CMP Garands arrrive
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Prepare for 300+ replies bitching about how they should be priced at $99 because "the taxpayers already paid for them!"
> defund the cmp
Honestly they should be giving away garands at this point and working though rebarreled m16a4s...
CMP needs to be shut down, private for profit business hiding behind a 503c.
shut it down and jail them.
M1's are pretty gay, bring on the m14's and m16a2's.
>CMP needs to be shut down, private for profit business hiding behind a 503c.
CMP is not a welfare program for poorfags who want historic guns. Want a CMP Garand? Get a job and earn the money for it.
>people with less than $1000 of disposable income at least
>purchasing firearms
Get your priorities straight.
Can’t sell those by law
>Not buying firearms right now when they are relatively cheap
>relatively cheap
yeah, glocks and ars maybe
That's all you need
>You will see 1200$, bottom barrel ar15s in your lifetime again
>not using your money intelligently so you don't need to give a fuck how expensive/inexpensive guns are
Back to the trailer Cletus.
Certainly, milsurp will never be as cheap again as it is now. Everything passes through phases, from “new hotness” to “old junk” and finally to “classic antique”. Milsurp guns have left the “old junk” phase, and once something has done that, it never goes back. I expect that in not much more than ten years, you won’t be able to find any non-bubba’d milsurp in anything approximating decent condition for under $1000. That’s when we’ll tell people about the good old days when these guns were dirt cheap.
>making a whole 14 minute video to justify why their rusty lumpia grease covered rifles are over $1000
1) Those rifles aren’t going to be sold in that condition. CMP is putting a lot of money into cleaning and refurbishing them. They’ll look a lot different when they arrive at people’s doorsteps.
2) There is, and only needs to be, one justification for why they’re priced the way they are: Because somebody will be willing to pay that price.
3) I’ll say this again: CMP is not a welfare program. It doesn’t exist to subsidize poor people buying stuff they like. There is no right to cheap antiques. Get over that.
>Can’t sell those by law
cut and reweld, cmp has sold m14 kits before.
>illegally hide behind 503c as for profit business
>receive tax payer funding
>nothing wrong with this.
Oh yeah that's very generous of them to do all that with my tax money. The 87,000 asbestos covered rifles should be handed out in a lottery for free and then let the second hand market take care of the price. That's pretty much what happened in the past with nuggets, sks, vz58s, mausers.
503c’s are not welfare programs, and CMP is not a charity that exists to give subsidized antique guns to people whose poor life choices have left them without disposable income.
503c's are for non profit charity orginizations, they are breaking the law, I suspect the kike old geezer lady at the head is the culprit.
>$1,000, no lowballers. I know what I got.
Is the CMP run by the same boomers who price gouge at every gun show ever?
>The 87,000 asbestos covered rifles should be handed out in a lottery for free and then let the second hand market take care of the price. That's pretty much what happened in the past with nuggets, sks, vz58s, mausers.
Sorry, I guess I must have missed that time when someone was giving away free Mausers and Vz. 58s so that "the second hand market could take care of the price". Oh, that's right - it's because that shit literally never fucking happened.
Look buddy I have a successful career working at McDonalds and passive income earning good boy points from my mom. You too can aspire to be rich like me one day.
>implying the CMP doesn't offer Garands at substantially less than what you will find on the private market
>implying that it's even the CMP's mission to get you a gun for cheap
Why the fuck don’t they just give them to Boy Scout or maybe donate them to schools so they can start shooting clubs?
>Called a marksmanship program
>Will still sell you a rifle with a pitted bore with no rifling left
They could have just sold them to JGsales or Century Arms.
Simply handing out guns to all comers is not a marksmanship program. The sales of guns is used to fund the actual marksmanship program. Why does Jow Forums not get this?
Boy Scouts won't let boys shoot centerfire rifles. My old troop still did it until some rich kid's soccermom complained and threatened to revoke the troop's charter.
I was born 40 years too late. Why are we still here? Just to suffer?
I know. Boy Scouts was my only access to guns since my domesticated suburban parents were too lazy to buy their own. At least my uncle showed me how to shoot a pistol when I was 12 but the Rifle merit badge taught me so much about proper aim.
>503c's are for non profit charity orginizations, they are breaking the law, I suspect the kike old geezer lady at the head is the culprit.
Nope. Many 503c's are charities, but there's no requirement that an organization be a charity in any traditional sense to qualify for 503c status. Lots of colleges and universities are 503c's, but they aren't charities and they still charge tuition. For example, Boston University is a 503c, and you'll still pay about $53,000 a year to go there. The fact that it's a 503c doesn't require them to give away their product to poorfags. And it's the same with the CMP. As for "they're breaking the law", that's just a dopey thing to say when it comes to a Congressionally-chartered organization doing what Congress chartered them to do.
The problem here is that you don't understand how law works.
Wait, why the fuck did the guns have to be the only cargo on the ship?
International law? I'm more surprised Commiefornia allowed the rifles in its ports.
>Why the fuck don’t they just give them to Boy Scout or maybe donate them to schools so they can start shooting clubs?
Because the Boy Scouts will be defunct in a few years. They literally lost nearly half a million members in the past week, ever since they announced that they'll be accepting girls and changing their name, and once a membership collapse like this starts, an organization never recovers from it.
That's still depressing as fuck to an ex-scout like me. Boys need a place to learn outdoor skills and be boys.
>I'm more surprised Commiefornia allowed the rifles in its ports.
Only because they literally couldn't refuse. At that point, the rifles were still US Army property. They couldn't refuse to let a military cargo shipment through - Supremacy clause and all that.
I’ve got a wife and two kids. Living with mom is the only time you’ll have disposable income.
Buy those guns now!
>Caring for federal law at this point
aka the only guns most people will actually use if SHTF
>That's still depressing as fuck to an ex-scout like me. Boys need a place to learn outdoor skills and be boys.
It’s never too late! We can make america right again!
>They literally lost nearly half a million members in the past week, ever since they announced that they'll be accepting girls and changing their name
PROTIP: that was due to them parting ways with the Mormon Church which until then had all boys participate in Scouting, not the policy change
The CMP is not funded by your tax money
No, you can't sell those according to the faggot ATF. The law does and has allowed converted machine guns as Title II firearms.
No, 503(c) is a status for non-profit organizations. All that means is that the organization makes $0 in profit every FY, they don't have to be a charity.
Send some to leafland pls, the old fucks in gun shows are asking 2.5k
>Scouts change policy
>Mormons leave because of policy change
>"The membership loss isn't because of the policy change."
Nigga wut?
>Mormons leave because of policy change
>[citation needed]
Neither organization has claimed that the policy change had anything to do with them parting ways.
>Send some to leafland pls, the old fucks in gun shows are asking 2.5k
Be happy with your $200 SVT-40s
They dried out years ago, now you're looking at 800 bucks if you even manage to find one.
>Neither organization has claimed that the policy change had anything to do with them parting ways.
Please tell me you're not really this dumb.
>p-please believe my baseless speculating
Pattern recognition is not speculating. If you think it’s just a complete coincidence that the Mormons left right after the Scouts decided to let in girls and gays, then you fail at pattern recognition.
This, mormons have been cooking up their own youth program ever since the scouts started allowing openly gay kids/leaders in. That is why they have disassociated, not because of the most recent policy change. Hell I would say the most recent change is not a big deal. Troops will either be boys or girls not both although they can have both a boys and girls troop on the same charter. Cub scout packs can be co-ed but not the individual dens. There will be little to no difference in the program other than the name change at least in troops that are scout run (aka the right way to run a troop). Only complications I can see are when it comes to summer camp and even then venturing crews go to camps and are co-ed so dealing with women and girls in camp is not uncommon. Boys get a place to still be boys, and girls get a not shit youth program, unlike most of the girl scout troops here.
honestly fuck most mormon troops, all the ones I have dealt with were eagle scout mills and nothing more. My troop had tenderfoot scouts that were better outdoors man and more versed in scout skills than the 13 year old eagles the local mormon troop spat out.
>Not understanding that an effect can have more than one cause, the latest of which was the proverbial last straw.
This is tiresome. Seek help for your autism. There is no cure, but there is treatment.
mormons have been cooking up a youth program of their own for a while mate, not saying that they didnt leave in part to not wanting to have girls in their scout programs but it mainly was due to allowing gays in. They have known that this was happening for a while so I expect they announced their disassociation because of it, but their master plan all along was to form their own program. The recent policy change at worst only accelerated this or spurred the announcement.
keep forcing that culture war into everything, friendo
How do you buy them? Do I have to be a CMP member or jumo through hoops?
theres no way their not making money, they get the rifles for free.
Yes, they have revenue. Every 503(c) has revenue, even charitable organizations. It simply means all the revenue must be spent on the business (equipment, employees), no profit for shareholders.
So? Think of it like a PBS pledge drive but instead of the entire Downtown Abbey dvd box set, you are getting a Garand instead.
So? Think of it like a PBS pledge drive but instead of the entire Downton Abbey dvd box set, you are getting a Garand instead
Good on the mormons. All the girl scouts do is sell cookies and soon BSA will only sell knicknacks and do fundraisers
>CMP employees work for free
>it cost 0 dollars to refurbish guns
>it cost 0 dollars to house and store guns
Kill yourself poor person/brainlet
>I guess I must have missed that time when someone was giving away free Mausers and Vz. 58s
They practically were, though. I don't have the ad saved, but there was an ad that had $5-10 surplus rifles.
I'm confused.
no one's ever complained about the price of cmp garands. just the overpriced 1911s.
When was that ad from? 1962?
>Selling weapons purchased by tax payers too tax payers 50 years later
Your right. They completely self funded.
My daughters first GS troop was useless.
We started our own with like minded parents and now they’re learning useful skills in addition to fun stuff.
Don’t get me started on the cookies.
The troops are making less than .50 cents a box these days.
this one is 61
The whole purpose of the CMP is to buy back American surplus and supply it to civilians
Which is does pretty well, so I don't see the issue
Poor people shouldn't be buying guns
If you can't afford at least a Glock, you should be banned from owning firearms until your income level goes up
They are, its in the charter.
>lumpia grease
Do you think guns are a fucking luxury?
what a dense fuck
They are. Guns are not cheap.
I think quality milsurp is, definitely. If you're poor, buy something good for defense, then fuck off and get your life together so you can actually muster up the disposable income to buy nice things.
Poorfags with a bunch of nice guns are the equivalent of nigs who live in projects that drive fucking escalades.
>>it cost 0 dollars to house and store guns
what are the costs storing guns in payed off building they own?
>>CMP employees work for free
their employee's are volunteer.
>They could have just sold them to JGsales or Century Arms.
this, there is really no reason for CMP to exist in 2018.
if youre over 21 and are bitching about how expensive garands are you fucked up by not buying sooner. these are the shittiest rifles they've had, every year the price goes up and the condition gets worse
>utilites are free
How the fuck do you even buy from the CMP?
Don't you need to be part of a registered club or something?
gee user I wonder if their site has any information about that
Yeah it's not like their website is utter shit and difficult to navigate like any other government run website
Here come the bootlickers and neofudds who think buying firearms is a constitutional privilege. CMP is a ripoff not because they are expensive, but because 800 bucks for a beat to shit rusty and pitted POS simply cause "muh Nazis" is stupid. I'd rather buy a new production Fulton Armory
Their website is convoluted as fuck
I've got a pristine M65 field jacket I can sell you for 400 dollars
This those 1911s are nuts
I just want a Garand in 6.5 Creedmoor.
>their employee's are volunteer.
Damn $800 for a Garand when you can get an AR15 is fucking retarded.
>google "how to buy cmp garand"
>first fucking link
I'll save you some time and list the most important req, no sales to people with IQs in the double digits
> 800 bucks
Still pretty cheap compared to here
>a garand and an AR are comparable
>why buy a 65 mustang for the weekend when you can get a civic for less?
Because most of Jow Forums are crybaby poorfags who live with their parents and refuse to accept responsibility for their lives. They believe the universe owes them what they want.
You are either very young or AP deluded Boomer.
your tax dollars pay for it.