why is the T-72 so shit?
Why is the T-72 so shit?
It’s old and most countries that go against it are “gifted” newer weapons meant to destroy it
It's old and designed for an illiterate peasant army. It's fine within that doctrine, but outside of it not.
You cant even begin to understand how suffering it is to like the looks of the T-72 and its earlier variants and then at the same time know they are goddamn deathtraps.
>illiterate peasant army
Nice meme.
But it's true. Soviet land doctrine as a whole is rigid and simple so any kind of inbred Slavs can make it work.
Funnily enough the Arabs fail even at that.
It is the undisputed turret tossing champion!
soviets won against the germans in the biggest battle of the 20th century, with the escapades of amerimutts looking like boyscout outings in comparison
and if you know even one bit of history behind the war on the eastern front, you'd know that both germans and soviets put up a HELL of a fight
and then 50 years later some shitizen of the world tries talking shit on the "soviet doctrine" fuckin lmao, kill yourself
>thread about t-72
>you start talking about WW2 doctrine
Guess how I know you're stupid, user.