AR thread/AR General /arg/

/arg/ - Quiet bois edition: Post quiet ARs only


Attached: gucci.jpg (4160x2040, 2.72M)

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Only good trips allowed

Attached: 55B6E306-2E46-4332-A7F6-B0CAF5E60689.jpg (2712x1536, 750K)

I hate all of you

poorfag unfinished build is very very quiet.

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>fucks up the thread with his first post
bravo retard

Attached: A2 Block 2 Right Time.jpg (4000x2188, 3.66M)

Thanks A2. You don't fuck up the new threads. Unlike other people.

This is my only pic of a quietboi and it's not an AR. Sry.

Attached: 154596_174623592560374_231518_n.jpg (720x540, 128K)

Attached: image.jpg (495x587, 130K)

Then wht are you here?

these idiots could screw up a one car funeral with a police escort

I’m the best non orbiter there is