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what is a good generic single stack carry gun under $350
I was thinking EC9, but I saw the pps is like $295 so that's interesting.
What is size wise compared to a g19 or ppq?
Are we doing fantastic plastic? Lets do fantastic plastic.
Fresh Crayola job.
Does anyone have a p2000sk?
What do you think of it
This picture makes me crave a PPQ 45 and a CCP.. Actually I think I want everything.. Please stop.. Every Walther I look at I want.. Every. Single. One... well.. with the exception of the pk380.. That things a piece of shit
Anyone have info on the M&P380 Shield EZ? My mom is looking at them. Shot one yesterday and the recoil is on par with a .22lr
Convert your P99 to 10mm Auto.
Price check on a 1950 FN P35 with no import markings? Excellent condition and strong rifling
Do it! They're fun as hell.
Thanks for the heads up with the slick gtip
I think most optics cuts will be workarounds for a while, it just hasn't been a design consideration until the last few years.
Flat triggers are absolutely funtastic and I wish more guns had them available. That's a solid capacity, cool
I'm still tired
I don't currently have an IWB holster for the P30L with the light. I use a WML holster for my winter OWB carry, since I'm usually wearing a coat. Honestly, there aren't a lot of shops out there that make IWB P30L w/WML holsters right now. I have a local shop that could make one for me, and, worse comes to wear, I could also purchase one, and ship it to you, If I thought that the quality was good enough to warrant it. In a similar vain, thanks to my main man LongKnives for the rec on a new IWB holster for the P30L without a light. Should be here next weekish.
>thinkin about dem beans
How do you like that P210?
It's pretty good. I wish they didn't go with fiber optics and I will be replacing it with a solid front sight, but otherwise pretty god tier. The trigger is amazing and the grip fits like a glove.
I'm a big fan of fiber optic front sights, been considering picking a P210 up I've heard such great things about it.
How do you lads get over the fear of carrying a hot gun Aiwb? I'm not worried about a ND. I'm worried about a mechanical failure with a striker fired system. I understand the safeties in place like the trigger safety and the firing pin block, but as a 20 year machinist I have seen too many things break to just have faith that my firearm safeties will always be working. I've carried Aiwb with my m&p9c hot for a few months now, but I am pretty much nervous the entire time I'm carrying it. If I step off a curb too hard I cringe thinking the sudden thump will make it go bang. If I bend over and feel the gun pressing hard into me all I picture is it going off.
All that said I understand how the safeties work and the chances of it ever "just going off" in my holster is practically zero, but I just can't get over the fear.
Carry a cocked gun with an empty chamber for a while. This will help you build confidence that the gun isn't going to go off on its own.
Should I just say "fuck it" and buy a Glock G29?
>is the sf model actually slimmer?
By realizing that the firing pin block would stop the striker, and by shooting enough to actually trust my gun.
>But I carry a decocked DA/SA
Just carry a DA/SA instead.
>dovetail mount
>no co-witness irons without the excuse of the dot being frame mounted
>Burris FF3 at that
Stop. You’re fucking up.
I've carried hot guns for over a decade, it's just that when I switched to Aiwb I got paranoid
The firing pin block can break though. Murphey's law and all. I've shot probably close to 150,000 rounds over my life. And like I said I've been a career machinist for 2 decades. I've seen mechanical instruments that have more safeties than any firearm fail when it should have been impossible to. I agree with the da/sa though. That takes out mechanical failures that could trigger a failure in the firearm making it discharge. Sadly I couldn't get my hands on one. I live in a small town and my ffl charges $100 for transfers. I would be spending $700 on a p30sk when there was the m&p9c sitting there for $435.
SF stands for short frame not slim frame so no, it is not slimmer. It is shorter front to back. Think of it as a reduced Glock Hump(tm) area.
Finally got my FN HP back from the gunsmith today, had the slide redone because the bubba's at gander mtn thought it would sell better with a carbon dip on the slide. Pic is when I bought it.
This is what it looks like now after some much needed TLC
Either carry a striker/SAO with a manual safety or get a DA/SA or if you're really paranoid, a DAO.
good job making it respectable again.
noguns here
what makes a da/sa safer to carry than a striker? i'm about to get my first cc and i'm deciding between da/sa and a striker
Da/sa are carried in single action. Meaning you have to pull the long da trigger to make it fire for the first shot. Striker fired firearms generally have around a 5 pound trigger.
Carried in double action. Not sure why I wrote single action. My bad
It doesn't make it "safer" so don't worry if you chose to go striker. But the decocked position of a DA gun takes all spring pressure off the hammer, so if the sear failed for some reason there would be nothing to hit the firing pin.
A pre-cocked striker or a cocked single action hammer would move forward with appreciable force if the sear failed. But that's why guns have firing pin blocks that need to be disengaged before firing.
The other cool thing about a DA pistol is that you can rest your thumb on the hammer when holstering and if something pushes on the trigger it won't fire
last dumb question, would it be stupid to go with a striker that comes with a safety or would you recommend a da/sa instead?
Thinking of picking up a used SW 5096 as my first handgun, they're right in my price range.
Only reservations are whether the trigger sucks and how easy it'd be to clean up scratches/finish wear.
Not /onions/ so weight isn't a concern.
Doing the Jow Forumsubes work user, bless you.
She looks great, btw.
>The firing pin block can break though.
Have you considered carrying a squirt gun?
Jokes aside, dude you know the statistical probability of everything required failing for that gun to go off, if you can't get over it you're going to need to switch guns and accept you might have a mental illness. You KNOW it's not going to happen.
I'd carry a striker without a safety personally, although I own and have carried one with.
DA/SA has a steep learning curve and isn't beginner friendly for first shot from the holster.
It it from any particular contract?
Pic related, mine is Israeli
Who did you buy your OWB through? The 100 dollars from HTC seems a little pricey based on the IWB Glock 43 with a TLR-6 I purchased last. Is that price decent?
>DA/SA has a steep learning curve and isn't beginner friendly
hypothetically if i were to master that learning curve, would it make me a better shooter as opposed to me having started off with a striker? i don't want to be jerry miculek levels of great, but i want to be better than most.
The best way to learn DA is to shoot SA
The only DA shot is the first one. As long as you can land that first shot, you're good
Kahr c-series
You can get just as good on either platform, the difference is that a DA trigger will punish you more for poor fundamentals
Then practice with all the things.
thanks a lot
out of curiosity, what was your first gun? and was it good or did you sell it?
>The best way to learn DA is to shoot SA
I would strongly argue that this is incorrect. The best way to learn to shoot is SA, but DA triggers require DA training.
thanks. i might go with da/sa then because it sounds rewarding. what was your first gun?
my budget is 800 right now so i can't spend much
My first gun I bought for myself was a M&P 15
I sold it and bought an M&P 9, gave the 9 to my wife when she fell in love with shooting it, and bought myself a Beretta PX4 Compact Carry
My "first" gun that my dad gave to me when I was like 9 was a Marlin 60, and that's what I learned to shoot with. I still have it at his house, left it for his other 7 kids to grow up shooting it as well.
I mean, you're not wrong. But if we're talking DA/SA, unless you get a DA revolver, you're gonna be shooting SA most of the time anyways.
Learn to shoot SA first, then move to DA. They're both very different disciplines, but a lot of what you learn transfers between both.
>what was your first gun?
First centerfire pistol was a DA/SA German Sig P228
>my budget is 800 right now
That is actually quite a lot, you could get a good pistol, mags, holster, training and carry ammo easy.
If you seriously hunt for deals you could evrn afford a .22lr pistol to train with, which is a good idea.
True, but the first shot out of the holster will be DA snd that counts very disproportionately to the raw number of rounds you're going to fire in either mode.
>Learn to shoot SA first, then move to DA.
I think we both agree on that, yes. SA is easier to learn, DA will show you what your actual skill level is
>you could get a good pistol, mags, holster, training and carry ammo easy.
well that's what i meant because the rest has to be spent on mags, ammo, and a kydex holster so i have to weigh in the cost of the gun with taxes as well. i guess i have another stupid question in terms of caliber, between .22, 9mm, and .40, which one do you suggest i start off with on a handgun? and was the p228 a good choice for you as a beginner or would you get something different if you had the chance to go back? i'm currently looking at beretta px4, walther p99, and sig p320.
9mm for carry, .22lr for learning
Where do you live?
I did well with it, but I'm not sure I'd suggest a P228 for most shooters.
>beretta px4, walther p99, and sig p320.
Dorry, forgot to touch on this
I own a PX4 and a P99, those are my suggestions in 9mm, the PX4 is an absolutely amazing gun, P99 AS has a great trigger and is very comfortable, you can't go wrong either way.
Also, forget .40 exists, it's more expensive by at least 30% over 9mm in most places if not more, and it's not giving you a serious bump in power. You also lose capacity.
I'm in love with my PX4 Storm Compact Carry.
But it is a $750 gun. Sure it comes with 3 mags, but it is still a very expensive gun.
But the custom trigger job and out of the box de-cocker only setup and all the other goodies it comes with more than makes up for it.
Do what he says. The Walther P99 is a great gun, the Sigs aren't great and overpriced right now.
I'm partial to German and Italian guns. Best advice I can honestly give is to go to a range that has the guns you want, rent them out, shoot them, sleep on it overnight, then pick.
Get a good holster from JM Custom Kydex or Keepers Concealment
Get a good belt, I have a Wilderness Tactical Frequent Flyer belt with CSM stitching, it's pretty fucking great.
Practice with your carry gun often.
Am I truly the only one to have noticed OP is a faggot and filenamed the PPQ in the picture a VP9?
Pic related
>out of the box de-cocker only setup
To be fair that's a five minute process with basic tools on any PX4
thanks a lot for all the help.
i tried the px4 and it was great but sadly there's no range near me that has a p99 to rent. i'm trying to watch videos to understand how the trigger feels but it's confusing because i can't tell if it's more of a striker or da/sa.
I know its a simple thing, but the other upgrades make it worth it
I'm not telling him to buy a $750 gun. I'd suggest an M&P 9 Compact M2.0, personally. I wish I had bought one of those over the full size. But I love my PX4CC
It has an internal hammer, so it is more DA/SA if you decock it
Put you can't put your thumb over the hammer to reholster, which is an added bonus of guns with hammers on them
It's a striker in single action and a staple gun in double action
Oh, not trying to imply anything, just wanted to point out if he gets a standard PX4 it's an easy and seriously reccomend upgrade
>It has an internal hammer
No? P99 is a striker gun
No clue, I haven't found any military markings on it. Probably just a civilian FN P-35. As far as when it was manufactured, best I can tell is sometime between the late '60s to '79.
I do have one complaint about the PX4
The fucking gun has a jamming issue that needs grease to fix.
I shit you not, I called Beretta cause my PX4 kept hanging up and not fully cycling.
They recommend
for smooth action of the gun. Just a little bit on the cam block and the trench of the rotating barrel
Oil just evaporates during extended shooting sessions.
Oh? I had it understood for DA/SA you had to have a hammer
Guess I'm old now
DA striker is actually super easy, first polymer striker pistol was a full DAO (HK VP70) my Colt P2000 is a DAO too.
I use FrogLube or Cabelas slide grease myself.
Hicoque44 did a vidya.
'Not really' is the short answer, 'it depends' is a longer answer. Glocks are very safe because of the length of pull, passive safeties and pull weight.
In my brain, I would say DA/SA carried in full DA is safer than a striker in terms of catching on clothing and discharging unintentionally because the first trigger pull is even longer and even heavier than a striker.
But in terms of drop safety or other types of negligent discharge, they're equal.
fwiw I prefer DA/SA for carry but I have no niggling worry about carrying striker.
P99 AS is a DA/SA striker, and apart from clones the only one I know of. It has three trigger modes:
DA - Double action, gun is uncocked, staple gun, heavy and long.
AS - Anti-stress, gun is pre-cocked, light weight but long single-action pull.
SA - Singe action, gun is pre-cocked, extremely crisp break and extremely short reset.
They're rad. But so are PX4s.
FrogLube, eh? Is it French?
But really, which of the two do you prefer? I'd rather buy something someone on here suggests than what is most commonly recommended.
Hell, this very general is what got me to buy the Beretta in the first place
k100s are radder. .
>Hicoque44 did a vidya.
Oh, cool
The two-stage thing in the P99 AS is fucky btw
It's mint scented roller coaster track grease. It works well and I got some for free which is why I use it.
>The two-stage thing in the P99 AS is fucky btw
you mean it would be too complicated for a beginner to learn?
wow thanks for all this
which mode would you recommend for carrying?
>you mean it would be too complicated for a beginner to learn?
Oh no, not at all, I'm just giving him shit. There is a point about half way through the AS mode pull where it has this kinda 'reset' click when the sear catches and goes full SA, it's not an issue
It's not complicated, it's just unique.
P99 AS is meant to be carried in either DA or AS mode, they're both safe. It's your preference. I prefer DA/SA so I carry in full DA. The P99 has a decocker to bring the loaded pistol back to DA mode.
i think i get how it works now. thanks again for all the help. i might go with the p99 to get the best of both actions. wish me luck.
The P320 is worse than most on the optics cut. The slide has a fairly deep hollow cavity in it under where the optic would sit so the screws for the adaptor plates have to come up from inside the slide, necessitating a fairly thick adapter plate for the screws to bite into.
Good luck. The P99 won't disappoint
Why the fuck does it have to have a grip safety?
Only grip safety I've ever not hated (P7 doesn't count, it's exempt from all safety arguments ever)
So the trigger can be relatively light but still super safe. It's meany for invalids and womyn who don't understand guns or gun safety.
>It's meany for invalids and womyn who don't understand guns or gun safety.
This, so much this.
It's the S&W response to "get her a snub .38"
The shield in .380 had me interested but the goddamn grip safety ruins it. Inb4 tacticool tape
Go shoot one, I'm a serious critic of grip safeties but this one isn't bad. It's meant for women anyway.
>obligatory sig shill
I never understood why people even consider the P320 when the P250 already exists.
I've always wanted to be the little girl.
>adaptive frame system
>striker fired
>less parts to break
>Jow Forums
P250 also has the same adaptive frame system. The striker action on the P320 is crap and leads to ND's unkike the DAO. And it has the same amount of parts as the P320. Hmmm to you too.
i havent had the best of luck with my walthers (even tho i love them)
my PPS is shooting to left since i bought it and i still havent had it fixed
my CCP broke a couple weeks ago and i sent it off to walther so they could fix it
>my PPS is shooting to left since i bought it and i still havent had it fixed
Do you think it's your barrel or something? How many $300 guns do you think are sighted in right from the factory?
>shooting to left
Two for flinching
Obligatory Toblerone post
Also, the trigger on the Q5 is pure sex.
Is that the HK45 Mag release? if yes where'd you get it from i recently got myself a p2000 and am currently hating the stock mag release.
Anyone know about any mods for DP59s? Not anything external but just some polishing or such. Dad was in the korean army and want to suprise him for his birthday.
>tfw he refuses to shoot two handed and calls me a fag for doing so
I got a FDE Toblerone for $435 after shipping and honestly it's a nice striker fired piece of tupperware. The finger grooves are minimal, the grip is super thin in the small backstrap configuration, too small for even my baby manlet hands and with 5 free mags through the rebate, how could you go wrong? I love my plastic turd. I was torn between it and a VP9 for about $150 more. I think I made the right choice.
Nogun fag here. What is the difference between all these models?