How can empire even drop bombs in space?

How can empire even drop bombs in space?

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There is no gravity?!

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>How can empire even drop bombs in space?
Low orbit.

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This. Ops a fuckin tard

Magnetic accelerators and using the artificial gravity field generated by the dreadnought. That's why the ships flied so close to the hull, so that they can use the AG to guide the bombs.

just a spring pushing up against the bombs will do it. once the door opens it decompresses and pushes them out one dimensionally.

How can the crew survive inside it without oxygen masks when the interior is open to space when the bomb bay doors are open?

Star Wars has never cared much about realism.

If only there was some way to propel the bombs at high speed towards the target, they wouldn't have to essentially crawl up their target's ass to hit it. Some kind of high-performance rocket engine, and with a guidance system to home in on miles-long pizza-slices with barely any point defense.

Such a fevered fantasy, I guess even scifi has its limits.

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Star Wars Episode 8: How to kill a Fandom


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nah but like, the first person down there is weearing an oxy mask, and then the asian lady goes down without one.

Force fields. Same thing with ship hangers, they let ships in and out but keep the air in.

The bombers have their own artifical gravity which accelerates the bombs.

There are alot of things wrong with TLJ. The bombers are a minor one. FTL ramming, for example, is a massive lore fuck.

I haven't seen your shitty anti-white we wuz kangs in space movie.

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She dies like 20 seconds later when the ship explodes, so who knows if there was breathable air down there in the bomb bay or not?

Found the guy who didn't pay attention or read any comics. Here's a hint shield refresh rate

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My favorite part is when Luke didn't have R2 allahu akbar the Death Star with an xwing, which we now know is a colossal waste of money for something that can be done almost infinitely cheaper

Several ways:

1. Artificial gravity inside the bomber allows inertia of the bombs falling from the bomb bay to continue into space

2. As other anons have said, they were in low orbit, and there is gravity acting on the bombs and the ship

3. The bombs could have their own propulsion system to give them the push that they need to get out of the spacecraft, their inertia carrying over when they enter space

OP is a faggot as usual and a good thread died for this

The idea that the Supremacy wouldn't have interdictors is retarded. The fucking thing was Über Alles of all starships, it could fucking build its own star destroyers ffs

The writers simply didn't care. They didn't care about previous canon, they basically said they were going to kill the Star Wars canon, in so many words, and just wanted to foist their bullshit fanfiction as canon because they were in the position to do so.

This is what happens when you let SJWs into positions of power. They immediately start to swing their dicks around like that jackass middle manager everyone's worked for. They did this with Marvel comics and that shit is crashing and burning. I can't wait for them to continue their losing streak with more lucrative franchises so Disney will finally think with their wallets and kick them to the curb once and for all.

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Bombs have built in gravity.

>Star Wars comics

Wouldn't the artificial gravity pull the bombs back up?

>As other anons have said, they were in low orbit, and there is gravity acting on the bombs and the ship

Except that's not how orbital mechanics work.

I can suspend disbelief for some good old fashioned spess megick, but don't try to justify it with science you don't understand.

NEO, they were just outside the planets atmo, gravity is still a thing. Alternatively they may have been some sort of magnetic or otherwise propulsioned device.

Tbf probably a lot cheaper to dump impact-fused high explosives without all that fancy technology.
Still hated that movie despite the neat hyperspace ram fx.

physics were never a strong suit in star wars movies. Ever.

inb4 someone calls this glorious fighter a bomber

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The "dropped" bomb would still be orbiting with the rest of the craft? An orbit is just dropping around a planet my dudes.

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Star Wars is baffling, until you realize that Lucas is a hack and Disney makes him look like an auteur. Lucas entire, and I mean ENTIRE, shtick was making nolstagia pulp for himself, totally derivative work. Disney is a corporate whore that can only generate formula movies.

Lightspeed cruise missiles are as much of a joke as Anakin building a Turing robot while the Trade Federation can't make them not comic relief.

It's slow bro
Only for bombing yo

As shit as this movie was, this was not a problem. The bombs dropped because of the artificial gravity on the ships, some art book or some shit said they were magnetic and they would also be attracted to the target ship's gravity.

Multi-roll heavy fighter

Shame the first order turned off that gravity field before the hyperspace ram

They got better results than the actual bombers so I don't see the problem. [spoiler]They also look cooler, which for stuff like Star Wars is the main point.[/spoiler]


It's a fighter/bomber, and a damn good one. The Episode 8 trash is hot garbage that needs to be burned. I refuse to accept anything from that film.

Y-Wings are superior now and forever.

>strategic "bomber"
>only carries missiles

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