What really is Unnecessary force


>cop stops to help ground hog out of road
>ground hog walks towards police officer
>ground hog refuses to comply
>gets shot.

I personally feel like it was a clean kill. A lot of liberals on the Internet are saying this dudes a pussy, whos so incompetent that he feels like a ground hog walking towards him is a life or death situation. But these people have probably never seen a groundhog in real life before they’re basically like badgers.

But it brings up a interesting discussion when is deadly force necessary?

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Clearly the hog was resisting arrest and the cop feared for his life.

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>cooking laundry detergent
typical female cook

nice quick shot right there

I like how he couldn’t get the kill in one shot as well. 45 boys on Suicide watch. Poor lil groundhog nigga. He weighs like 8 pounds. Also it was probably scared hence why it was staying still, and then walking towards cop. Groundhogs are like eight pounds and they only have four teeth in there head. All you need to do is pick them up and chuck them into the woods.

Also I cannot wait till a cop dose this to some old man with dementia who is just sitting in the road and not complying for some reason. That’s going to be a lulzy day

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>But these people have probably never seen a groundhog in real life before they’re basically like badgers.
why not just kick the thing ?
>when is deadly force necessary?
apparently not when you are outnumbered five to one
but only if your not a cop

>kicking a rabid animal
are you retarded or just a nigger?

I didn't know groundhogs were aggressive. I remember having to sneak up on them to shoot them and could never get closer than about 80 yards before they'd take off. Do you think this one had rabies?

It probably had rabies. Groundhogs aren't so retarded as to walk towards a human being, and it looked like the hog was charging at the cop right about when he shot it.

When animals are acting that fearless and erratic it's usually a sign of rabies. I've shot groundhogs on my property for literally the exact same reason.

They aren't, 99% sure it was rabid.

Most animals with rabies are pretty obvious it’s actually pretty rare to see animal with rabies because they usually die pretty quick once they start showing symptoms their motor skills become shit and they have difficulty even walking eventually becoming paralyzed and dying. they also make a bunch of noises. Its important tonknow how to spot them actually because most people think they have a idea how it looks and they try and help the animal that appears to just be sleeping too much and thats when they get bit Vid related


Nothing about the grounhog screams rabies although it is possible it’s more likely that it’s just scared or injured. Most animals with rabies have difficulty walking and that’s why say it’s not really clear.

>doesn't know what rabies is
this is why city folks don't stand a chance.

honestly it looked rabid so he did the right thing.
that woman was dumb

It might have been fat, lazy, and used to people. Some of them are fast, but I once watched my catch sniff one of them as it slowly wattled away.

the fuck's with all these people defending the guy for shooting instead of just kicking the damn thing off the road?

Shooting should be the last resort, not the first.

Most people try to avoid getting too close to animals that do not behave normal, as i might be a sign of a disease such as rabies.

Cops need to have brooms or shovels in cars, that way you can deal with drunk hobos and dumb animals without any worries.

I don't blame them for not wanting to touch a rabid animal. Animal control does not grab or kick an animal away

so what, the guy discharged a firearm for the fact that he didn't want to do laundry early?

it's a groundhog, not a sabre toothed tiger.

faggots/Europeans detected

stop hog! do you have a permit for that ground??

yeah, god forbid we hold law enforcement to account for using lethal force as a first resort

Rabies is a deadly disease, only a handful of people has survived rabies once symptoms have started.
It is also not detectable until symptoms develop.
See the problem here?

Was the guy hired by ATF?

It's a ground hog, not a ground dog.

>cop kills large rodent impeding traffic

You people disgust me

ur mommas a prairie hog

It's a fucking rat. Its death is irrelevant in any capacity.

>It's a fucking rat. Its death is irrelevant in any capacity.
that groundhog never did anything to you motherfucker

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Boxxy really let herself go...

built like a fuckin' brick shithouse

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Had a cop come to my neighborhood because of a rabid coon.

>Pulls up
>Gets out of his car
> walks over to offender and realizes rabid animals aren’t afraid of people.
>Coon charges cop.
>He draws and fires.
>He misses.
>Now he’s running away from this animal and trying to shoot it everytime he gets more than 10 feet away.
>IT TAKES HIM THREE SHOTS just to hit it.
>Ricky ain’t going out like a punk. >He’s still moving.
>Cop like a chad now puts one in Ricky’s head.
I’m dying inside trying not to laugh.
Approach cop after he’s calmed down
Suggest next time asking to borrow my .22 rifle or my shovel and just smacking it in the head.
My attempt at humor is not appreciated.

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Coon is a racial epitaph.
I thought the your story was about a black guy.

This is one of the most absurd things I've ever seen in my entire life and I can't stop laughing.

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the only real difference is the size desu

Do ground hog play the same rules as monkeys? Here in jungle land monkeys usually run away if I stand my ground

It's fine, other than that they should have just let traffic sort that stupid animal out.
IDK why idiots stop all traffic for a damn vermin tier critter.

It reminds me of this


I still can’t believe it took two shots.

>But it brings up a interesting discussion when is deadly force necessary?
It doesn't. Its a fucking groundhog. I kill about 50 every summer because they are an agricultural pest. The cop is in rural MD, is probably from rural MD, and fully understands that nobody other than liberals and faggots give two shits about whether a groundhog lives or not.

For fucks sake have any of you morons been outside of an urban or suburban area?

That's Bisquick

This. I kill ground squirrels and rattlesnakes on the ranch constantly. I leave the rabbits and tree squirrels alone. Pest control is tough, but faggot city slickers just don't get it.

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sure he might be fat lazy and a faggot, but that's no reason for him to shoot the groundhog

ITT American bootlickers justifying a police officer discharging his firearm over a rodent

>ITT American mutts masturbating over the discharge of a firearm by an american citizen.

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>people are more bothered by the death of a rodent than they are with cops killing blacks

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Niggers are rodents.

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>be cop shooing critter off the road
>critter accepts challenge
>cop tries to scare lil guy away over and over
>critter tells cop to back the fuck up, he was there first
>critter shoos cop off of road
>cop kicks critter
>tfw cop career ruined as headlines exclaim how deranged white cop attacks innocent animal as he interrupts people's daily commute

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>implying that's a bad thing

so just get the rabies shot as soon as you get bit by a suspicious animal?

Why should I put myself at risk of being bit for a rodent people shoot all the time

it was rabid you fucking faggot

You don't have to get bitten or scratched by the animal to be exposed, even tiny droplets of saliva in the eyes, mouth or nose could technically lead to infection even if the risk is very low.
Most people (In the western world) that develop rabies don't even know they have been exposed.

It's not like you can just walk into the emergency room and say you were "close to" an animal that behaved suspiciously and they will start treating you for rabies no questions asked, if you don't have a obvious bite they are unlikely to give two shits about you.
Not to mention the cost if they do decide to go ahead with the treatment.

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>basically pest controll removing a likely rabid animal
>but filmed, done by a cop, with a gun

>just get 5 shots over two weeks, first of which cost upwards of 3000$

yeah nah, not getting bit in the first place is always the better option