I was checking out my local today and saw a brick of 22lr for less than $25 on sale. Prices are finally coming down but how low will they go? Will we make it to pre-panic prices?
Ammo Prices
Have you even looked online? Why are you still buying in stores?
22 LR has been four cents for months.
at my lgs a brick of aguila .22lr is 20 bucks.
I never quite understood why, every time there’s a panic buy, .22lr of all things gets hard to find. Why not 5.56? 7.62x39? Hell, even .308 selling out would be more logical than .22
.22 wasn't that hard to find after 2008 desu. What you described was being horded though. After Sandy Hook everyone thought It Was Happening so they bought up everything that was even remotely common. Hell, it's probably why 10mm came back, people could find it and found out it owned.
.22's are like a jack of all trades round, plus a ton of gun owners have a .22 of some sort. Helps that they're also the cheapest to buy so you can get a ton of them without having to break bank. Not that I like that, it's just how the cookie crumbles.
It just surprised me to see stores basically at online pricing now is all. Just wondering if that means we are near minimum prices or no.
>2010 was buying 22lr for $25/500 rounds
>2011 - 500 rounds turned into $80-$100 or nonexistent
>2012-2016 22lr was nonexistent or $60 a box of 500
>2017+ back to $25-$30 a brick of 500 rnds which is fantastic considering inflation since minimum wage in 2010 was like $7 in my state and now like $11 in 2018
Hopefully it doesn't end up like 7.62 surps. Not that it should, but the prices back then were just insane.
Because when fat fudds go innawoods they can only carry 10p rounds of 22lr or 30 centerfire rounds
X54 or x39 or x51? Fuckin bugs me when people only say SEVEN SIX TWO. There's a Mosin, AK, SKS, AR10 and. 308 bolt action in my household so 7.62 usually means. 308 Winchester amongst military dudes and my friends/ family. Online people tend to mean Commie guns so it is pretty aggravating
Would have thought it'd have been more clear, but x54. Mosin market in general is getting bone dry. Maybe North Korea could change that though.
>buying ammo in a store
enjoy your markup and tax you stupid cuck
Yeah it's a cheap ass gun designed a 130 years ago. I wouldn't expect people to be rushing to stores for deteriorated fatigued guns that sat in cosmoline for decades to be flying off shelves when you have Mossberg making 1/2 MOA bolt guns for dirt cheap and far better durability
>Would have thought it'd have been more clear, but x54.
>being this broke to wait days for small purchases
Bro when you makin $65k a year with minimal tax penalty (mostly cash for me) you don't a flying fuck about tax n shit. When your weekly pay is $1,200 after tax a lot of things change
About 8 months ago wal-mart accidentally sold me tulammo 7.62x39 for five cents a round doesn't mean x39 is back to pre-ban prices.
Walmart has federal 525 for $20... I have to resist buying more because my guns doen't like it all that much...
>Thinks 65K is baller
I make that much and I still buy online and 1,000 rounds at a time. Buying 50 or 100 rounds at a time at a store is retarded.
I wish my Walmart would stock more of that CCI Standard Velocity. It is quiet as all hell and cheaper than any subsonic ammo I've found online, but they only get 5 50rd boxes every shipment and only ship it twice a month.
I just bought 380 at the store for $8/50... Our combine household income is 140k in a pretty low cost of living area... I reload 380 for like 7cpr... The moral of the story is buy when you see the deals and what you think is worth it to you... I don't shoot enough 380 to waste my time on reloading it that much... I can watch youtube for an hour and crap out 400 rounds of 9mm instead...
hello fellow wafag
The Walmarts in my area stock the 550 bulk packs. $19.94. Cheaper than online.
I've been waiting to buy a case or two of standard velocity for like a year once it his 7cpr... It is the shit... Still waiting...
yeah, same... I just got confused on the amount and rounded up to the nearest dollar... I may buy a couple more bricks tomorrow for mother's day since we are having a family celebration at my uncle's land and good projectiles are $0.25 each...
>tfw hoarding .22lr and haven't even bought a 22 yet
Marlin looks weird with the Evolution stock. My brother has the same pepper Grey evolution for his 1022. But like 5 coats of Tru Oil, it looks amazing.
I have a Marlin 60SS with matching silver scope and silver rings
Yeah this is me. I've spent maybe $250 on 22lr yet still waiting for a specific 9 shot, 7" barrel adjustable sight 22lr revolver to come in at my local shop
If I had bought the 795 first, it would be in that stock... It's pretty comfy for off hand shooting and the comb is a lot higher... As is, I don't think I've shot that 60 I two years...
Poor fag wallyworld shoppers can suck my balls. I thank the good Lord above I have never been so destitute that I have to walk in one of those zoos. I ca n only imagine how bad they must smell. When ebola hits America it will be in a wallyworld.
It's always a good idea to buy 500 rounds and five spare mags before buying a gun...just in case you change your mind, you can sell or trade off the ammo and mags.
That way when you pick up your gun, you are set to go to the range and have fun.