ITT use ms paint to design new weaponry

Attached: war has changed.png (1118x585, 237K)

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I see 0 flags.

Attached: darthmaulberd.png (1288x966, 8K)


Attached: c84.gif (600x580, 436K)

Attached: ultrasupersnipergun.png (1288x966, 9K)

This hurts my brain.

Attached: blunterbuss.png (849x203, 8K)

Bird flu super flak bombs that contaminate the entire sky based on the trajectory of the enemy aircraft fleet and its surrounding reach where the aircraft try evasive maneuvers, release lures and anti anti aircraft rockets rockets

Attached: 56485474768.jpg (712x691, 60K)

someone sent me a pdf all in russian when i asked why nobody invented this yet
turns out someone already patented it

Attached: 32hrsMSpaint.png (971x695, 36K)