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ITT: massively underrated weapons
Julian Roberts
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Logan Martin
the only people who hate the evo are the people who bought an MPX or a B&T and that's just because they need to feel superior for paying more money for the same thing.
Xavier Morales
>hurr my hi-point is just as good as a glock
Fucking poorfags, if you don't make at least six figures, you shouldn't own guns.
Asher Bell
The Evo is one of those guns that's both massively overrated and underrated at the same time. It's memed to death by mostly CZ fanboys but there are so many of them online while everyone else has never heard of it.
Jaxson Johnson
Gas the kikes race war now!
Christopher Johnson
My meat can't take much more of this. I came for CZ pistols and pistol carbines..
Leo Phillips
For carrying
Julian Clark
Isaac Perry
I'm enjoying my scorpion immensely. About 1,000 rounds so far and no malfunctions of any kind. Shot this group at about 20 yards standing up with it yesterday and wasnt even trying that hard.
Jack Martinez