Hudson H9, red pill me

Hudson H9, red pill me.

Attached: h9-hero.jpg (800x440, 36K)

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Sure, I'll spoonfeed you.

Other than being sexy, is it worth it.

Ok kid you made your little thread now fuck off

Fantastic trigger. Easily best striker trigger in human history. I'm spending money on suppressors this year but will probably get one of these in 2019.

please dont ever use color+pill ever again.

Please write: what do you think about...? or something. you sound like a barely literate underage shit when you say red pill.

The English language is a wonderful and versatile language. Use it better please.

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You do know who it's named after, right?

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I’m Hudson sir. He’s Hicks.

The hype around the positioning of the recoil spring is mostly bullshit because that's not how physics works, but the very low bore axis is legit.

Can you explain the mostly bullshit part? I wish to know more.

Attached: field-pistol-patent-drawing.jpg (1200x890, 99K)

IMO, not quite yet. Give it time to catch on, building a market for extra parts, upgrades, holsters, ect.
its just too new at the moment and expensive for what it is. We'll see if its around in another two years

Company owned by a WOMAN WOW SO EMPOWERING

It's awesome, Cy and Lauren are awesome, but it's really expensive. The H9A will be significantly less expensive.

Field stripping is super fucking easy, has potential for idiot scratch if you rotate the takedown lever upwards. Reassembly requires some upward lifting on the barrel so it stays where it needs to.

Best god damned trigger on a striker gun period, at least factory. I haven't tried any aftermarket Glock triggers to compare it to, but it's on par with factory CZ triggers.

The H9 also fits my hand as well as a CZ, which is perfectly and super comfy, but that's going to vary by user.

The barrel as a shitload of machining compared to most, with a stepladder cut and two small, shaped spurs on either side. The tolerances are extremely tight on said spurs, so QC is a huge part of their manufacturing by necessity, which is good. On that note, I haven't seen any toolmarks on any of the dozen or so H9s I've seen or the handful of H9As I got to fingerfuck. I didn't get to detail strip and bust out a magnifying glass, either, but as much QC as they seem to have, I'd be surprised to see any. \

All that said, I haven't had a chance to shoot one yet.

Did his wife or her family loan him the money or what?

Both front and rear sights use the M&P front sight cut, which seems like an odd choice, but I'm sure there's a reason for it. Drop-in threaded barrels are coming soon, the H9A weighs about the same as a 1911 Commander and is noticeably comfier, there's plenty of meat in the slide for an optic cut.

Talking to both of them, Lauren actually knows wtf is up. She knows guns and made more than one good design call, not least of which being the mags they use. I got to talk to Cy a lot more than Lauren, though.

He told me Karl and Ian are kind of hilariously awkward and it made me giggle

That's great. That's just fucking great, man. Now what the fuck are we supposed to do? We're in some real pretty shit now, man!

Sadly I have no room for another fullsize pistol at the moment. I'm guessing there's not a carry model coming out any time soon, is there?

> Karl and Ian
> Hilariously awkward
Pic related.

Attached: i-am-shocked.jpg (600x338, 34K)

The location of the recoil spring and the forces acting on it are internal to the gun and play no part in the overall external forces of the bullet leaving the gun and the resultant reaction on your hand.

If you draw a free body diagram of a gun firing, there are really only four relevant details: 1) the force imparted by firing the bullet, 2) the center of gravity of the gun, and 3) where your grip is on the gun.

That was my reaction, but it was still funny.

Fuck off reddit nigger

Lowering the guide rod is what let them lower the bore in relation to 3) where your grip is on the gun and 2) the center of gravity, and together and more importantly, 4) the center of force.

Oh the irony.

I don't think so, unless you count the H9A for weight. If they're planning a compact model they're not talking about it, but width matters a lot more than anything else for concealability.

Redpill: the effective range of 9mm is 20 yards no matter your bore axis

>t. CoD player

Grip's too long, and I don't want that barrel smashing my weenis and intimidating me.

reddit cancer

Do you carry in the front or with a shitty holster with one loop/clip? Grip and barrel lengths are whatever if you have a decent holster, regardless of handgun. Unless you're super short.


Yes, that's exactly what I said in my first post.

However, judging from the schematic of the pistol they've lowered the recoil spring farther than they had to to simply lower the barrel to where it is in the gun, and their marketing has touted the position of the recoil spring as an important feature independent of the bore axis (which is mostly bullshit).

>asks legitimate question
>gets told to fuck off
Exactly the reason why Jow Forums has been full of chink shill threads and summerfag shit lately. Cause faggot like you would rather be a subhuman troglodyte instead of being informative.
Neck yourself bud.

Because most people understand that lowering the guide rod is what makes the rest of it happen.

I print with a G19 in the summer, bruv. 12 o'clock or 4 o'clock, claw or not. Looks fine in the mirror, but it all falls apart when I start moving around.

It's the back-bottom edge of the grip, and why I love those VP9sk mags with the pinky rest.

Weird. What holsters have you tried?

It doesn't use STI 2011 mags, big red flag.

Also not a 2011 style pistol capable of using 9mm major, another red flag.

That's not how they've been selling it. The bullshit in the image in post is one of the things they have hyping about the H9, which differs only in magnitude from the sort of nonsense used to sell something like the KRISS Vector.

Dara and a JM Custom. Just a product of wearing polos here to hide sweat when working outdoors.

Dude, what?
>We've lowered the guide rod
It's the most noticeable feature of the gun, and anyone who isn't retarded can immediately conclude it means lowering the axis of force, center of gravity, and makes for less mass traveling backwards.

Holsters with multiple and spaced clips work best, user. Helps conform the grip to your body as you move.

Nothing they say about it is wrong. It is a very handy little pistol.


Only a faggot would pay that much for the tiny gimmicky improvements it has over, say, a CZ or Beretta you can grab for 400 bucks

Attached: IMG_1025.jpg (640x466, 46K)

You haven't been paying attention if you've failed to notice the lowered recoil spring being hyped as intrinsically reducing muzzle flip rather than simply being one aspect of lowering the barrel.

Have you held or fired a CZ, Beretta, or Hudson? Everyone whose tried the Hudson fucking loves it.
The H9A will be 200-300 cheaper, too.

You are extremely autistic about semantics and the ability or lack thereof to infer.

>b-but ur an autist

Hey look, it's the battle cry of someone who just lost an argument.

>Pointing out the flaw of an argument means you're losing it
Just stop shitting up the thread.

Don't blame me because your reading comprehension sucks donkey dong.

>Holsters with multiple and spaced clips work best
How do you swing that with such a narrow space between belt loops on your jeans for AIWB? Is one just spaced really far out to go on the other side of a belt loop?

Your entire argument is based around the fact that lowering the rod is what's hyped, not what the effects of lowering the rod are.

Your argument is;
>We made a new oil with high viscosity
And bitching that the manufacture doesn't say,
>We made an oil that'll stick to shit better!

Depends on the holster, some have clips that go over the belt, some loop between belt loops, some just loop between the jeans and the belt, etc. You want holsters that create as many "hinge" points as possible. There's a company that makes leather holsters with a mag holder with four belt loops that makes a really nice semicircle around you but I can't fucking remember the name.

It's built in my town about 10 minutes away from my house. Handled one at my LGS and fell in love with how it felt. Trigger was fantastic as well. If it was $800 I'd buy one in a heartbeat.

>I am le intellectual pls do not misuse the English language look at my reddit spacing
You're such a complete faggot

same but no california legal

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Formatting has always been a thing on Jow Forums. You'd know that if you weren't a redditfag from a Jow Forums reddit colony that accidentally found Jow Forums.

it's a huge pos

Did they tell you how sales of the H9 were?

Thanks for the reddit pill

Just need a friend who happens to move into the state with it, friend. You can transfer almost any handgun off roster.

itt bunch of people who don't actually one one.

Let me tell you, it's a magnificent piece of futuristic engineering worth every penny. I have absolutely no regrets about clips getting stuck, hard to load clips, super low POI, mismatched finish, wiggly trigger, factory finish wear or a creepy trigger.


Attached: h9 in pieces.jpg (1800x1200, 596K)

No figures, but to the effect of more than they expected quicker than they expected.

You know oil exists, right?




>asks legitimate question
He never asked a real question.
He said redpill me like a cheeky little twat.
Then he got told off for being vague as fuck.