What the hell is that rod? A special fuse?
What the hell is that rod? A special fuse?
>he doesn't know the about the kike bombs
Detonates them the length of the rod above the ground, better for anti infantry and soft targets because the soft dirt won’t absorb most of the explosion.
I’m fucking talking out of my ass
it's a pike nose for stabbing a guy you really don't like before exploding him.
Is for mounting the bayonet.
Or to detonate the bomb before it's embedded into the dirt, all it does then is dig a crater and sending the majority of the blast straight up into the air.
Maximizes blast and fragmentation effect on the surrounding area.
Prostate stimulator.
You're actually right
Cheers, lads. Can these bombs be fitted with proximity fuses?
daisy cutter fuse
>proximity fuses
Altimeter with a laser initiator maybe.
Or a normal one probably.