This whole article is some of the worlds most intense damage control I have ever seen. Literally wowe mister, is it that hard to make a functional AA platform?
the vehicle was unloaded with it's radar down and waiting for the reloading vehicle to finish on another pantsir. dunno what is so hard to accept about this. now why the israeli's are trying so hard to degrade Damascus's umbrella after "20 iranian missiles struck of nothingness in Golan" is a better question and angle on the subject.
Hunter Reed
>how Israelis hit the Syrian SA-22 air defense system IMO russia should outright nuke the airfield those planes took off from, only way to save manhood at this point
Nolan Robinson
Russia won't act, they just had a meeting with Israeli government and they actually said that Israel has the right to act and defend itself. I guess they know they can't negotiate with Israel. Russia can push around the US but not Israel.
I just think it's standard procedure for Israel to retaliate ten-fold for every minor incident. They've been doing it for decades, thinking it will stop their threats, clearly has done nothing more than to make the world dislike them for their brutality.
Anthony Powell
I don't have a clue about how good or bad the system is, but in this case is 100% clear the system was not activated (the radar antenna wasn't moving, the crew was outside, the door was open). It's retarded to claim that is garbage if it wasn't operational.
Samuel Gonzalez
You can see on the footage it wasn't operational though.
Lucas White
So what was it doing? baiting an air-strike?
Robert Diaz
>Arabs at war
And of course the system is not bulletproof, anything can be destroyed.
Jason Morales
You see nikolivanasnakovic, by not putting SA-22 into operation we can bait pigdog Israeli into attacking us. Than launch attack when they least suspect it. Is perfect plan. Only child or idiot could mess it up.
Carter Barnes
>Lightly armored vehicle killed by ATGM No surprise desu