this about don't actually wear out, they just look ugly after some wear but are still totally serviceable in the field

my garmonts have looked like shit from month one but will always get me there

>sage green
>they don't look in army regs

Promote this guy, he's a fucking genius.


Utter shit.
Reebok/Converse manufacture training’s not rocket science.
Lowa or Altberg.

Fuck, better than Marines, were stuck to maybe 3 different boot companies.

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Best? Depends on the climate i guess, but the best hiking boots for wetlands won't be optimal as streetwear.

You should probably look into a pair of Lundhags though.

I've read about them on someone's blog. He wrote that it lasted him ~4 years of hard use

Haixs ar pretty nice. Would recommend

I like my Danner's

Hey I'm looking to pick up. Boondocks from either at the front or WWII impressions. Anyone have any experience with them?

They'll be what I wear anytime I'm not lifting/running.

Yes they're a little /fa/ and not as good as modern stuff but I have to be able to go to my white collar job in them. If it's shtf I have he bundesheer kommando boots.

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Still have my Lowa boots,7 yrs later,still perfect.

RIP your feet. They'll hurt your feet and I think most have hobnails in them. Just get like redwings or something meant for everyday use

Honestly Doc Martens last forever, are waterproof and once you break them in are incredible for walking long distances.

>There is a threshold when walking/running when more padding just means more blisters.

>tfw Docs are great for outdoors but I wanna keep them effay
I might get a second beater pair

Redwing are cool I agree but now your talking like 400 for a boot. They're not hobnailed, but they are nailed and good year welted. I figure I could replace the sole if through first one wears out.

i wonder if you could buy them for the aesthetics then have them resoled for comfort.

no, it will look like a goomba shoe if you do. There's not really any point, either, if you are walking less than 2 miles per day (which is rather high for anyone who doesn't work on their feet) they aren't actually going to be that uncomfortable once you break them in a little bit. While they aren't ideal for rucking or working on a warehouse floor, chukkas (which these technically aren't, but are very similar to) are just fine for most things. I mean, I wear boat shoes most of the time, which have no cushion or support whatsoever, and they're perfectly comfortable unless I go for a hike or something (and I actually did take them on a hike accidentally a few times, with 25lbs of climbing equipment on my back, the only challenges are they slip on pine needles and loose dirt, and are difficult to get tight. they are great if you are walking down a 35 degree granite face.)

If you're worried about shoes being uncomfortable, get a pair of La Sportiva Miuras that are two sizes smaller than your street shoe size, so that you at least have a proper understanding of what an uncomfortable shoe feels like.

Are leather boots still used in any military in 2018?

No lol

They're pretty comfy tho, when you can actually walk in them and stop bleeding from your toes


Get garmont t8's. Thats it.


Lowa Zephyr. Best boots I've ever had.

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Rocky S2V Jungle Boot is good. I'm in Polk and right now I wear the regular Rocky S2V. It's heavy as fuck but it's super comfy. It also gets really hot even with the vent holes. I'll get the jungle boots one next however they will give you a blister on the top of your foot until they are broken in.

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Roger. I'm in the Galveston area, that's why I asked. It's all bayous and rain out here.

>He wrote that it lasted him ~4 years of hard use
Bull. Shit. ANY boots that last that long aren't getting used that hard.

You can drop $500 on a pair of custom Whites built specifically for your feet and you'll get 3-4 years out of them, but at that point they'll be leaking like a sieve and covered in blown-out stitching if you're actually using them they way they're made to be used. Or they've been resoled and rebuilt at least once, in which case they'll last longer.

If you're ACTUALLY looking for "hard use" boots then you want full-grain leather and stitch-down soles, and you should expect to pay $300 on the low end.

For sitting in a chair or hiking occasionally they'll be fine. You're NOT fucking getting years of hard use out of those if your profession includes walking long distances (AKA infantry) or living/working in a pair of boots. If you have a job where quality footwear matters then spend the money for quality. If not, then yeah who cares but you might as well just get some sneakers or mid-height hiking boots.

t. worked as a wilderness ranger, a wildland firefighter, and a forestry tech

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those look cool. but you mentioned 400 being expensive for redwings? I found some used for like $200. they were in almost new condition, used one day for a photo shoot or something. if you're patient you can find a good used pair. also, any leather boot I've used that was cheaper quality than redwings/wolverine range have been total shit.

I've been looking at tachyons for a while but they don't look like they're worth $130

Yeah, I bought a pair to go with my new OCP army uniform. My experience ain't so hot. I sat down at an army depot and got the right size and everything but they would still cause blisters while I was marching. It only got worse if I started running, and this was after I broke them in. I'd say the only upside is that they allow you to walk around all sneaky beaky like with how soft the treads are, but thats about it. Later I got some Bellevile 390s and they work just great, whether I'm running, ruckin, or somewhere in between. They're not as pretty or tacticool, but certainly more functional. Which is what you want in a boot desu, but I'm sure you knew that already :)

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>midsole is disintegrating in the posted picture
>Presumably this is a photo being used to model and sell these boots, and thus this is the boots in optimal presentation conditions
Not a great sign of quality construction OP.

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bumping this fucking shit faggots

I own a pair of these. They're extremely comfortable. Fairly light weight. Very breathable. My feat almost never get sweaty even if I'm hiking in them. Have never had any issues with blisters. Good grip. Quality manufacturing. I don't have a single gripe about them. I'm not an operator, but I would definitely recommend.

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I don't know how the fuck I misspelled feet. Must be the beer.

I'm looking for a good jungle boot, are the Altama Jungle PX 10.5's any good?

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Doesn't ship to my country

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I looked at the Converse, because they are allegedly half of the weight of the Belleville

I already have a pair of full leather sewn-sole boots, but they are overwhelming in summer

Yes. The sizing can be a little weird, as they’re narrower than the average boot so keep that in mind. I wish I had gone a half size up, I can’t wear mine with insoles but even without them they’re manageable. Also great in hot weather, and the most aesthetic boot ever made

Jusd wrab gondoms around ur feet :DDD

Sort of related but I might as well shill for a good product.

I use pic related all over my boots, belts, holsters, wallet, anything made of leather. I just slather on liberally and blast it with a hair dryer to melt it into the leather. Leather products will last 4x as long when treated with this.

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Hey what's it like to be a fuckin pussy user?

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wish the shipping world wide wasn't as expensive, tried olive oil plus propolis and bee wax ony one of my old boots and part of the leather (just a bit mind you) was "eaten odd" like scratched as it were or disolved.. yeah i'll try to buy one of this one day.

Seconding I guess I don't know where you're at but they sell Obenauf's on Amazon...

I had a pair that I used as a work boot for almost 5 years. I use Danner now, but they actually were pretty solid for having been sewn together by 5 year old Bengali girls who get paid in not being raped.

I wear SM Wholesale WWII roughout ankle boots, and they've been great to me for about 2 years now. I've worn them pretty much everywhere doing anything and they've been just fine. If anons complain about your feet getting hurt, it's cos people's foot muscles actually weaken from being pampered by overly cushy footwear.

I was thinking about picking up a pair, but I have wide feet. Do they run narrow or are they good for flat-footed fellas like me?

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Queers gonna get mad but.

Rhyno gear tactocal boots arent half bad. Know guys who work construction been wearing the same pair for 3+ years. And only $40.

Ok start bitching.

Got a pair of oc tactiacl boots from my gf as a birthday gift and they are pretty comfy

I'm inclined to say they run narrow unless I have stupid wide feet since my pair is I think is a size larger than my norm.

Best thing would be to find somewhere to try a pair on.



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Just get some birkenstocks dude

You might have a hard time finding some, but new balance had a very short contract run with the army, and made 2 styles of combat boots in tan. Both are fantastic, I got a pair of each for 60$ a pop on a closeout. They've held up so fucking well and are comfortable as shit. I don't know why they lost that contract, but keep an eye out for a pair, maybe on eBay or something.

Long shot, but anybody wear Blauer's stuff? That lacing system looks pretty good for EMS work, but I don't want to drop like $150 on boots that'll fall apart in a year.

This. I got mine in my running shoe size and they work good but I have sliiightly narrow feet.

@OP, get boots from a good boot company, like Lowa, Hanwag, La Sportiva, Scarpa, Solomon, etc. Don't do tacticool shit like 5.11 or big brand shit that does anything and everything.

My fucking unit just gave me a set without the little jungle holes on the side. I think they are gortex lined and I fucking hate that shit. Makes my feet sweat too much.

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bull fucking shit mate.

I literally wore holes through both 1460 soles using them to walk 4 Kms to work.


Don't buy into the doc memes.

They ARE comfortable shoes, great for casual wear (once worn in) probably the most comfortable all leather boots i've had, and they do have a durable UPPER.

But the soles are soft, and definitely not made for hard use.

Get something with some nice Vibram outsoles that will actually get work done.

All leather is reliable and comfortable after break-in.

Personally i've been wearing Merrel Moabs lately and they are super light and tight, waterproof with great soles.

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Docs are fashion boots. More solid thanyour average fashion boot, and they certainly RESEMBLE a work or combat boot.

But they are fashion boots and they will get fucking DESTORYED if you try to do real shit in them.

Unironically these. Get the hot weather ones with the vent in the arch. Water doors get in, but the flexing in your arch pumps it right back out. The constant pumping of air in and out dries out the remaining wet. And if you have sweaty feet it just generally keeps your feet dry, the Belleville USMC hot weather boots are also good. The Marines may be crayon eaters but their boots are top rier.

i like my guardians

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Comfy af, but they always come apart after a while if you tug hard on the laces.

Not in my experience.

>they have lasted longer than any other boots I've owned.

You probably bought fake ones.
>the real ones say "made in england" on the soles

>Not in my experience
Elaborate. What "experience," precisely?

Because in lines of work where durable, reliabe, comfortable (in that order) footwear are a MUST I've literally never seen anybody in Doc's.

Shit, the made-in-UK Doc's I wore in my younger skinhead phase barely survived a couple years of punk shows, fistfights, and running from the police. I sure as fuck wouldn't be caught dead with a pair in my current line of work (one where extremely durable, reliable, comfortable footwear, in that order, is required).

What is the name of the boot second from the left

I know its garmont but what model is it, I love the way it looks

Ill second the belleville lightweight boots. Im working on oil tankers now and they are a fucking dream in hot weather, comfortable to be in 12 hours a day and hold up very well

Whats the best pair of boots if work in an office?

Are timberland field boots shit? Of course they're a fashion brand but I like how they look and want something for a variety of situations.

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Current army here. Finally upgrading from the bricks you get issued and wanted to see what you guys thought. Looking for comfort/lightweight, usable in wet weather, and durability, in that order. Currently looking at:
Danner Tanicus

Garmont T8 NFS,2332,5131/1

Blackhawk Desert Ops,5131,2332/1&dl=b

Heard lots of good stuff about the Garmont T8's from multiple people. They say they're the best boots. Also heard pretty good things about the Danners and how good they are with breathability and wetness. My NCO has the Blackhawks, loves them, had em forever and let me try them on, loved how comfortable they were but I've read they're not good with water.

People shit on merrels but if they fit your feet they are GOAT. Throw some superfeet insoles in them and you're golden for hundreds of miles of trail. I prefer the non-waterproof(ventilator I think?) moabs because if you ever get the waterproof ones wet they take 6 lifetimes to dry. Ain't no body got time fo dat.

Thigh high patent leather.

Check out the Rocky S2V. Also available in a jungle version.

Dude I work 5 12hr shifts weekly and wear Merrell Jungle Mocs. I wear a 13.5 wide and they fit me so perfectly. Even with that kind of abuse I only replace them yearly and then the old pair becomes my tooling around in the yard shoes.

Buying your own boots (or more than one pair, approved by CoC) is the best advice I could give to any prospective ground-pounder.

Bought Blackhawk boots halfway into my deployment a decade ago, and I cursed myself for not doing so sooner.

>But the soles are soft, and definitely not made for hard use.

i had a pair of made in england 8 hole boots back in the 90s. those fuckers lasted ten years of regular
use. like everything else in england they've gone to shit and are now made by darkies.

Wearing Danner East Ridges right now, imo any of their made in America boots are good, and all others are ok. Wait for a sale though.

I have some just like this. They're comfy as fuck and no, they don't just fall apart. They're good, comfy boots with looooots of traction in dirt and slippery areas. I just wore mine as riding boots too much on my motorcycle and the shift lever eventually made it rip behind the toe on the left boot. Good boots otherwise.

>buy merril moabs
>they keep my feet dry
>uncomfortable to wear for long periods of time
>starting to fall apart a year later after plenty of use

the adidas GSG boots look so fucking autistic/amazing at the same time. I want them so bad

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anyone got some good boot maintance tips?

I got a piar of leather ones that fit good, but I think the leather is too stiff and hurt the back of my heel.

Any anons have experience with Lems Boulder Boots? They look comfy and. Dig the minimalist look.

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Conscripts here used to bang the boots against stairs to break it in. Maybe hammer on it softly. I heard that lotion also softens them. Can't confirm tho