I can't do anything here, This place is horrible. I do usually train 4 days a week. But i've had to cut it down to 2 days a week because of the heat.

I'm constantly chugging water. And there is way too many mexicans.

Why the hell does the majority of our nations veterans live here?.

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It was pretty warm today, I had to drive with the windows down.

Sounds like you went to the South.

Why the fuck would you do that? Come up to North Texas where it's cool and the Mexicans are sparser. Or go and join my people in the 830 area to help with the Mexican purges. Your choice.

Come on, OP. If teenagers can muster two-a-day practices in full football pads during August/September, you can handle some run and gun in May.

what do you consider hot user? As for the mexicans, head north and or away from urban centers. That's the rule of thumb for getting away from degenerate trash.

lol northfag can't handle old fashion texas heat


lose weight you fat fuck

What fucking part of Texas are you? It's been like 70 degrees in the DFW area. It's beautiful out here. Wait until it's like 104 every day during the summer before you start bitching about it. You ain't seen shit yet, boi.

Good, hopefully it is so hot this summer all the transplants go back...

I'll take Texas heat over North-East shit winter any day.

I’m in north Texas and fucking Mexicans are everywhere.

Add to that 80-100% humidity and it's swamp ass within 5 minutes of going outside. I honestly prefer west Texas heat. At least there it's dry heat.

>air conditioning and they don't go /out/
>because they belong there

mexican in Texas here
stop being poor, there are literally no Mexican in affluent communities besides the odd jobs crews, make more than 200k and buy a 400+k home community.
yfw white flight and no white growth in Houston for the last 8 years. pic related

Forgot your pic amigo

Texas is hot as balls but it does discourage fat people from hanging /out/ so you have to take the good with the bad. just keep hidrated and wear a cowboy/Mexican hat, you will be surprised the diference it makes.
um, no growth, no pic. Yfw. no face because no white people. tu tu tz.

830 here, we need Mexicans gone

You don't get hard mother fuckers like Audie Murphy by allowing pussy ass betas survive.

It's not even hot yet ... OP is going to die in July / August.

dude literally the mexican wetback infestation is wh y i left a few months ago.

I couldnt take the taco nigger anymore

Living in the Galveston area here, I love it and have no problems. The Mexicans where I live stay in their own community next to mine, no problems during Harvey and they hate blacks with a passion I've never seen outside of Jow Forums. My neighbors are all white also, we just relaxed during the storm.

>be me, college student living with gf in townhouse
>have pic related collection (minus 20 inch AR, that's recent addition)
>storm hits
>talk to all my neighbors, one is the guy who does the power in our area and two of us work at local breweries so beer is shared out
>spend time inside, get together with others when cabin fever hits and the rain would let up
>mostly just irritated I can't get workouts in since I'm not home gym master race
>drink tea and watch the rain
>comfy af

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Is that a 20 inch barrel I see on that AR?

Yeah, I'm saving for some glass to put on it. I'm a poorfag college vet. This is my 16 inch

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Is Alaska basically like Texas but cold?

I've always heard it's like Canada physically but America politically

Sounds perfect for me, I grew up in Leafland

Fuck humidity

I'm a SW Floridafag. How does it compare TXanons? I played football down here and it sucked but I always thought playing in TX would be worse.

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What are you in m8? I used to live near the specs, shit was pretty intense when the mcdonalds sign starting flying off.
You one of em aggies?

Nah I'm just on the mainland, on unincorporated land next to Dickinson. I couldn't leave the neighborhood but we were spared by the storm. I go to UH, would be on the island but I commute into the city for school and it's a bitch. You?

Stop being poor. Stop being a pussy. Whataburger has big drinks for a reason. There are cowboy hats sold in every store for a reason. Befriend a Mexican with a grandma and gain ten pounds.

I know that feeling, I moved to Houston recently and it's fucking miserable. Being a snownigger living here is downright painful. The only times it has been pleasant was during the winter and when it briefly snowed.

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Lol no it's not, Alaska is far more free than us. In fact, there are quite a lot of states that are more free than Texas.
>tfw lived in League City, now in Rosharon
>tfw lost a bunch of shit in the storm
I genuinely believe Texas is worse, at least SE Texas/Houston is. I've lived in Florida for a while in Ft. Lauderdale, Tampa, and Titusville.

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That's rough bro, sorry to hear that. I lived in LC too (graduated from Creek) and know a guy with a bunch of land in Alvin/Rosharon that shoots hogs out there all the time, I need to get in that when I find the time.

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texas is an honest to god nightmare to work with. insane regulations, probably one of the least free states in the union. only made worse by the fact texans like to parrot their "texas is business-friendly" joke.

texans complain about californians, but they can't possibly make it any worse.

>californians cant make it any worse
give em ten years if we dont make em git and stay git.

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I have a rent apartment on the island and a house in Houston since I travel between the two for work often. Do you goto uh main campus? If so the drive must be pretty rough with all the bullshit traffic near downtown and that cancerous i45

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Yeah I go to main. It sucks balls, but I only have one semester left and I love the school. USP master race btw

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I work outside in the summer, are you just a bitch?

I would much rather be in Texas than 29Palms right now. Be grateful for what you have.

>tfw austin
I’m lonely

Nig nog here.
Quit being a fucking pussy.
Lose some fucking pounds.
Keep your ass outside and acclimate. You pass out around me I'll be in Dem pockets. Go by me some bemz and thangs.
JK. All joke aside you'll be ok. Makes you into stronger person.
And go eats some fucking taco's for fucks sakes.

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I lived there for a few years in the AF, I loved the winter time because it was perfectly comfy hoody weather. But the summers were absolutely awful. When I transitioned from a cool place to the outdoors, my clothes would get damp from moisture in the air.
I'll take my bad winters all day over the heat. You can dress for cold. You can't strip down far enough to deal with the heat, and even if you could, you'd get sunburnt to death.

Arizonan here. Its 0900 and already 90 degrees but at least there is no humidity. When the air is both hot AND wet that's just awful. I don't mind the heat its just the humidity I can't stand. Also why does everyone from Texas think they have the best gun laws? I know fuckloads of Texans own guns but the laws seem average at best especially compared to Arizona, Alaska, or other ultra free states.

Meanwhile in the PNW, southeners all around me are nonstop BITCHING about the rain
>when does it stop
>omg does it ever stop
>looks like rain today, AGAIN
>where's the Sun? Isn't it spring?
>why I remember back in Amarillo it would be 95 degrees right now

Bud of mine moved to Phoenix for college 4 years ago. I've heard some horror stories about your state
>it's 97 degrees which means it's cold enough to wear jeans
>i'm taking my 2nd shower of the day and it's not even 5:00
>this is my 3rd change of clothes today
>I've drank a gallon of water yesterday but I've yet to pee in over 24 hours. Am I dehydrated?

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Abilene user at ttu. I like this weather

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I don't know how the fuck anyone can put down a large and not piss themselves.


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Jesus Christ, 104 F is fucking insanity. Brazilian here, I thought I lived in a hot place but I've never witnessed temperatures above 96.8 Fahrenheit.

Weird, where I live in Texas averages 14 more inches per year than Seattle. I was up there three years ago and I found the weather to be pleasantly mild.

Because Texas has passable gun laws AND a functioning economy. If you're someone who works in software development or whatever industry and you,like guns, would you rather move to the Bay Area or the Austin area? Not saying Austin isn't filled with liberal trash also, but it's because transplants. Larger economy than NY and Russia if I recall, 9th largest in world

Im sorry, all i heard was "Im a little bitch"

I’m so fucking glad I moved out of Texas to North Dakota. I’ll take -30f (without windchill) for six months if I don’t have to deal with nasty swamp ass season

take a small amount of iodine or something and acclimate to the heat before venturing out.

>protips thread

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>looks like rain today, AGAIN
I would desperately love this down here, except that the mosquitos would carry us off in the night.

>mfw 74f and nice here

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I still think living somewhere dry year-round would be the best, even if the temperature climbs it won't be humid.

Bunch of pussies, it sounds like.

Dude. I'm in Amarillo and I wish for rain every fucking day. It's looking like we get another 6 month "Fire Season" again this year.

Then next year we'll get dumped on with all of our rain in March and April and have idiot kids drown again because they have no idea what a flash flood is.

Oh fuck off pussy. I'm in Houston and the weather is perfect right now. Maybe if you didn't weigh 300+ lbs you'd be fine. And the Mexicans aren't the issue here. It's the ghetto nigs from Katrina.

West Texas bruh.

This is deep winter friendo, your about to have a bad time.

I used to go shooting w/Audie

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I plan on moving to Montana, and while it won't be until I'm out of school I'm looking forward to it.

Still about 20 more degrees to go until we hit full blown 120 degree summer over here in beautiful MCAGCC, 29 Palms, CA.

I lived in South Texas and we had days that got up to 105, 106, with a 80-90% humidity. No wind. No clouds.

So now that I live up in the Panhandle where the highest we get is 102, low humidity, and tons of wind, I think this type of weather is "nice."

South, Southeast, and East Texas have shitty summers. This is fact. But the rest of the year is usually pretty nice.

you're just a pussy, user. Sack up and train harder.

shit man, good on you. Im guessing you work at the galveston brewery? been meaning to visit sometimes to try out the beer on tap but ive been getting flown out all over the place for work lately.

Also the double action trigger is pretty mad gay tbqhfam, but the rest of the gun is fine. Thinking about getting night sights and might pick up a mk23 or a usp 45 tac later

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Then why the fuck did you invade it, gringo?

105 here . We're on our way range. Nothing like running and gunning in the sun. Well at least our digs won't rust.

To be fair, we didn't invade it. We settled it by invitation of the Mexican government. And it wasn't exactly like Santa Anna was a nice guy who was loved by all of his own people.

I work at a different brewery, it's on the mainland but also has Galveston in the name. I'll let you figure it out. I've got both the compact and tactical in .45, I'm considering making my compact into a CT clone, adding a threaded barrel and match trigger kit, then getting a USP9c for carry. I need real money and not college VA stipends to pay for this shit, though.

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Houston here. Much love for my city even though it’s got its flaws. No way I’ll leave though!

how poor? you can afford HK's, thats a nice set up. My poor tier was a home built palghetto AR, mossy 500 and a few glocks.

Tamu poorfag here, went to a gun show and got pic related. Don’t know how y’all are able to shill on USPs lol

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Didn't even know they got imported

In other news some faggot can't stand 110 degree weather like everyone else. Lose some weight instead of complaining on Jow Forums.

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fuck you

I thought it would be rainier

I got the PPK, the Lee Enfield, and the USP45C while I was in the Army so those don't count. I had a giant collection but then got poor, so I rebuilt with PSA ARs and a CZ. The expensive one I bought was the USP Tactical.

>tires of swamp-ass
>leaves Texas
>enters North Dakota
>dies of hypothermia
fucking snow mexican, literally

so leave puerto rico then

>23 Celsius

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We are using this image now, get with the program.

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Why do we leave out Texas Tech? They’re better than those faggie traitors

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All the real money is in south Texas. It reminds me of being in a 3rd world country for sure. You have a mostly white middle class, mostly Mexican lower class. Upper class is a grab bag of stuff but mostly white still. Don't feel bad either a lot of the Mexicans are low income just because of their wreckless lifestyle of very heavy drinking and thievery.

Why no Magpul or UH? best team in texas and third biggest school

Dude, I've lived near Houston for my entire life. It's summer 8 months out of the year and the humidity is ridiculous. Every indoor area in Houston is blasted with AC for a reason. Stay hydrated and try to park in the shade becuase your car will turn into a fucking oven until you blast the AC for 10 minutes. I can deal with the heat and humidity SOMEWHAT if the sun is shining, because at least it cheers me up. But when it's cloudy, 105°, and humid I want to FUCKING DIE. Drive through the shithole that is Houston on a hot, humid, cloudy day and you will want to burn this city to the fucking ground.
So Cal weather is completely wasted on So Cal faggots.

See how you feel after 6 90° Christmases in a row.

>best team in texas and third biggest school

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The nigger I idolize runs da ball better than the nigger you idolize!!

Nigger it ain't even hot yet, it's like 85 where I am right now.

There's nothing in West Texas though.

Because Lubbock drives people insane, that's why.

Moved here from California thinking that heat wouldn't be that bad here boy was I wrong. My electricity bill is triple what it was back in California during the summer $500 easily. Forget training or working out outside during the summer I fortunately have an air conditioned fitness center at my apartments. Everyone here pretty much stays indoors during the summer I don't know what these people did before the invention of AC.

We fucking dealt with it cause we aren't a bunch of pusses.

I like it here :)

They acclimated to it and had houses that allowed a lot of breeze and crosswind through them.

Are there any women who aren't immature here? I swear everywhere I go they talk like sitcom-tier teens and are far too fucking loud. I'd like a nice MILF but good fucking lord do I not know how in the fuck to find the type of girl I can get along with.

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Well I guess if you didn't know anything else yeah you dealt with it. I just hate how my electricity bill is triple what it used to be. Unfortunately my HOA won't allow me to install a wind turbine and I'm forced to go solar to attempt to get my bill under control. I am taking a look at the solar roof from Tesla since you need a tough roof here with the threat of hail.