Bullet immunity

So how is our progress, guys?
I started shooting myself when I was 17 to build imunity to firearms.
I started with airsoft, which was fairly easy, then went to .177 airguns and quickly to .22 and .25 ones.
Then my progress stopped for a while as I struggled with .22LR however I started lifting and a .25 ACP wouldnt hurt me.
Now I am 21 and I am at .32 ACP and stuck with it, I've been to a hospital twice.

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I had this problem too. I found that the best way to get around it was to lay on my back and fire directly up, meaning when it came down it was only at terminal velocity and tumbling as opposed to muzzle velocity. After a few times I was able to take .32 from the muzzle. Im up to .45 now but Ive been neglecting skull day for weeks...wish me luck

I been doing this program called starting shots. Been shooting myself in the ass for a few weeks and I've reached 22lr. I'm starting to stagnate though(had to go to hospital after skull day with .32acp). Anyone got a better program?

>tfw when you can't reach 9mm/.45/.223/30-06

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There is no such thing as bullet immunity you dumb niggers, you're either incredibly stupid or lying.

ive been kneeing myself with a .177 bb gun all afternoon to prepare for my deployment tommorow. the actuall 7.62 bullet isnt much heavier, and I feel like I should be preparing for something more like a barrage of multipul bullets than one big bullet.

luckily ITAR is in place to prevent those damn russians from practicing with 5.56

Never gonna make it.

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>he doesn’t know

>he doesn’t know

I stopped at around .22 after highschool, about the same time I stopped working out. I've read online that cardio helps with pain threshold but won't build immunity; anyone have experience with this?

Thanks for ruining it asshat

>they don’t know

>he dosent know

You are the dumbest fuck to ever come out of Dumbfuckston, which is the town that you are from.

Also, you were dropped on your head repeatedly because your mother convinced the Harlem Globetrotters that you were a basketball.

Further, your parentage is dubious, and it seems likely that your mother mated with several Neanderthal and is unable to point to the one who might be your father.

> starting shots
> not doing BOMAD (Bandolier of Magazines a Day)
I suggest doing pyramids, and focus less on legs and more on chest and arms. Watch out for suicide grip though

Lifting will help with immunity, but what you really need to do it cut yourself all over and let it form scars. Scars add an extra layer of skin, so I've managed to reach .40. At this point about 60% of my body is covered in scar tissue, mostly around my torso and head. My preferred tool is a fine cheese grater, but you can use cheese graters with larger holes. However that is a bit more dangerous and can lead to hospitalization if you aren't careful.

This. If you find one area seriously lacking a belt sander will do the job in a pinch.


Has anyone here ever reached rifle calibers?

I had a friend who tried, he started with 5.7 and .17 HMR and tried to work his way up. Last I heard he was planning to magdump a drum of real fuckin NATO for chest day.

My dad :(

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o fug.

Alright I laughed

You're either just underage or you're too autistic to recognize humor. Maybe both?

i love me sum bullets vaccines

Hook, line, and sinker. Thanks for the (You)s.

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So I'm doing some handloading for building up immunity. Does immunity build up quicker increasing velocity or caliber first. Like I've gotten pretty used to some light .32 ACP loads. Should I work up to factory .32 level or try for the same velocity in .380?

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>There is no such thing as bullet immunity you dumb niggers, you're either incredibly stupid or lying.

Got me through. You have a lot to learn kid. Learning o control shock and pain reaction is what sorts the men from the summerfags.

>Threads Ike these
The reason I come to Jow Forums.

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right on

>that filename

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>he doesn't know

Is he ok?



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reddit IRL

vaccines cuase AURISms

Somefag in here tries to hard for a screen cap, note sure wich one

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oh hun :(

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I made the mistake of skipping .25 and going straight to .32. Follow the recommended steps and you'll be fine.

>he doesn't know

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>he doesn't know

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this fajjit

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Fajjit has wares, if you have coin

>he doesn't know

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put me in the screencap

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