/akg/ AK General

AK General /akg/
Minimalistically Accessorized Edition
>Thread #606

Old thread here

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Other urls found in this thread:


>AK Buyer's Guide


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You may not like it but this is what peak performance looks like

>You may not like it but this is what peak performance looks like
You better call up the military leaders of pretty much all countries then and tell them how they're making a mistake by not using SBRs for everything.

Where would one get one of those krinkov bags?
scabbard? Whatever that thing would be called

According to the the Russians, 5.45 AKs with slav holosights and a muzzle brake are actually what peak performance looks like.

5.45 Aks are so great but not many people make them. Vepr and Arsenal are only good ones I here.

>5.45 Aks
das it mane

Looking for an optic to put on a side mount
>Less than $350
>Effective from 50 yards to 300 yards
>No batteries

Does anybody have any reccomendations?

Look on Kalinka Optics, I'm guessing a POSP is going to be your best bet, although, they do use a battery for the illuminator.


Sar2 and wasr2 would like a word with you

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Does anyone have 7.62x39 VEPRs in stock? KVAR just ran out

Ya I heard Wasr-2 was pretty great and I dunno about Sar2. Where can I even find new Wasr-2s tho? or all secondhand?

What optic is that m8?

Century M74 Sporter (Unfucked by yours truly)
PK01-V from Kalinka Optics
Custom bolt carrier from KVAR
Flip-up East German night sights
East German Sling
Trimmed and Refinished Romanian VFG
Custom finished stock by myself
Cheese grater handguard from I forget

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Did you change the barrel?

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Nah, it's not chrome lined but it's perfectly okay when it comes to accuracy. I just don't shoot 7n6 anymore, not that I can find any...

The hogue grip clashes

lol I agree but it just feels so good in my hand I can't get rid of it.

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wanna buy a hogue grip and handguard set?
Got an AR hogue grip too that I dont want

Is dong furniture the only appropriate furniture for SAR1s? Also what is market value pls

Already have both of those I'm afraid, sorry.

I mean it goes best with gypsyshit but nothing's stopping you
Also dumb question but value of the dong or SAR?

They say a picture can say a thousand words...

This one says, "Someone's getting raped today!"


How is that rail mounted to the wood?
Please say it's nailed or screwed or glued on

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>Oh so not a dunb question, i thought you meant the dong
Don't pay more than $700. Other anons say no more than $650 but I think it'll be hard to find one for that
>inb4 it's not worth $700
Didn't say it was

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I paid 500 for mine how did I do

>these are the people critiquing your guns

Nah that's me

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I never say a bad word about anyone's gun. Weapons are very personal to me. You style it around yourself.

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>photoshopped teeth

Y tho?

You must be new.

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Still haven't gotten around to ordering EG sling... other than that what do you guys think?
Also can you refurb bake furniture with neutrogena the same way you can with bake mags?

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Wasr2 and sar2 all second hand. My sar2 is better finished than my wasr.

It's a kobra red dot.

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Show us your bussy.

Does anyone make a receiver for the 4 degree 5.5mm Russian folding stock? Everything I'm finding is for 6 degree Bulgarian stocks.

I believe Childers does.


got one of these for my ak, but i'm wondering if there's a better mount i could get for it

apex still doesn't have the couple parts i'm looking for either

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What the actual fuck

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mid 90's red dot sights by a distinctly bostonian company

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it's a game, what do you expect?

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>liking throwaway slav stamped steel garbage that is inaccurate past 200 yards

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reply to this post or a bee will jam your ar15

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>not an argument

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I don't know how I missed it on both of their sites. Thanks guys.

Buy all the guns user. Some people are comfortable enough to spend more than your $560 sw mp2

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your replying tells me you realize bee's are a great threat to all ar owners and the only reason you came into this general was because you can't stand ak owners having fun without you pretentious arfaglords

Someone in KY sell me an AK 74 please


Buy from out of state or are you avoiding an ffl?

his front teeth were knocked out when he was in prison

>not owning bugspray

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Only liking one type of gun. Sad

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i like all guns and i dont get hung up on what others like.

Can anyone who owns a WASR talk about how it has performed for you? It will be my first AK and plan to use it for hunting hogs where I'll likely be shooting them 250 yards and under. I know they are about 2 - 3 MOA out to 300 yards which I believe to be good enough for me, but I would like to read about other user's experiences with one.

ffl/shipping fees. But I guess I'll go out of state if I have to

Where in ky are you?

Western KY

Kobra look on kalinka optics

Random question, does Russia still produce 7.62x39 or are they just cruising off massive stockpiles that the Soviets made?

Hello /akg/ long time lurker here. Long story short I came back from a long trip abroad to find that a few family members chipped in to give me a delayed surprise Christmas/birthday/coming home gift. Pic related, obviously. I thought y'all might like to see.
If you want to know anything about it, ask away. It has 200 rounds through it so far and at 100 yards it definitely shoots to the left from point of aim so any suggestions on a good sight adjustment tool would be appreciated, I didn't realize there were so many to choose from.

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Forgot to mention, yes, my next purchase after the sight tool will be a muzzle device.

looks pretty imo maybe get a black cleaning rod

who is DANA and why are they on so many romy handguards , the dong on my sar 3 has the same name

>using bugspray on bees
I knew you were a detestable low life

i liek it. it shewts gud

if a ban came forward that targeted ar's only i would whole heartily support it, just so your mass produced shitty cnc aluminum garbage owning sissy boy ar faggots would feel just a tiny bit of what REAL rifle owners go through trying to get a decent ak here

Muzzle nut is fine unless you just want a slant break or something. Either works well with Romanian look

are those wool socks?


To the user in last thread asking about DAKM

Mac and chase from DA have partnered up, but stayed different companies, iirc. When I got my DAKM a couple years ago, they had been out of stock for a year or so. I actually took a day off work and sat in front of my computer for three hours waiting for them to come back in stock. They were sold out again in a couple hours. You can ask chase on his Facebook page, or maybe email Mac. They are great rifles. I'd love to snag one of DA's AK-9 rifles.

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Kvar, desert fox sales.

Good idea

I was thinking about the 14 1 fighter brake because it's inexpensive and allegedly performs as well as a slant brake while also being a decent flash hider. I'm going to keep looking into it though.

Yes sir, from Duluth. I don't recommend them for anything other than lounging around the house but for that they are comfy.

Kit build or threaded sar1?
I like Romanian guns

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>not knowing how to greentext

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Sar1. It is one of the closest to original AKM pattern rifles on the civilian market.

I've only put about 600 rounds through mine, all just cheap tula or some monarch, but I've not had one single malfunction yet. Haven't ever bothered to test groups, but I figure with better quality ammo like GT, it will shoot pretty well. It will be a good first AK for you user, just be sure to replace the cheap wood furniture it comes with.

I'm pretty sure they still make it. A few special forces still use it, plus the civilian market. There of course, not so much here since a lot of sanctions and etc etc.

I have 2 ish sar1s in order of the pic
Sar1 fuckery

You should buy an sar3 next

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I've admired your collection many times. It is a kit build using an FB Radom CHF chrome lined barrel. The year on it is 1978. Naturally I was concerned when I got considering how US builders can be a crapshoot but thankfully everything is aligned properly and I have yet to find any flaw other than the sights being off.

This is me

This isn't

Who makes it, it's a good looking rifle. I got the magnamatic tool. Pricey but it feels like a tank. Pics of it in last thread near the end. I have the fighter brake. I like the look of it, but I couldn't tell if it reduced climb more or less compared to the slant brake. I need to do a test one day with them both.

How do you thread the barrel on a SAR

i love my sar 3 because it's like a military experimental 5.56 ak that was made for civilians. i think the front half is Bulgarian as the gas port and black are 90 degrees, Romania never went to 90 degree blocks

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Awesome man sounds perfect really. Great looking gun and with that barrel should last a lifetime

Ak threading die. Flandre has some vids

Thank you. DNS Guns and Suppressors out of Florida is the builder. I lurk these threads often so when you get around to it I'd be very interested in the results.

Romania used 90 degree blocks on the sar3 as you stated

why tho? none of their military rifles used 90 degree blocks

That's what I am hoping I have an AR but I much prefer AKMs so it will likely be my most shot rifle as well as my bug-in/ghoul defense rifle hence why I at least want a muzzle device. Maybe a drop in folding stock too but I want to be clear I will not have the rifle permanently altered in any way ever.

Transition to it. Realized that's where things were headed. Then production of 5.45 and 5.56 romanian aks fell off. Romania could start selling 5.56 aks tomorrow but century hasn't asked them to

How much do used WASRs go for these days?