Does Jow Forums have any recommendations for a modern .32 handgun?
A little context: after weeks of convincing my girlfriend to come shooting with me, she finally came around and really enjoyed it.
Mind you, she used to hate them. Her only experience shooting was a .22 revolver when she was a child and she stayed away from them because it was too loud.
Now as an adult, she completely 180'd, and after hearing a story about this woman who was nearly murdered by some Tinder killer, she is interested in getting a gun for self/home defense, though not necessarily concealed carry.
Of all the guns I took her out shooting with, she really enjoyed the .32 Beretta Cheetah and the Glock 43 I had, but not the 42. That being said, I'm worried that 9mm might be too much for her, and although she swears she shoots better with it than .380, her hit count and groupings say otherwise.
Does Jow Forums have any good gun recommendations for anything in .32? The Cheetah is my father's and I realized they don't make them anymore. The ones in circulation are $600+, and for that price point I'd rather buy something more modern.
You're not going to find much for modern .32s, seecamp and kel-tek are the only ones that come to mind. Best bet is to buy used/surplus. Zastava has a .32 currently out on the market, the M70. Otherwise go with a ppk or clone, I picked up a FEG PA-63 in .32 for $250 a few weeks ago.
>she swears she shoots better with it than .380, her hit count and groupings say otherwise. Seeing as how she is somewhat motivated to learn how to shoot after hearing about a violent crime, I wager she is interested in self defense to a certain extent.
That being said, .32 acp and .380 are both inadequate for self defense compared to 9mm, .40 or .45. Consider getting her a Glock 34 or a Beretta 92. Both are in 9mm and offer superior ballistics, holds more rounds and is more shootable than a Cheetah.
Camden Morris
glock 34 and the m9/92fs are literally fuckhuge in comparison
Tyler Young
Your choices are slim, and I think already listed. I would try and get her some more trigger time on some 9mm and up. I have a bad feeling that if you get her a .32, she will get bored with it after a few range trips and want to shoot something bigger. I've seen it with people and .22s a couple of times.
Austin Wood
>glock 34 and the m9/92fs are literally fuckhuge in comparison
Exactly. Which is why they would make excellent HD pistols. I don’t think OP’s gf is going to carry soon and a fullsize 9mm that shoots soft is something to consider over a .32 acp.
Zachary Sullivan
>girlfriend >heard about Tinder killer >now wants a gun
Ethan Wood
op, literally the gun for her would be an m&p Shield EZ. the size of a g43 but made specifically for women.
Brayden Martin
>heard about a tinder killer and only now wants a gun
Your old lady is fucking dudes on tinder bro, sorry to tell you.
Hudson Bell
get a used 85 for like 400 bucks and get good defense loads. There are quite a few good .380 ammo for defense now.
If you want a small 9 that is easy to shoot, look at the walther pps m2.
Levi Morgan
The 81FS is probably the best option. There's also the CZ83 in 32 which is fantastic but hard to find and also expensive, but 15+1. The SIG P230 or P232 in 32...again expensive and hard to find. You might be better off looking for a light recoiling 380 like the Ruger LC380 or S&W 380 Shield EZ. The Browning 380 mini 1911 is also supposedly easy to shoot but I've not tried that one.
Aiden Perez
>Glock 34 >anything other than a waste of money for non-competition shooters
Lol, ya almost had me. Gotta be quicker than that.
Carter Fisher
It's a little bigger than the 43.
Landon Kelly
Pic related is a Beretta tomcat. I got mine used for $275. Make sure it's got the wide slide if she's going to shoot it often
Still, great gun for women and those that are a tad weaker in the hand or sensitive to recoil.
Jordan Butler
>hearing a story about this woman who was nearly murdered by some Tinder killer >Tinder
Why is your girlfriend worried about shit that happens to thots on tinder?
$600? Get your bitch the 9mm she always wanted and ammo to go with it. She can practice. My friends and I make fun out of skipping 32 off of gatorade and milk jugs. Don't buy her one.
>Lol, ya almost had me. Gotta be quicker than that. You can carry one and you are most certainly an idiot if you think there isnt any value of having a gun bigger than a 17 for learning how to shoot.
Luis Hughes
Finally. I thought I was the only user who noticed hahaha
What exactly do you gain from buying something that you most likely *won't* carry and that carries marginal better shooting ability over something that you *will* carry and that you can still master easily.
If you can drill dimes with a 19 or 17 or something at or between those sizes, you can sure as shit do it with a 34. Why buy one gun for some marginal gain now and then another later when you can have most of the benefits of both?
Are you truckerbro from my discord?
Very much so agreed.
Gavin Martinez
>If you can drill dimes with a 19 or 17 or something at or between those sizes, you can sure as shit do it with a 34. Why buy one gun for some marginal gain now and then another later when you can have most of the benefits of both?
You act like theres any difference between a 34 and a 17. Here's a hint, the added slide length of the 34 actually helps conceal better than a 17. The 34 is objectively more shootable than the 19 and isn't any way less concealable.
Then again, I've tracked my performance using the both of them and spent time concealing them as well.
Jaxson Diaz
>.32 dont fucking bother
Andrew Bennett
Don’t listen to internet retards. .380 is a great round especially if she’s willing to carry it.
Kevin Powell
CZ83 is pretty good and it can fit 15 rounds. CZ50/70 are cheap Barreta has good .32 and .25 models I think.
Cooper Jenkins
I'm loling at all the people here who think anybody can shrug off a magazine of good .32 ACP loadings.
Jeremiah Lopez
>I'm loling at all the people here who think anybody can shrug off a magazine of good .32 ACP loadings. It will suck to get shot by anything, nobody is disputing this. The problem is that it isn't as effective as 9, 40 or .45. It's bad enough that pistol bullets generally suck at stopping a violent attacker, it will be even fucking worse when you have a piece of shit .32 FMJ round.
Did you know people can continue to attack even if they get shot? .380 is shit considering it can bounce off of metal binder clips and a .32 is weaker than that. Anyways, this is a troll thread so who fucking cares, none of you guys actually carry.
No idea why you dont have a holster on your gun. You do not carry. Thats a Jericho P07, you are correct sir
Aiden Hill
Well, probably because I unholster and tuck it under my leg when I'm driving through shit areas.
Connor Davis
>Incidentally they do still make the .32acp Cheetah. out of stock
Adam Stewart
>larger gun >better concealment wat
Jack Diaz
.32 NAA is the way I want a stainless, wood grip Beretta cheetah in .32NAA so badly.
John Baker
>can clearly see -Z P-07 on the slide >Is that a Jericho >doesn't even look like one Weebs were a mistake.
Jace Watson
a true weaboo would not have made that mistake. normies pretending to be things they are not were the real mistake.
Jayden Powell
The added length of a slide actually aids in preventing the grip portion of a gun from “rolling out” away from the body. This is why some people use a 17 length holster for a 19 and a 34 length for a 17. JM Custom and Darkstar Gear offer slightly lengthened holsters for guns like G43 and Shields for his exact purpose.
Grayson Myers
Getting a .32 for a practical purpose is fucking stupid. If you want a soft shooting gun just get a steel framed 9mm and load it with low recoil ammo. She was shooting a Glock 43. The difference in recoil between a micro9 and a full size steel frame is going to be bigger than the difference between a micro9 and a 32 pocket gun. She isn't worried about concealment anyway so you get more gun and cheaper ammo too. Check out the tristar CZ clones, I've noticed women tend to like the aesthetics of hammer fired guns too.