You hanging in there Jow Forums?

You hanging in there Jow Forums?

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not really tired of the constant harassment

Turn off the trip you dribbling faggot. I don't know why they can't just get rid of tripcodes altogether, you faggots add nothing to this board and we'd be much happier without you.
Yeah pretty good.

>projecting this hard
homie do you need a hug?

>Doing “meh”
>Sees op pic related
>Reminded that I need to watch Gen.Kill again
>Day is now slightly better

Different guy. But everyone needs a man hug occasionally.

I'm talking about man on man. Two grown men. Consensual Bro time.

Pretty good now, just got word I'm starting my new job soon. I was depressed AF and down in the dumps before that. Though I'm waiting for the feeling of wanting to kill myself after a few weeks of doing the same shit over and over.

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I am tired of working away (at sea) from my gf and guns, but it IS worth it. My bank account assures me of this.

Oil platform?

Almost done with finals. Just turned 20 today so yay for me. Any other 5/9ers here?


Dont you mean 3/8ers?

Fuck no, I'm mad as fuck, where did all these leftist shits come from? Did I miss a shooting or something? Because every fucking thread has at least one motherfucker shilling for liberal bullshit, we can't have a single Rhodesia or Roof Korean thread without it devolving into "oh the poor POC's it's not their fault, whyteppol be rayciss".

It's seriously pissing me off, we can't talk about guns or the tactics used in those situations, and threads where that have nothing to do with "rayciss" shit some faggot derails the goddamn thread.


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I don’t get it. By my own admission I pressed submit way too quickly because 5/9er can be mistaken for a whole lotta stuff other than being born on May 9th.

Make like your tranny brethren and off yourselves.

I'm a straight white guy, and I don't appreciate that. Get lost faggot.

I think mods simply gave up after latest wave of Vatnik/Hwuang/Lefty/Redditor shitposters started, this place is going to shit faster then i have ever seen a internet "community" collapse before at this rate.
Surely Hiroshimoot is to blame for this, fucker can barely keep the website functioning, let alone hire competent mods.

It's the election and Jow Forums's shenanigans that brought in massive waves of newfags. Those "people" are just now starting to seriously spread to other boards as well.

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How much USD would it take for me to buy Head modship from hiroshimoot and Fire all the mods, and pick new ones?

Trippin a bit about a secret security clearance I'm trying to get.

I have approximately 50% of people say be honest and 50% say to keep some details to myself.

I think the people who are pushing discretion are the right ones, but I hate lying. I know I'll get past the secret level, but I'm nervous someday I'll go up for TS/SCI and have to be like "Hey, I didn't bring up some early 20s drug use on my Secret clearance."

The thing is, I know guys who joined the military and are officers who I know were doing drugs, they were in frats and shit.

I don't want to disqualify myself for being an idiot when most people are just keeping their mouths shut.

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Never admit to using drugs unless the police have it on record.

what job

Been jobless for six months. Cant find solid work in my degree field (Int Rel) or anything /out/ or Jow Forums related. Anyone got any suggestions? I am goin crazy here. Just want some dosh to be able to be happy and stop feeling like I have failed everyone.

Still trying to get that job... still trying to get an income so I can finally start chipping away at my goal of getting a pair of dual tube nvgs. Still surrounded by deviants of an increasingly deviant and anti social nature. People ree at me if I try to introduce myself or engage in any natural social behavior
>Haven't you heard of like... facebook maaaan!
I still live in California. Just recently got back from a trip to texas, so I guess I got a taste... but now I just want to go back and leave this place forever... hold me, Jow Forums.

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get out of the house you dumb nigger, there's an entire world out there and you're sitting here looking at hank hill memes and traps

then what do?
if it got bumped down to a misdemeanor or disorderly conduct?
asking for myself

Im probably at my lowest point ever, im going to apply for a new job tomorrow, hope that i will feel better if i start working again.

If they have access to the records then there's no point lying about it. The paperwork should strictly define everything they have access to.

Fuck off Masshole

I hate my job.
My only local gun shop didn't return my phone call so no FFL transfer.

I do go out. But I just cant find work, and my money is running pretty thin. I did this fancy ass degree and shit hoping it would land me somewhere but it didn't. Feels like i wasted 3 years of my life.

>dont fall for the uni meme bois

Yeah. Been 6 on 1 off for a month with another to go, so it's been working and getting blitzed. Still kinda figuring out what to do with the revelation playing with rockets and high explosive for four years may have left me punch drunk.

Doing my military service, recon/guerilla shit is pretty fun.
You get to sleep all day and at night go bully some jägers and steal their cigarettes.

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Temp agency, those guys will fix you up with work in different places. Pay is mediocre, but it’s money and it will get you out of the house. If you happen to find one of those places to your taste, then you can go back there on your own time.

I could be worse. I'm in that transitional period between the way my life is and the way it has to be, and it's tough letting go of old friendships and habits to make it happen. I know change is necessary, and I want it, but at the same time I don't. I'll press on, because I have to, but it sucks man.

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I'm on the verge of being promoted (basically to my countries equivilent of E-5)
I should be excited for it but i'm terrified that i'm going to fuck it up especially because i'm being pushed up extra quickly and im scared everyone below me will hate me for it.

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I'm alright, thanks Nate.By the way, we're oscar mike in ten minutes- I got the notice last night.

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>I got the notice last night.

People below you will *always* hate that you got promoted over them and will *always* think they're more deserving of what you got. And it intensifies the more you move up the ladder. Be particularly vigilant against cut-throat bitches, who're always trying to smear you to the management (officers in your case). In my experience, the cut-throat bitches will *always* be the *friendliest* to your face; so if you don't have sense, you might easily confuse them with your closest work friends.

Be particularly leery about confiding to *anyone* about grievances with the management (always finds it's way back to them). Also note these cut throat bitches are the *exact* type to do sketchy shit like befriend you, sell you some dope, and then rat you out to the management for having it. Any dishonorable tactic they can use to smear you they will. They also like to gain your trust, then start bitching about the management so you do the same, then take all that you said straight back to the bosses.

And once again, the higher you move up, the more you run into shit like that. Be friendly with all your coworkers best you can, be able to take criticism well, but beware of the corrupt office politician type (this means you should be super skeptical of anyone who's simply *too* friendly with you).

I've never been in the military but that applies to every workplace I've ever been and if you don't learn it the easy way, you'll learn it the hard way... Most people think that, in order to move up, they have to yank down their immediate superior.

She says Do you love me

I tell her only partly

I only love my guns and my doggy I'm sorry

Thanks friend thats some solid advice. I'm typically a very nice friendly person so i really hope this move doesn't change who i am. although i might not have much of a choice

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Not him, but I'm pretty fucking glad to know that there are people out there that know about this shit.

Eh, you'll change but if you have a good head on you it's not going to change who you are.

She can be your doggy tho...

I'm just lonely, all my friends moved away and the only one I hangout with is my past ex who I still have feelings for but she's moving away soon anyways, so that's good, I guess. At least finals will be over soon.

I feel you, broseph. I've outgrown my highschool friends. Workplace friends cannot be trusted (particularly once you've moved up a couple notches), as they have a vested interest in knocking you down so they can move up, see:. And I hang out with my ex (whom I still have feelings for), but it simply hurts a lot that it can't be anything more than that now.

Also, my current best friend (a girl), I'm completely in love with and she's getting married in a week.

But despite all that, I'm doing okay. Probably better than most 4channers, and I can give thanks for what little I DO have. I'm not *quite* happy or fulfilled, but I think seeking that is like a chimera, no one ever actually gets to complete happiness and fulfillment.

And I grew up in a pretty rough place with a lot of bad shit happening all around, so I can be thankful and reasonably happy adult with a mediocre life. Things could be better, sure, but they could be a fuckton worse.

The chronically depressed man is always fixated on those who have more (and jealousy, envy, and "it's not fair" eats him alive). The happy man realizes he has it better than a lot of people and can be thankful.

Not to well anons
>in danger of losing my scholarship
>all my friends moved away after high school and haven't been able to make any new ones
>struck out with more grils than I have balls
>lonely as fuck
>level 100 poorfag
>truck broke down
>lost job
>PTSD from childhood abuse is back with a vengeance
>military recruiter turned me away
>generally just alone and depressed
>only reason I haven't an heroed is because I couldn't do that to mom

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Marcus Arelius you've been dead for 2000 years get off Jow Forums

I hear ya, there's no point in always being down. I know from experience that if I keep thinking negatively I'll have a harder time getting out that rut. Similar to what you said I just stay positive, I'm definitely grateful for where I am now I just don't want to squander the opportunity I have. So while I'm lonely I know I'll meet more people in the future, my biggest concern is just finding a career that will being enjoyable and/or give me a decent income. But I doubt writing will pay the bills, and I don't know if I'm settled on being a history teacher.

Fucking around with a vest I haven't touched in a couple months. Found a full pack of smokes in a mag pouch. Good day. Gonna break it in by walking around with a bunch of tall boys in it all day.

Holy fuck, are you me??? I went to college for history teaching. I got 7 classes from the end and dropped out. Full time work and college was making me crazy. Also my mother's offer to pay for college was bullshit (she's a very shady person). It took me 8 years to get almost to the end of a bachelors because I was only taking courses part time. But I spent so much student loan money that I needed to front a few hundred each semester to continue, which I could not afford and full time work and senior level courses were terrible. I never had a day off and all of my free time was going to writing papers. I was miserable. Despite good grades I never finished.


I caps'ed it because it's important for you to know. Most people with a degree in teaching of some sort wind up working in something else because of lack of jobs. Don't make my mistake.

Learn a trade. Due to advances in technology, the need for bureaucracy is far less in this nation and most guys making decent money (not good, but decent) are trademen. This is particularly good if you hate school (like me). Get an apprenticeship in something like butchery, welding, soldering, or machinist (machinists can make a killing if you're good at it). You'll be able to have a good middle class life and not go to school.

You can go two routes with learning a trade. You can get hired on in a butcher shop, machine shop, weld shop, etc. And then if you're worth a fuck you can apprentice into it. I'd highly recommend this route over trade school. It's one of those things that they don't really expect you to have go to trade school, they'll just test to see if you can do the job well.

I'm convinced working a job where you *actually produce* something is far more fulfilling than being a bureaucrat of some sort, where you know in your soul that your job is not really needed and is *actually parasitic* to the company's wellbeing.

Any methods you have for staying positive other than just repeating it in your head?
I don't have much of a life outside of work, which would be fine but I had a thing with the manager, but she ended it with some crappy excuses and is now actibg like nothing happened. It's shit because every disagreement/argument/days she's in a bad mood feels like it's personally aimed at me.
Need to get out of here I guess, but still, wish I could go back to before and just be mates.
Apologies for the torrent of shit, but I can't really talk to anyone about it and just typing this makes me feel better.

To keep it Jow Forums, are there any bongs in here? How are gun clubs generally here? Friendly or elitist?

Listen to this man. I dropped out of a physics program at a pretty damn good school and got into the trades. It's much more satisfying, if you have a good union that helps. Much happier with my life. Maybe part of it is I get to be a crass lowlife with my coworkers like it was back in the .mil. spend your GI Bill to go to learn a trade or how to operate heavy machinery instead of coding. Money's good too for a single 20 something with no family.

Struggling. Just got to my new unit a few weeks back. The hours are terrible, the work sucks, and I still don't have any friends. I can't tell if I hate it here or I'm still just getting used to it

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Yeah I met a former teacher and he said a lot of what you listed, plus he explained that my state is just going down the drain at light speed for benefits so unless your entire heart is into it, it's really not worth it. I totally agree with the trade schools stuff, there are a lot of opportunities out there that people take for granted, I just don't know if that's my thing (as assinine as that sounds). Most of my family works in the carpentry field at various levels so Im experienced in it but I could never get to into it. I have a couple options I'm considering, all of which are viable but which ever I pick I have to stick to it and can't deviate. So for now I'm just weighing their pros and cons.
You don't have to be sorry dude, this thread is all about letting it out. I know different methods work for different folks but I personally just tend to take everything in stride. It's not like I'm always happy, I still have my slumps, but I don't let it rule over me. Sometimes just exercising clears my mind, other times I just play some vidya, or just write a little bit for a story, different strokes I suppose. I don't think I can really give you a cure all because we all have our own methods that may or may not work for others. Sometimes a hobby is the best thing to discover, I'm sorry I don't have the best answer for you user.


Thanks man, it's just nice to tell someone, it's already helped a little. I definitely need a hobby, something that gets me out, I'm interested in urbex so really ought to get on that.

This my nigga

I don’t feel like I’m doing good enough.

>19, from CA but moved to AZ
>family wanted me out after I admitted to them I was into guns
>lost everything in a car accident around that time
>see friend, I’ll call him fudd buddy
>fudd buddy around the same time goes on a vacation with his girlfriend of two years, posts it all over FB
>ex GF sees this
>asks me (after car accident) why we’re not like them
>cheats on me with her travel partner on a school trip to France
>move to AZ, meet GF a week before
>Continually compare myself to fudd buddy and wish for the stability he has

The pain needs to go away. The fucker got stupid lucky and essentially has everything.

Pretty sure I've failed out of university. No idea how to tell the folks.

Not really. I've come to realize over the past two years that everything I like, from my country to my favorite 4chinz board, has been overrun by lazy commies and useless political leeches who've brainwashed their constituents into believing there's only two choices, and that we're probably going to lose every semblance of rights over the next 6-10 years. We're watching the end of everything good and nobody wants to do anything about it.
Past that everything's pretty cool and I'm probably just being a whiny little bitch.

>had to cancel GF’s visit this month due to moving next month
>Family doesn’t even know me anymore, tell each other I’m the “right wing conspiracy theorist” after I told them I don’t trust the MSM
>GF said she’s alright with me cancelling the visit
>Fudd buddy keeps suggesting I go back to CA, but doesn’t understand the emotional toll that would put on me, claims she’ll just leave if I don’t
>the trauma of everything my family and what my ex of four years put me through is making me want to end it

I feel like I don’t fit in anywhere.

i need a hug.

I'm doing alright. The wife is improving with her stutter and she's visiting her parents while her grandfather is in hospital so I'm alone with her cat for the week.

that's rough famalam
I am pretty close, not sure if I can hack it

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I'm in the exact same boat user. But listen to Make sure you lead from the front. Don't tell your soldiers/troops to do anything you won't/can't/arn't doing/able to do. Set the example and do the right thing. The good ones will follow you to the end and the shitbags can be smoked into working. Look out for your guys before anything else and it'll go a long way. If you bust your ass for them they'll bust their asses for you. Know your shit, own your shit, and stand up for your shit.
But just step up. I'm sick of seeing NCO's who don't give a fuck about their job or soldiers. Gotta be the change you want to see.

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Yeah, went through a bit of depressive episode the past few days but I got out of it. Still kinda upset I got cheated on over a year ago by a girl I though I was gonna marry but I'm alot better off without her than I was with her So its just a matter of finding someone else. But I got to school online so its not gonna be till after I graduate college next semster

The TinTin thread was a little slice of old. It truly sucks all the asshole here just to be dicks and push there political garbage. Jow Forums was on occasion was gay and needed to fuck off but the massive amount of fuckheads screaming “hur your a Jow Forums!!!!” At everyone and everything has gotten ridiculous. Can’t even make fun of anti gun politicians because jewfish and friends.

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go work the oil fields in texas or the dakotas for a year or so, you live rent free, make bank, buy tubes.

continue to approach recruiters, adjust approach each time based on failures. They DO NOT communicate with eachother.

I got kicked out in october, desu it's pretty shitty but once that's out of the way then you can start planning what next

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-Have first girlfriend, things are great, we make other people jealous because of how dorky we are to eachother, we met through D&D
-I got a summer job lined up, it's a warehouse job but it is Jow Forums related so I am super happy with it
-My cousin almost died, but thanks to a miracle he is going to pull through
-I have a loving family

-College is getting tough, I dropped a class this semester and might fail another one, I have never preformed even close to this poorly before
-I SBR'ed a S&W Sport II, I don't want to get bullied in /arg/

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>pic related results
>Didn't even fail because of the 1% failed because of 37
Now means I'm free to get fit and go for army next year

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Im getting by. Almost failing school and just had my first girlfriend put me in the friendzone, made me feel a lot of emotions I haven’t felt before. Feeling like I’m neglecting my gun cause I haven’t shot it since January and havent cleaned it in a month.

Its okay bud, you'll always have a place here.

This reminds me of something I was gonna post, why don't Jow Forumsommandos have a social network of such just for us? We are all military hisotry and guns nuts, most of us are down to earth and ok to hang around with, why dont we make a support network? We are the most cohesive group on Jow Forums and the least crazy?

There are some Jow Forums discord channels and facebook groups

>decided to stop being a retail fag
>got my CDL
>full truckerfag
>it's pretty great, getting paid to be practically a neet and haul shit
>went from being a poor fag clearing ~$12k/year to ~$45k/year
>looking at houses and moving out
>started dating my best friend
>looking at buying more guns
>had a shotgun barrel in my mouth two years ago

It gets better anons.

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5/10er here, mate.

>You hanging in there Jow Forums?

I feel that we're losing the fight on gun rights, and maybe rights in general.

your image and post give me hope for Jow Forums. I am glad to see that I am not the only one pissed about all these cancerous faggot retard redditfags who think they are "bashing the fash" or whatever by shitting up our board(s). Fucking newfags get off my board reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Also the Russians found our memes

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I am just trying to find myself. I attend college but I am unhappy with what I am doing as it is a waste of time, don't ask. I am in a relationship with someone for around nine months now, don't even know if the feelings I have for them are genuine or I am simply telling them what they want to hear. As for myself? It's comparable to just floating there, not going in any direction, simply floating idle. No sadness, no happiness, just a blank state.

It's so weird anons.

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Hooked up with a girl i'm crazy about, very spur of the moment thing, I was stunned it was happening.

Then her roommate / ex walked in and asked what was going on in a very un-ex like way. Slightly put a damper on things.

Called but haven't been able to talk to her since, yet.

Im only 4lbs from being sub 300lbs.
Pretty good i suppose.

D-does s-she t-talk l-l-like th-this?

>my wife's cat

Listening to covers of the classic Bon Jovi song Blood Money and trying not to be mad at the distinct lack of freedom in the world

>tfw no gf

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he right about trip fags

>two job possibilities coming soon, just have to test, interview, get my background check cleared etc.
>wife finally sat me down and said she WON'T bitch if I don't get one of the two and decide to go into the military/Federal LE
>kids are healthy
>my dog is finally healthy after a big surgery
>been inna gym at least 4 days a week
>Jow Forums helped me gain 10 pounds so I'm less of a hungry skeleton
>might get to go to the range soon
>vidya games are fun again now that I'm not pissed all the time

Doing good. Doing good Jow Forums.

Fuck off. She doesn't struggle with every word.
It's hers from before we met.

Constantly comparing yourself to others will lead to this, user. I hope you find happiness, but to wallow in envy will only lead you to suffer more. His social media shit will only post the good in his life, I'm sure there are parts of it that you wouldn't want
also Arizona is fuckin sick with it's gun laws, Constitutional carry if I recall correctly?

Yup, constitutional carry.

The thing is, it hurts because that’s how I’ve been raised.

>”user why don’t you be more like your brothers?”
>”user, I don’t want you airsofting because it’ll turn you into a school shooter.”
>”user why can’t you like normal things?”
>”user, why can’t you be like your ex girlfriend and ignore the world like everyone else has?”

All of those are quotes by my mom. I wish I didn’t feel so alone.

Fucked up with my gf and she left last week.
Finals are bearing down like a train.
Behind in all my classes bc gone for military things
Trying to improve myself but each day starts just a little more run down than the last
Hopefully summer will help

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A mixed bag.
>finishing up undergrad
>got into med school
>best option is in TN, pretty far away from gf going to med school in VA
>was going to ask her to marry me
>pushed off 2-4 years depending on where I do clerkship, and hope for couples residency match.
>better in the long run, make bank as family of MD's, but shitty in short term
>don't want to leave her
>sold Winchester model 70, sig p238, and s&w 686 to afford ring

you are not alone. My mother said the same thing about me and more,
>how I'm not a real man (for being unemployed after college while in my masters)
> a fuck up (not best grades in undergrad)
>Psycho (for getting a PS90)
>thinks one day I'll kill myself because I will somehow get depressed
>why can't you be like your brothers?

I know that these things hurt coming from your mother - I take my mother's words personally, more so than she intends. She has then said I was too sensitive to her words.
Sometimes people get angry and say shit they don't really mean.
Why are they bringing up your ex-gf? she (ex) sounds like a horrible person, hopefully this one is better. Stay strong user.
>ignore the world
there is a certain balance of things you should keep in mind. Don't care too little, but don't care too much. I'm not sure what you mean by it though.

I feel pretty bad honestly military turned me away because i have bad sight on my right eye, i hope i can get that apprenticeship as a security guard.

How bad is your right eye, and how Jow Forums are you? What State/Country are you in?

And is the right eye correctable at all?

Asking because i have eye issues too, but I was able to work around it and was able to become a LEO.

Thanks for the advice guys i apreciate the help

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