What can be done to prevent mass shootings?

What can be done to prevent mass shootings?

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How do we turn this into a roll thread? Please add numbers to your picture, lest your thread dies.

Ban the internet. Not even joking.

Legitimately? Universal healthcare with a strong focus on mental health.

Dammit, I am already hard, and have been on NOFAP for 3 months now!

upon closer inspection there twas nipples, damn blue board

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Might get taken down, but whatever I have nothing to do tonight...

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Ban SSRI type anti-depressants.

cho song wee is not the berzerker? Elliot should be the paladin

Thanks my man

anyway mountain troll is best

Yes! I got McVeigh!

Get rid of the feds and there'll be nobody orchestrating them anymore.

Lmfao how is diabetes care for niggers on the taxpayer's dime and even more SSRIs going to stop a single mass shooting?

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>Stop the media from giving these events outsize coverage, stop making the shooters famous, stop reporting kill counts like they're high scores
>Address American cultural narcissism that values fame over everything else
>Universal healthcare, including robust mental health infrastructure
>Reestablish social safety net and reinstitute robust job training and placement programs

There I fucking fixed it. These people tend to occupy a nexus of social alienation, psychopathy, narcissism, hopelessness, and no clear path to anything.

And even then the problem is mostly outsize media attention. School shootings for instance were more common as now dangerous in the 90s than they are now.

delete Jow Forums

who's the lady?

is she squeaky fromme?

>Universal healthcare
>social saftey net

Wew lad and whose going to pay for all these PHAT social programs you want?

Obviously not HIM, he's poor and needs mo' money fo' dem pro-grammes.

88% income tax! Gas the rich, class war nao!

european countries get socialized healthcare. so does canada. why can't we?

and their healthcare is crap

it's something. you can always pay more for better care if you want. basic socialized healthcare is reasonable. many countries have successfully implemented it.

Get rid of schools, force companies to pay father's enough, and have mothers raise the kids at home. Bring back public flogging and beating for criminals.

>trying to stop humans from killing each other
Sorry, but that’s never in a thousand fucking years going to happen.

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Many contries with the size and population of individual states

We have a large number of niggers

Nothing, if anything, we should count our blessings that these people didn't think things through just a bit further and really multiply their numbers.

Stop making daytime TV.

>have a 70% total tax rate
>"well if you don't want the healthcare system to fucking kill you, lol just ***pay*** for it!"
Yeah nah socialized healthcare is a goddamn government scam.

kek.....this is both funny and seems allusively true, somehow.

the dignity of human life would certainly increase, maybe that'd stop the next sandy hook lol

Oh boy have you seen the UK or France

Following up on this, I could easily disable a few/multiple bridges that intersect major interstate highways. Whatever city I am in, I could easily strike fear in the populace by half way hitting their water center. A few hits on power centers or transformers and a good sized city is crushed. Luckily people who are smart enough to do this don't.

4 Quads speak the truth
Rather than legally changing our medical system, I think there needs to be a cultural change
The problem is it's harder to change culturally because it requires people to have some inkling of introspection instead of just screaming at authorities to "fix" the issues

>why can't we have socialized healthcare when the soon-to-be majority group of this country is, on average, a net financial negative on the system?
Huh, I wonder

Outlaw life itself. Without the living, there will be no mass shooters.

I agree with this man 110%.

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can't have nice things....

>Columbine could have been way deadlier if those dumb asses actually assembled their bombs right
Just imagine,a second floor collapsing on a packed school cafeteria...

whos the assassin and lancer?

State mandated Gfs

Too fucking bad.

Select your wizard, faggots.

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Assassin: Suspected to be behind Amerithrax poisonings
Lancer: Doesn't like Mondays.

>Congress approved descretionary annual hikes to the military R&D budget that would more than cover the cost of medicaid to the entire country
>US taxpayer cost per capita on medicaid already costs more than the tax burden per capita for healthcare in countries with socialized medicine
We have the most expensive, worst healthcare in the developed world son. Don't pull that "we can't afford it" shit because we absolutely, demonstrably can.

People ask what makes America different than other gun owning nations with regards to mass shootings and IT'S NOT THE GUNS. It's how we treat people.

In every culture, there's in groups and out groups, but in the US THIS IS HUGE, particularly in school. And there's maybe 5% of the school, that are not socially well adjusted, not alpha, and get shit on by everyone.

For a school shooter to happen, there's 2 criteria.
A- You've beat the guy down so much over the years that he values revenge more than he values his life.
B- He's come to see EVERYONE as his enemy. And this doesn't happen by getting molested a couple times, beat up a couple times, or made fun of by a couple people. Nope, he was pretty much uniformly treated badly by everyone in his life. Thus, in his head, it's him versus the world. There's no collateral damage as he sees it, literally everyone he's ever known has treated him like shit.

The outliers are always the men who will make society pay for their sins. So here's a novel idea. You see a weirdo who's being shit on in all facets of life, be friendly, or if you don't have the balls to do that much, at least don't make his shit life worse....

Don't get me wrong, I'm not justifying the shooter, but I'm saying, if a society wants to entirely disenfranchise some of it's members and shit on them in all facets of life.... well, people snap, there comes a time when the natural order gets contorted so badly it has to snap back into place.


>tfw califag and people are voting for a 400 Billion Dollar universal healthcare plan and no guns in a state compromised by illegal immigrants and mexican crime syndicates.

> no mailman


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I say we go back to the days when I was growin’ up. No more AR-15s, I hate to say it but Biden was right..who honestly needs more then a double barrel shotgun for home defense. Other then that only police and military need big guns. The modern generation has been to reliant on large capacity firearms with plastic gadgets. Why not just learn to be a proper marksmen?
>muh fire superiority

You’re not a soldier. No one needs assault rifles and high-cap mags.

That's for blackpilling them into harmless suicide cases, so it stays.

re roll

Boys growing up with good fathers

>Soon-to-be majority
>Jow Forumsack "white genocide" memes
America is 62% white non-hispanics, and we're not going to dip below 50% until the 2040s, and even then white people will still be the largest demographic in the country.

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Rolling pls

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this is bait. no (You)s for you.

What the fuck are you talking about?

That's true, not to mention, the white people with the largest families tend to marry in the same religion: Amish, Mennonites, traditional Catholics, Mormons, Chechen Muslims, etc.

Of it were bait I’d honestly have just said “clippazines” son. I’ve been pondering this a long time. We need to stop letting fruits and weirdos own guns they shouldn’t. No one needs that stuff. Trump needs to drain the NRA swamp and ban them like he banned those stupid bumpfire stocks.

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Youre literal aids

>Stop the media from giving these events outsize coverage, stop making the shooters famous, stop reporting kill counts like they're high scores
This. If I never saw el goblino's actual name and stupid 56 percent face in the headlines again (which we will for the trial), it'd be too soon.

Disgusting picture, we fought those assholes and killed them for a reason.

I made this point once and got accused of victim blaming

>durr why evryone mad dat I say we tooo mean to da kid who shoots skool

I swear this generation is so fucked, no one gave people this kind of special attention before the 90’s...guess what user this shit didn’t happen


Rolling to get away with it


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durrr if we lock up all mentally ill people (who are more likely to be victims of a crime than behind it) in prison cells then every single violent action will cease ever

the ghost wizard sure is a cutie rolling

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What was that reason? So Europe wouldn't go to shit?
Funny how that one worked out huh


What point are you making?

lets see what happens

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We all know Nikolaz Cruz left that infamous "Im gonna be a professional school shooter" threat on YouTube. I mean you can clearly see his intent to kill people in that 7 word internet comment. That's why I propose that every single YouTube submission be monitored by the government and anybody who says trigger words like "shoot" should get a lifetime in prison. If it saves just one life...

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You said trigger, time to get black bagged.

american pls

actually paying attention to people who say they're gonna commit a mass shooting particularly if they have a history of documented mental health issues?

I mean that'd catch like 80 or 90 percent of them. The fuck is going on that a brown person saying they'll set a bomb off in time square gets the attention of the whole alphabet soup but a high schooler with mental health issues saying they're gonna go on a rampage doesnt illicit any reaction.

If they actually stopped school shootings, they wouldn't be able to use them to push more gun control legislation.

the FBI has created more terrorist attacks than they've stopped

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Rollin, rollin, rollin. Keep that peace truck rollin


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Gimme that caster bb

ah. From Neuromancer:

There is always a point at which the terrorist ceases to manipulate the media gestalt. A point at which
the violence may well escalate, but beyond which the terrorist has become symptomatic of the media
gestalt itself.

No you moran, so Hitler wouldn't kill all of the Jews

Stop having soft targets for unopposed mass shootings. If 1-2 out of 100 people always were armed and evenly distributed without useless gun free zones there would be strong disincentive to try a mass shooting.

Improve quality of life. That means more social programs ala the Democrats, but in a responsible way. That also means more taxes on the filthy fucking rich in part to support these programs. This includes education, free health care including mental health services, and so forth, but also includes legalization of all recreational drugs, and other things.

Obviously, partial gun bans are fucking stupid, and won't do anything. However, complete gun bans, such as in England, are pretty effective at drastically lowering the number of mass shootings. Whether such laws are effective at lowering total /violence/ is an open question, but I lean slightly towards yes based on the wildly incomplete evidence and based on armchair reasoning. However, I still support gun rights.


God bless Pandora's curiosity.

Oh, I forgot the most important part. Fixing our lead problem.

A ridiculously large portion of violent crime is directly caused by lead poisoning. I'm not even joking. More people should know this.

-Abolish feminism
-Impose white sharia
-Re-Establish the draft
-Ban women from military service
-Ban pornography
-Execute all porn stars and makers of porn
-Arranged marriages. Suitor asks Father for permission to marry.
-Take aways womens right to vote
-Ban immigration from non white countries period
-Make it hard for foreigners in general to immigrate and work. Creates a job market for nationals Thus giving men purpose.

That's so fucking stupid and counterproductive. It won't work. Drop your idiotic and patently false toxic masculine ideas, please.

Didn't Australia just have a mass shooting?

I remember reading that if you measure Australia's gun violence a la the CSR then australia has the same amount of mass shootings as the us with a lower pop.

>thinking more SSRIs and lithium carbonate are going to solve anything
>thinking social people aren't under more stress and therefore won't shoot up the place

Please disband the American Left

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