So human blood has small traces of iron in it right...

So human blood has small traces of iron in it right? So theoretically would it be possible to drain your own blood over time and collect the iron until you have enough to forge a whole sword? Has anyone ever made a bloodsword before?

Attached: 4BA9F895-CC9E-4D4A-94E1-2CA919E671DE.png (555x555, 18K)

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yeah you got enough now just open up a vein over a saucepan. put it on medium heat

>Has anyone ever made a bloodsword before?
I thought this was stupid but it's going somewhere now

Dude. Literally the first result from google.

>has anyone done it?
>post a tumblr conversation by a math nerd
this is not the answer

>So theoretically would it be possible to drain your own blood over time and collect the iron until you have enough to forge a whole sword? Has anyone ever made a bloodsword before?
It probably would be possible, but it would take years to make a functional sword because the amount of iron is so small.

It's still quite a badass concept though.

Attached: very nice dog.jpg (226x223, 7K)

Well, there's usually 4 grams of iron in the body. Assuming this is all in the blood (it's not,) let's take this stupid-ass question to its logical conclusion.

The average human has 8 pints of blood in their system, and the general recommendation for a blood donation to not be overly taxing on the body is 1 pint of blood per donation. Generally speaking, a pint of blood by a body in good condition can be replenished in as little as 24 hours. So, your ideal yield of iron would be .5 grams per 24 hours. Now, moving onto the weight of the sword, it's generally regarded that most swords weight between 2.5 and 3.5 lbs (1134 grams to 1588 grams.) Assuming ideal conditions where you were forging a sword weighing only 2.5 grams, it would still take you 2268 days (a little over six years,) to get enough raw material for your sword.

Should you, however, choose to not take the blood from yourself, but rather from other people, you would have to murder and harvest the blood of 284 people in order to get enough raw material.

The more practical solution to sate your stupid haematophilic tendencies would be to quench your sword in blood during the tempering process.

Pretty sure all the iron in your body might give you enough to make a single bullet
a .22

>He doesn't know the legend of the SS schwertzenstabben.

Legend has it that blood was collected from slain kikes and reduced to its iron to forge a gladius. It was hidden after the allies overtook Germany, but he who finds it, it is said, will bring Israel to its knees

This nigga right here had one

Attached: 33792a3d44207ded7e86afcac264954e.jpg (739x1200, 65K)

>Should you, however, choose to not take the blood from yourself, but rather from other people, you would have to murder and harvest the blood of 284 people in order to get enough raw material.

>mfw all that (literal) edge
no wonder naruto tends to attract overly edgy kids.

Attached: surprised harold.jpg (1268x1695, 190K)

> ask tumblr tier question
> find out they beat you to it

>The more practical solution to sate your stupid haematophilic tendencies would be to quench your sword in blood during the tempering process.
Isn't blood terrible for that?

OK so what if we had access to a blood bank and a forge?

We've done the math on this on /tg/ once, it takes roughly 666 people, given averages, to make a gloriously metal shortsword. A proper arming sword however requires a little over 1000.

You'd also have to actually extract the iron without taking any of the biological impurities that would fuck up your sword, and whatever process that might be, I'm willing to bet it's not 100% efficient.

I would think you could refine it the same way as mineral iron: just heat it far beyond its melting point and skim off all the slag. All the water would boil away long before this, leaving all the other impurities in blood, which I would assume is less dense than iron and float to the top.

Well, yes, but blood is also terrible at having iron extracted from it.

Attached: darkedgebloodsword__my_first_sonic_oc_by_deimos_remus-d9430hb.jpg (1024x1024, 415K)

Stored blood goes bad and has to be disposed of: maybe you could offer take it off the hospital's hands for free and sneak it through a centrifuge on your way out to separate the components?

>Nobody recognized this pasta until /tg/
>/tg/ apparently sucks at math now

Attached: Been here too long.jpg (333x279, 14K)