Can someone tell me what the fuck they were thinking when they made this decision?
Can someone tell me what the fuck they were thinking when they made this decision?
Other urls found in this thread:
>muh fox news boomers
why is the cartoon saluting with his left hand?
Hopefully next time they choose a NRA president they will consult with the European-Style Socialists who run the media or folks who weren't even born when Iran-Contra took place so as to choose a less controversial representative. It's not like they did the exact same thing to Charlton Heston and would have slandered and maligned anyone they would have chosen for this position anyway. These are the type of folks we should be looking to for acceptable NRA leadership.
Because it's from the show American Dad, made by the guy who made Family Guy who is obviously very left leaning and wouldn't know better.
Because his right hand is busy taking kickbacks for illegal arms dealing.
>would have slandered and maligned anyone they would have chosen for this position anyway
>fuck it, they're going to say mean things anyway so let's go ahead and elect the man who wipes his ass with the Constitution and literally ran the deep state
I'm pretty sure Charleton heston didn't illegally sell missiles to Iran to fund literal terrorists in nicaragua.
Without a cover, and in doors.
2018 just forget tradition kids.
>Patton Oswald as an elderly man?
>Liberal media already tries to convince fence-sitting Americans that the NRA is an evil arms dealer cartel protecting only corporations
>They put a guy who ran an ACTUAL illegal arms trade in charge
Wew lad this isn't going to win us any allies.
You're right. The literal terrorists got their guns - and Hind helicopters - from the Soviet Union.
>if they blow up a hospital that makes it okay for us to blow up hospitals!
Enjoy stepping on a landmine on your way home from work.
Because Iran-Contra was 30 years ago and most people have moved on. It's just like when Obama pardoned that lady who was in the Weather Underground and she became a professor a Yale or Havard or one of those Ivy League schools, where she was a literal domestic terrorist compared to North, who did shit that was extremely illegal by selling weapons to an enemy state (which we weren't at war with so it wasn't treason, by the by) in order to fund an illegal a terrorist group in Central America because necons. So, while he is a statecocksucker that was in favor of Waco and was behind Iran Contra, both these events happened so long ago most people alive during that time don't care and the people that do are either libertarian-types (for good logical reasons based on his track record) or Democrats who are too hypocritical to actually bring up the fact that they are basically finding fault with him because he likes guns and not because he did the almost exact same thing DOJ Holder did with Fast and Furious, which is kinda fucking stupid if you think about it. All in all, I think it's a publicity move of sorts, a stupid one though.
I mean, it's not like neoliberals care about the Constitution since it's mainly them and their "progressive" goons that shat over the Constitution as well with the last president, who conducted drone strikes on American citizens, ran the NSA during the Snowden scandal, conducted wars on Libya and Syria with no Congressional input and whose DOJ was involved with Fast & Furious.
>Wew lad this isn't going to win us any allies.
1) Source?
2) They can just bring up David Holder's Fast & Furious and the media coverage of that and see the blatant double standard involved. Plus, Iran Contra was 30 years ago. Unfortunately most young people don't care and most older folks are already over it since Reagan is dead
>1) Source?
Source on what? That they call the NRA a cartel or that Ollie North ran part of the Iran-Contra scandal?
Because they totally do call the NRA a cartel to be inflammatory.
>b-b-b-but ERIC HOLDER
If you're going to make the argument that Ollie North was a true patriot who Did Nothing Wrong (tm), then that means Holder didn't do anything wrong either. One literally sold arms to our sworn enemy who then used those arms against us, and it wasn't the boogieman Jow Forums loves to bring up.
and well-versed in Harry Potter to they can reach out to all those woke teens
I don't give a shit as long as he's on our side. They could put Gordon Liddy up there and I wouldn't bat an eye. Fuck what our baby-murdering boy-gelding sodomy-infatuated fucking gun grabbing cock suck fucking enemies think. Fuck them. The more we can upset them, the better.
Ironically the Hogwarts students defeated the death eaters by using wands in self defense and shooting spells that put the victims in to a conscious coma.
>Unfortunately most young people don't care
The 14 year old communists seem really concerned about this choice. It's like a literal Pinochet has been given keys to the NRA and the dead souls of thousands of dead communists are crying out in pain from beyond the grave. 10 Democratic lawmakers wrote a "fuck America" letter to Comandante Daniel Ortega in 1984 and NYC Mayor Bill De Blasio traveled to Nicaragua to provide material support to the Sandinistas, but that's chill because communism is totes progressive. Killing communists like what North did is just totally unacceptable.
>Be given immunity by Dems because they hope you'll sell Reagan down the river
>Take all the blame, but can't go to jail cause lol immunity
He earned points in my book for that level of shitlording.
>I don't give a shit as long as he's on our side. They could put Gordon Liddy up there and I wouldn't bat an eye. Fuck what our baby-murdering boy-gelding sodomy-infatuated fucking gun grabbing cock suck fucking enemies think. Fuck them. The more we can upset them, the better.
No! We have to be the side that takes the "moral high ground" while losing on every single front while our enemy holds themselves to no such standard. This reminds me of the whole Farrakhan episode from last month. Conservatards were trying to "shame" shitlibs for not "disavowing" Farrakhan for being antisemitic. The libs just LOL'd at them and carried on like they didn't even care - and they don't care.
The Woke Parkland Teens don't appreciate irony
>making consciously bad decisions purely out of spite
You're everything wrong with gun owners today you fucking moron. The point is that Ollie North ISN'T on "our side". His actions fucking proved it. He is perfectly fine with subverting the Constitution, arming our enemies, and bringing drugs to our shores if he thinks he'll benefit from it. For fuck's sake, he literally wrote the original plans for the FEMA death camps, and THIS is the great "Defender of the Constitution" you morons want to hold up?
I meant source on picture dipshit.
Also, no shit a more liberal outlet like medium is going to say shit like that. Here's a take from a paper I can actually trust no to be shit:
Where the fuck did I say he was a patriot nigger?
I'm just saying that he literally did the same shit Eric Holder did, yet you don't hear anyone call Eric Holder part of a murderous cartel when the DOJ was selling weapons to Mexican cartels who export violence and murder into the US. Yet, for some reason when Oliver North did the same thing 30 years ago with Iran, (which isn't even governed by the same person any more and is far more liberal in terms of rights (although still shit)), it's a travesty when he becomes the President of the NRA 30 years later. I'm not in favor of him becoming president of the NRA at all because he's a statist cuck, but to say that the we should appeal to people that don't even own guns for the most part over a thirty year old crime is fucking stupid.
It's not like he's even in the governmental capacity to do half the shit statist bullshit he wants. He's just becoming the president of a private organization. Who cares? Plus, he also had his gun license rebuked by a Virginia judge for bullshit reasons and had to fight it in court via the ACLU, so I think he would be pro-2A even if he's a neocuck.
the decision to kill a thread so you can post faggotry? i don't follow.
Exactly what part of the Constitution did he subvert?
"Arming our enemies"? Are you talking about Iran (who was at war back then with at country we have now been at war with for 15 years), or guys fighting communists in Nicaragua?
Ivy League CIA niggers in 3 piece suits selling cocaine to blacks on the streets of Compton and FEMA death camps? OK.....
Well, it's a fucking good thing that I mainly like old milsurp rifles and cowboy guns, because that's all I'm going to be able to fucking own if the NRA continues with this bullshit.
Protip: the "just piss off anyone who isn't already on our side" method only makes people who were on the fence more sympathetic to the other side.
>inb4 hurr they already chose a side by not already siding with us
Absence of cultural tone-deafness. Very few places outside of Reagan worshiping fudd forums on the BBS format are enthused with this. Even Jow Forums is divided.
Jow Forums is the place where the only gun policy of notable controversy and debate is the validity and propriety of open carry, and usually only when it regards rifles.
And we're divided non this, what ratio of division isn't clear but its not something that people are going #based about.
So use some powers of inference and think what the fuck any demographic less enthusiastic about the 2nd Amendment than Jow Forums might think? It's needlessly alienating. There is no special qualifications he has for the job. He actually brings validity to the claim "NRA is a terrorist organization". Fucking pick like any other generic Republican, you don't even need to pick a good one. Just someone who isn't this awful.
NRA works on an image to the left by being an asshole but you're flying to close to the sun by entertaining this as anything but bad for gun ownership rights. It's awful guilt by association for people who would otherwise be inclined to support the NRA or the idea of gun rights. Extreme contrarianism because some "shitlib" also has an ounce of decency and doesn't take kindly to a treasonous terrorist-enabling bastard will do you no good.
>muh Fast & Furious
This mother fucker makes Eric Holder look like a god damn boy scout. Fast & Furious is a fucking bake sale compared to Iran-Contra. Yeah, it would be a double standard and hypocritical to only care about one but ignore the other. So stop perpetuating the double standard. Fuck Eric Holder. And Triple-Fuck Oliver North.
>Central America because necons
wasn't really neocons at that point. just good old fashioned cold war realpolitik.
the cold war was dirty as fuck. expecting moral purity now is a bit silly to be honest.
If that's true, then the faggots and trannies and Black Lives Matter and Antifa and environazis and illegal aliens must be losing hard, because they are in psycho motherfucker attack dog mode 24/7. But they aren't. They're winning.
>Exactly what part of the Constitution did he subvert?
Who decides the budget, again? Who decides what funding goes where? I don't think "Some randomass Lieutenant Colonel" is who gets to do that.
>Are you talking about Iran (who was at war back then with at country we have now been at war with for 15 years)
Yes you idiot, I was talking about Iran. You know, the country that's sponsored terrorism all over the Middle East since 1979, actively tries to hinder our actions at every move, and killed our military personnel in both Lebanon and in the Persian Gulf. Iraq was our buttbuddy at the time, too, purely because they were fighting Iran.
>FEMA death camps
We need to be more inclusive and advocate for less controversial folks. Meanwhile, shitlibs are running wild with in your face degeneracy and communism and daring you to do something about it.
>a literal fucking arms dealer who sold guns to terrorists and a country under sanctions by the US
At least on the bright side they didn't pick a someone who previously went on a mass shooting, because that's probably the only way they could have found someone worse without the use of necromantic spells.
>Resident trap loving boomer.
>the shitlibs say we're all insane lunatics who needlessly confrontational and who will support anyone if they're a republican
You mean like this?
Spoilers: BLM and antifa lost Hillary the election.
The same way that hippies gave Nixon the White House in 1968 and Goldwater gave LBJ the White House with his "nuclear defoliation" shit.
The majority of people are opposed to political radicals of either stripe.
>more inclusive and advocate for less controversial folks
Right. We should be polite and compromise and dither to 'broaden our base' while our enemies destroy us.
You aren't in charge of the Republican Party in California, are you?
They weren't
>treasonous terrorist-enabling bastard will do you no good.
Stop using words you don't know. Treason doesn't mean conspiring with a nation we are enemies with. It means conspiring with nation's that we are at war with. The Iran-Contra deal was dirty as fuck and unconstitutional since the President didn't go through Congress to make the deal, but we weren't at war with Iran, hence it wasn't treason.
>This mother fucker makes Eric Holder look like a god damn boy scout. Fast & Furious is a fucking bake sale compared to Iran-Contra.
>The DOJ actively giving armaments to Mexican cartels in order to further the president's anti-gun craze is worse than Iran Contra, which was largely the same since it was Reagan's way of containing and getting rid of Central American communists.
Yeah no.
>Caring what people who hate guns think
>Thinking the average American gives a shit about Iran Contra, seeing that Peter North has been on FUCKING FOX FOR LIKE 10-15 YEARS NOW IN THEIR FUCKING TELEVISIONS and it occurred under the Reagan administration, which ended 30 years ago, where most American adults can't even remember headlines from 2 months ago
>Iraq was our buttbuddy at the time, too, purely because they were fighting Iran.
you missed the part where the us actively assisted both sides of that conflict. because the us actively assisted both sides of that conflict.
it was the cold war. america supported anyone and everyone who advanced whatever short term interest it had at the time.
How can you be more inclusive with this?
What part of the Constitution did he subvert? It's a pretty straightforward question. The Boland Amendment is not the Constitution. Sorry.
Yeah I mean the US literally dindu nuffin to Iran. You seem awfully pissed about some Sandinistas getting BTFO'd but don't seem to care too awful much about a CIA coup that overthrew a socialist leader in Iran and thev puppet regime of the Shah - or that time we blew an Iranian passenger jet out of the sky. I hope Iran gets a nuke and takes out Israel the first chance they get, honestly.
And LOL @ thinking Ollie North is responsible for everything wrong with the US government. Does it hurt being this dumb? Do you suffer actual physical pain?
>The DOJ actively giving armaments to Mexican cartels in order to further the president's anti-gun craze
They fucked up, but do you not understand the concept of a sting operation?
It's so strange seeing this shit, because if you go look at left-leaning forums they're saying the exact same shit. Talking about how they're tired of being the ones having to take the "Moral High Road" on everything while the Republicans can do whatever they want while being made of teflon. How they have to compromise and "place nice" to woo folks over while the Right can openly say how they want to kill them.
It's fucking surreal.
Is "no terrorist-enabling traitors" really that hard of a fucking standard to keep because you want to shot gun blast the emotional sensibilities of a "liberal" before ensuring that your gun rights are preserved?
It's not someone falsely branded with the label of racist by some SJW. It's not someone who is too "politically incorrect" for CNN. The man is legit scum.
I don't want to compromise on the 2nd Amendment, not one ounce, we can have that without associating with this bastard. Just don't be a contrarian retard that does something because of some perceived sting it causes a liberal. I don't give a fuck how they feel. I give a fuck what rights I have.
We need to be more inclusive and put some queer with GRIDS as the head of the NRA. Then all the shitlibs will like us and not complain about firearms anymore. Duh!
Political extremists tend to view their side as being more moderate than the other side because they view the "center" as being closer to themselves.
The irony in that image is unreal.
How about not a lying cunt who illegally funded terrorists?
>I'm just saying that he literally did the same shit Eric Holder did, yet you don't hear anyone call Eric Holder part of a murderous cartel when the DOJ was selling weapons to Mexican cartels who export violence and murder into the US.
You didn't listen to much conservative radio at the time F&F came up, did you?
Yeah, they don't do irony much
I read Reason mostly.
>all these people unironically whining about Iran-Contra
Are you fucks being serious? Are you shocked by the fact that the government will help out a group of assholes if it can provide some immediate benefit?
Welcome to international politics.
I don't like the NRA's decision, but I'm surprised there are so many people here who are genuinely butthurt about Iran-Contra. That shit is par for the course.
The Boland Amendment gets its power from Article One, Section Seven. Congress are the ones who draw up and set the budget and determine where funds go. You could also make a stretch and say he got hit with Article 1, Section 10 as well, since he was doing diplomacy and making arms deals behind Congress' back.
>The man is legit scum.
yeah, ronald reagan was an asshole.
>this one guy who can't deal with the fact that the NRA made a terrible decision
The problem was that it wasn't "the government" doing it. It was that it was a SHADOW government doing it because they didn't want the actual government to know they were doing it. Oliver North was a fucking Lt. Col in the Marine Corps; where the fuck does he get the authority to be selling weapons to an enemy of the United States who is under sanction so he could fund other rebels that Congress blocked funding of?
>>Caring what people who hate guns think
No, I care about what people who aren't hard one way or the other, and they are going to be pushed away when they see the group that's the face of the pro gun movement in the US acting like fucking children. The vast majority of people in the US don't have much knowledge of guns (or any other thing they don't feel strongly about), so keeping them on our side requires at least having major pro gun groups act professionally instead of doing shit with the reasoning being that it pisses off people who they don't like.
This is a letter penned in 1984 by 10 Democratic lawmakers to Daniel Ortega - the communist leader of the Sandinista junta that ruled Nicaragua at the time. These folks passed a law that forbade assistance to the Contras because they were leftover 70's commies who spat on Vietnam vets and thought communism was "the wave of the future". These are the people - along with the media - who have branded North as "traitorous" and "treasonous". I don't give a fuck about anything at all these "people" have to say in regards to what is "treasonous". Their mere existence in my country is treason. The fact they breathe air is traitorous.
>where the fuck does he get the authority
The commander in chief of the armed forces wanted it done, so he did as he was told.
I don't think people care about the Iran-Contra Affair per se, but they care about Oliver North as someone having been tainted by his involvement in it - even 30 years later.
I'm surprised that the NRA, who is normally somewhat concerned about their respectability, would go with someone so controversial who is so viscerally disliked by so many regular people, that Jow Forums, as someone mentioned before where the only really controversial gun rights issue is open carrying long guns, is split on it.
the executive.
>NRA is somewhat concerned about their respectability
I think that ship sailed a long time ago.
I'm surprised too. It just seems like a really idiotic decision, especially when the media is doing their best to vilify the NRA at the moment.
But I thought he was a doddering old man who couldn't possibly have been doing such a thing? Even still, the President consciously ignoring and subverting Congressional will is not something we should support or encourage. That's a bigger threat to the American Republic than some dipshit mudcovered Commie in some Central American shithole could ever be.
>Eric Holder
Lost a lot of guns they were tracking via incompetence. Royal fuck up, at worst negligent homicide though.
>Ollie North
Actually, factually, indisputably committed high treason.
The NRA's respectability? Or the demographic politics of the US that will gut gun rights in anywhere worth having a career by the mid-2030s?
>But I thought he was a doddering old man who couldn't possibly have been doing such a thing?
Do you think I'm Reagan's lawyer or some shit? Just because I don't think Iran-Contra was the end of the world doesn't mean I love the guy.
I don't support it. I just don't think it mattered all that much in the grand scheme of things.
>we didn't technically declare war on them so it wasn't technically treason
Okay, you got me. Borderline-treason then.
>yeah no.
Fuck the ends-justify-the-means excuse. Look at the actual consequences of giving guns to the cartels. Look at the consequences of giving guns to the Contras.
He's an absolute fucker. One of the worst picks imaginable without going into total parody like choosing Alex Jones or Diane Feinstein. Fuck, I think Alex Jones might have been a better pick to a slight degree. That's how awful this is.
>Caring what people who hate guns think
Fine, I'll tell you the same thing I'd tell some latte-sipping hipster with dyed hair who complains about urging for "respectability politics"
Respectability politics is politics. You need to actually have a base with actual fucking clout to get your shit done.
This looks bad to a lot of fucking people. Not just gun grabbing liberals. I bitched at the NRA for being too fucking weak on gun rights for years and I think Ollie is scum and everyone involved with his future appointment as president within the NRA as a cancer.
If you're going to push to persuade people to a view that is in the notable minority, as certain pro-gun political views are, it helps to remove completely unnecessary baggage. He can be a crass talker. He can refuse to care about they/zem pronouns. Fuck, even needlessly giving a shit about gay marriage and abortion and associating those irrelevant views with the NRA would only make me slightly wince. But I draw the line at Iran-Contra. I draw the line at someone whose reputation as a traitor and a terrorist-enabler is only best argued against with "well technically..." instead of a convincing and wholehearted no.
>terrorism, pillaging, kidnapping and raping women and children, is okay because lol my Pinochet memes.
Just take that contrarianism one step further and stop breathing then since the "communist" continues to inhale.
The part about the NRA thinking they have any respectability left.
>Lost a lot of guns they were tracking via incompetence
Uh, no? Did you even pay attention to the whole fiasco? Holder claimed (under oath) that they were cooperating with the Mexican government, but then Mexican government officials rebuked this claim and said they were totally unaware of the operation.
That is why a federal agent blew the whistle in the first place.
Compare this to Bush's "Wide Receiver", which involved GPS bugged guns and actual verifiable Mexican LEO involvement.
>getting all morally righteous and huffy over the cold war
Hello sweet summer child. If you think north acted independentaly or in a vacuum you are naive as fuck.
>The vast majority of people in the US don't have much knowledge of guns
The vast majority of people in the US don't even know who Oliver North is, either. The only people who even knew his name before today were people who were alive during the 80's and hysterical shitlib communists who hated Reagan.
And Oliver North came out the worst from it. Wayne La Pierre might be an idiot; but as smart as Oliver North is, people outside of the Fox News bubble don't trust and don't like him because Iran-Contra. He's pretty much the worst public figure to pick.
Oh hey, it's another NRA hate thread started by a noguns faggot liberal POS s0yb0y. Prove me wrong.
Reddit false flag detected.
I totally agree with you on that one. I don't think North is the devil, but enough people hate him that it will be very bad for business.
What are you talking about? It gets a mention in most high school American History courses.
Fight edgy with Edgy
>It gets a mention in most high school American History courses.
Yeah that just proves my point.
I think he could do a good job if he himself stays out of the spotlight. He is a sharp guy, and if he pulls strings outside of the spotlight, using those spook skills, he could do a good job.
The problem is, I think his ego is too big to stay out of the spotlight - and he has a lot of sycophants in Conservatism Inc. circles. But that groupthink isn't reflective of the wider public view of Oliver North.
the transfer of arms to iran was not itself illegal, and was anyway done through israel. as for the contras:
A major legal debate at the center of the Iran–Contra affair concerned the question of whether the NSC was one of the "any other agency or entity of the United States involved in intelligence activities" covered by the Boland amendment. The Reagan administration argued it was not, and many in Congress argued that it was.[16] The majority of constitutional scholars have asserted the NSC did indeed fall within the purview of the second Boland amendment, though the amendment did not mention the NSC by name.[19] The broader constitutional question at stake was the power of Congress vs. the power of the presidency. The Reagan administration argued that because the constitution assigned the right to conduct foreign policy to the executive, its efforts to overthrow the government of Nicaragua were a presidential prerogative that Congress had no right to try to halt via the Boland amendments.[20] By contrast congressional leaders argued that the constitution had assigned Congress control of the budget, and Congress had every right to use that power not to fund projects like attempting to overthrow the government of Nicaragua that they disapproved of.[20]...
...Ironically, military aid to the Contras was reinstated with Congressional consent in October 1986, a month before the scandal broke.[22][23]
who fucking cares about commies. fuck em all.
>high treason
I didn't know we were at war with Iran during the '80s.
SO yeah, North and very much the same.
I mean, everyone has to take a Civics class but most people in the country don't even know that we a re a representative democracy, i.e. republic, let alone the three branches of gov't or the Bill of Rights. You're pretending that most normal people can remember or care to remember headlines 2 months after it happens.
*North and Holder are very much the same, since they're both arm-dealers for a law-breaking president
>Actually, factually, indisputably committed high treason.
he actually factually fucking didn't. don't use terms when you don't know what the fuck they even mean.
>I mean, everyone has to take a Civics class but most people in the country don't even know that we a re a representative democracy, i.e. republic,
That's asinine hair-splitting, and you ought to know it.
>You're pretending that most normal people can remember or care to remember headlines 2 months after it happens.
Unfortunately for Ollie, he has a reputation from this and he kinda never really escaped it. He'll always be "Iran Contra bad guy" outside of echo chambers.
I have a feeling Seth barely touches that show, all he did was pitch the show and put together people to work on it. The outcome: it's funnier than Family Guy
>Borderline-treason then.
the arms running to iran was determined to not even be illegal. he wasn't busted for anything to do with 'treason', and was operating at the direction of the executive, who had decided that the boland amendment did not cover aspects of the presidential prerogative to conduct foreign policy.
>I didn't know we were at war with Iran during the '80s
Well we did sink half their navy. We very much were in open conflict with Iran. It's only a technicality because we haven't declared war since 1942.
>the guy that came up with the original FEMA camp/martial law plan is now going to be the president of the NRA
Can we go back to a sane timeline? Forget the Iran-Contra scandal, how the fuck does the guy behind the original FEMA camp/martial law plan become president of the NRA? Is this the jumping the shark moment for the NRA?
because it pisses off liberals, therefore we need to support it.
Holy shit. Even fucking TTAG and THR are split on Oliver North.
What an idiotic decision.
>He'll always be "Iran Contra bad guy" outside of echo chambers.
In the 1994 election, North unsuccessfully ran for the United States Senate as the Republican Party candidate in Virginia. Republican Senator John Warner of Virginia endorsed Marshall Coleman, a Republican who ran as an independent, instead of North. North lost, garnering 43 percent of votes, while incumbent Democrat Charles Robb, a son-in-law of President Lyndon B. Johnson, won reelection with 46 percent. Coleman received 11 percent. North's candidacy was documented in the 1996 film A Perfect Candidate.
Then why did he even bother running for Senator in Virginia and lose by a 3 point margin, meanwhile the guy endorsed by the governor at the time only get 11 percent of the votes? Even by 1994, his supposedly bad reputation was largely gone to the point where he almost picked up the incumbent's seat in Virginia at the time (though he still lost because incumbent advantage and shit like that).
You don't. First rule of successful grassroots politics is knowing who to talk to and who to give up on. You cannot reason someone out of an idea they didn't reason themselves into in the first place, attempting to convert radicals is a pointless exercise and attempting to marginalise them in a post internet world only makes them louder. The only way forward is to win over the moderates, which you can't do by screaming at them and delivering ultimatums.
Do you know why Bernie sanders took off so hard despite the entire democratic establishment trying to shut him down? It was because he was a moderate. He proposed a bunch of (by European/commonwealth standards, anyway) basic, middle of the road centre left policies and refused to be goaded into absolutism or partisan politics, you can see it in his interviews, how he never gets loud or angry. You guys need to do the same, but with civil rights (guns) instead of healthcare and tertiary education. Throw in some government transparency/accountability as well, moderates love that shit.
Every time