How often do you guys go to the range and get trigger time in? When did you start "getting good"?

How often do you guys go to the range and get trigger time in? When did you start "getting good"?

Attached: luft waffles appreciation group.jpg (1440x813, 139K)

What would an ancap meeting look like?

Live innawoods. Build your own range.

I got good in 2003. They said 'you fuckers are going to Afghanistan. Yeah.

Going to the range tomorrow with my daughter for the first time. She's 11 and 5'4. Going to start off with 10/22. Wish me luck.

2-3 times a month
Define "getting good"

Why is her height relevant?

>11 and 5'4"
Will you accept two dozen cows and a pound of gold as bridewealth?

He didn't low-ball you. I'd consider it.

>how often
Once every week
>when did you start getting good?
After I got decent feedback with how to deal with recoil, it was easy.
I also stated using a cadence when firing more than a few times. That really helped.

>going to a range
This is highly unadvisable unless you're going to a range that is cool with you maneuvering through a stage. I shoot in my back yard. Ranges that make you stand at the bench and shoot static are only good for general marksmanship. You really need to be able to move when shooting, because if you ever have to use your weapon, you won't be standing still.

Also steel targets are a godsend. If you can't shoot steel, you are wasting time. Paper is unreactive, it needs to be reset, and is annoying. Steel goes "RING" every time you land a shot, regardless of caliber. You need that to judge weather or not you're even making hits.