This game's pretty Jow Forums. Post loadouts, screencaps of firefight aftermaths, gun builds, etc.
>inb4 "take it to /v/ faggot"
/v/irgins don't appreciate gun autism in games like we do, fuck off
This game's pretty Jow Forums. Post loadouts, screencaps of firefight aftermaths, gun builds, etc.
>inb4 "take it to /v/ faggot"
/v/irgins don't appreciate gun autism in games like we do, fuck off
pay 2 win garbage from a shady ass Russian developer? miss me with that early access shit
I don't see how it's pay2win when I got the cheapest version and I kick some ass pretty regularly. You lose your loadout if you die, doesn't matter if you have a shiny M4 or AKM.
also I think the more expensive versions get maybe a couple good guns right away, but that won't last until the end of a week if one plays regularly. Probably not even to the end of a couple of hours. And then you have to progress in the same way as everyone else.
>don't take screenshots while under the effect of painkillers
>don't get caught in the fatal funnel
Hopefully keep this for a couple of days.
needs more flashlights