AR thread/ARG/tripfag containment

Beyond A2Grip edition


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pls dlt

That grip should be restricted LEO only

any of you degenerates own one of those side charging handle uppers?

they look kind of neat but is there anything wrong with them?

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Tangodown makes tacky furniture. Prove me wrong. Or right. It doesn't matter.

the only scenario where that angle of grip would be comfortable is if you are firing stock folded with the gun as close to your body as possible

I'm in

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So now that it has come out that companies like PSA and Anderson have been selling rejected parts from more reputable manufacturers how will that effect all those who built budget rifles?

shit. i didn't notice that at first. not its freaking me out.

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They're cursed

You get made fun of by some strangers on the internet. You get praised for having a cool side charging upper by some strangers on the internet. You get associated with a trip who made a hobby of watching his wife engage in relations with bigger men by other internet people.

We had a single guy that came here and had a side charger and it was a piece of shit
any available currently are meme tier

I personally dont like how they look desu.
Nice. Any plans to switch out light?

Nothing will change because the budget shooter isnt going to shoot so much that their takedown pins fail
ive yet to see a single one work correctly

They won't shoot enough to ever know the difference.

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No time soon lol. I should but I want to buy other things. Picking up this shotgun from a friend next Saturday for $300

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>So now that it has come out
According to who? PSA FN barrels are the exact same barrels that FN Herstel uses.

welp. guess i'll just get an AK instead of a side charger then

but that's the wrong side for a side charger unless you are left handed

Or the ACR if you want a future gun.

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Ask me how I know you've never been in the manufacturing industry.

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How about a SCAR

Oh no

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looks nice. do they make a .308 version?

>Stock folded
I think you are going to have issues with the gun cycling if the buffer tube is bent 180 degrees.

Duck hunting gun?
There are other options besides a side charging upper and an AK. Scar, acr, or B&T?

i do want something in .308 actually. guess i have to consider the SCAR as an option

What rail user? I am trying to pick between something like a geissele and something thin like this.

Its making a slow, creeping, glacial comeback, damn it.

Negative. Just factory 5.56 right now. They allege that they're making .300 barrels soonish. Some 3rd party dudes have made other aftermarket barrels in other calibers though. Iirc, you can send off an AR barrel and have it modified to fit the ACR.

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Scar 16 is a great gun too

pick your favorite ar18 derivative

Fuck, not used to replying to namefags.

New factory barrels soon. NRA show had some.

That s a MI SSK. It was alright. I've got a geiselle on my 14.5 now and really like it Its all good.

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If it's built on the same tooling, it's mostly the same if you actually know statistics behind industry, fuckwit

98% of all parts machined to the specifications that firearm parts are, will be in spec, because nobody manually machines, and of the handful of companies that defy this, it's to a gross degree like Remington which is run by illiterate monkys

FN's 98% standard of perfection is not the same as Remington's 70% standard, especially when they are manufacturing on wholely different levels

All around shot gun
Included Barrels
22" Turkey Barrel with Fiber Optic Sights
24" Cantilever Slug Barrel
28" All-Purpose Vent Rib Barrel

Will get the CSR for the slug barrel

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Ah. I was wondering if the love for Geissele was all because of the price point. Like it was just people justifying their purchases.

Really? I didn't know that. That s neat. If someone would make some new handguards, thatd be cool. MI just released theirs, but there are not reviews, and they seem kinda big.

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>He thinks Cryptic toolcraft bcgs are different than normal toolcraft bcgs
Same factory = Same product. What's so difficult about this to you?

Fail QC at FN and set back
Sold to PSA which in turn gets sold to you idiots

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Do you have any sources?

Geissele makes great stuff 90% of the time.

Cant remember the 3 that were there but they had .224

That's always gonna exist for a lot of name brand stuff, but the geiselle rails are pretty comfy, real sturdy, and don't seem to walk off like MI rails do.

They also look good.


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>better mounts
And youre done

>Mostly the same
>Is the same


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>manufacturer support

Huge if factual

Lookin good, bro. Range report monday?

You did the correct thing. Don't acknowledge namefag faggotry.

>empty grip

That's good. Think I'll go with Geissele then. Now I gotta decide if I want to build a 11.5 or a 14.5. Could do both but only budgeted for one upper at the moment.


Go 14.5 pinned which is pretty much to go to length around here.

For now

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>Buying Bushmaster

I didnt. I'm just showing the people who did that they weren't totally forgotten. ACR p cool anyway.
If no AR yet go 14.5. Pick a suppressor first. Before you go pinning shit

I'm A FUCKING LEAF so I can do whatever I want. I could even do 7".

Literally not the first time they made promises and showed off parts.

>450 bushy
>6.8 memepc

Holy fucking kek glws

>Pick a suppressor first.
tfw leaf


Failing QC for Audi is not the same as failing QC for fucking Toyota, ding dong.

QC is an on going process OF checking and machining.

Do you seriously think a machinist spends 4 hours making a part, checks everything at the end and realizing he oversized a hole, bins 400 dollars in steel and man hours? If what PSA is selling that has failed FNs QC, it's not going to be something that could hurt them legally.

Its not going to be barrels that are cracked, it's not going to be improperly head spaced shit either.

FN likes to play by their tolerances, and specifications they must meet to satisfy government contracts. If PSA is getting kickback that doesn't meet the few dozen additional QC checks EVERYTHING government gets, then you're still getting an absurd high quality product because it was manufactured with the INTENT if making something high quality, but for whatever reason, wasn't high enough

>I'm a leaf
*England lite
>I can do whatever I want
Except be respected by the world.

I'm embarrassed to say I still have a 6.8 barrel floating around somewhere.

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>Except be respected by the world.
Who says I want anyone to respect me or my country? My taxes went to paying a convicted terrorist $10 million that your soldiers can't even sue for. I'd love to hop the border legally but yall are full.


Not surprised.

Nah we got plenty of room for people tired of the bullshit. Would you slap Trudeau if given the chance?

Real talk, I want one of those m lok handguards.

Im not super shocked.
I could see you doing that

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I have a spare lower and I want to make it a balls out tack driver precision gun without giving any regard for weight.

What's the best barrel?

I am eyeing the JP Enterprises Supermatch 20".

I would spit in his face, but I'd be afraid he'd want to fuck me after I did.

Feel the G I R T H

I get your point.

But a Toyota will almost always out last an Audi. Audi is just overpriced VW shit with nice interiors. They share tons of parts with VW.

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If you put your penis in a girl and then rubbed her tummy, would it be like giving yourself a handjob?

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>If you put your penis in a girl
You wouldnt know

He seems more of a catcher than a pitcher.

No, you shove your fist up her ass and grab your dick through her guts. Girls love that on a first date.

Ever had your finger in an ass when you put your dick in? Feels weird, senpai but I like it.

you never did that

Ever tell a bitchy woman to chill the fuck out then stick an ice cube up her pussy?

I agree. I meant fuck as the general term. But yeah, I would slap him up good. I hate him so much. Canada is a joke. Please let me in. I'll become a citizen and everything.

Did you drink the melt off?

No they don't. Look it up yourself, it's a fuddlore rumor

Only if you vote Republican and become a Republican. Jow Forums and especially /arg/ is a Republican forum

nice yeezys bro

>according to who
No sources, just all the firearm experts here..

Come on in, the water is warm. I'd be the first to shake your new American hand.

No because she is my sister.

Would I have to register? Because I already vote the republican equivalent up here.

>Would I have to register?
Yes, Trump and his redhats will fuck up the primaries otherwise

Thanks bro. It's comfy! I have about 5 pairs.

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Gunstruction is gay and outdated

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>Not registering as democrat so you can vote for their worst candidate in the primaries and fuck with them.

It's like you aren't even trying.


what rail were you wanting to use?

Which elcan is the one that's in vogue right now?

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