Lads: how are we going to get rid of the FFA of 1938, the GCA of 1968 and all the other federal infringements upon the 2A? No pro 2A politicians are talking about it. We need to start pushing public discourse for repeal as lovers of freedom. Thoughts?

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you have no power and nothing you do will change anything.

Defeatism is a disease.

it's the truth. You think some likely borderline poverty stricken shitposter on Jow Forums will accomplish anything politically?

It's the NFA and it was '34. When you have the NRA supporting a bump stock ban getting full-auto back seems like a totally different galaxy. The best we could ever hope for IMO would be another "amnesty" like they had in '68 to add a bunch of black market MG's to the registry. The days of converting a $600 AR with $50 worth of parts and a $200 tax stamp are over, as much as I hate to say it. Once you lose a freedom like that you will never get it back. The shitlibs are running media blitz right now to take away AR's. Imagine what they would do if a NFA repeal had even the slightest chance.

I've just quit following un-constitutional laws. I own a SBS, and have plans to get a mosin to cut.
I know everyone will think they'll be the funniest guy and respond with
>Haha ATF honeypot
But I don't care if my dog gets shot. I truly hope that I become the next Waco and get to take out some cocksucking ATF pigs with me.
If you are a true American, a true man, you would do the same

youre glowing

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Conversation is the first step faggot

Godspeed user

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