The self defense dudes at Jow Forums, please analyze and comment vid related

The self defense dudes at Jow Forums, please analyze and comment vid related.

Jow Forums, also pitch in with these examples daily.

Just to show that no matter how much of an anti gun you are, you just can't hide behind someone's back when it really comes to you and your loved ones.

Attached: self defence irl.webm (720x458, 419K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Attached: self defense dudes.png (1680x1050, 587K)

I like how she tried to run immediately like she was going to leave him to defend her and himself this is why I can't stand women

>Guy clearly had an accomplish
>Second things get hairy he fuckin bolts

>I can't stand women for doing what millions of years of evolutionary program have programmed them to do
Well, your shit outta luck there, m8.
Try dude/traps then, I guess?

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Was that an urban carry holster?

Luckily for me I found a chick that's do. With me and wouldn't run away and is currently in the process of getting her on ccw permit

Highly doubtful.
Even if she doesn't run, she'll likely act incompetently.
>source: every single video of woman civilians/cops/military in an SD situation ever

The part that gets me the most is his accomplice. So many self defense scenarios that might involve more than just the guy you're engaging. If his accomplice was more engaged you could get taken out as soon as you draw. Scary shit. Its good most criminals are cowards, so they tend to run like that guy did.

I think the woman did fine. She got behind him and didn't impede his movement, grab onto his back or sides, or anything like that. That's about as much as you can ask for from an unarmed participant.

As for his holster, it does look like an urban carry, doesn't it? Its hanging out of his side and flopping around.

Ya with the woman and man thing it looked natural and good to me.

Vid works fine for me.

If so, which model?

Except that Brazilian lady.

Do you think he got the succ after?

You will get a blowjob from a lady just from being a man.


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If the gunman had wanted him dead he could've killed him before the draw.

He just kills them. That's the only play you can make here. No hesitation.

True. But criminals are cowards, and that gives the person who isn't a coward the advantage, as long as they do what pointed out. He who hesitates dies.

the guy in red shirt is off-duty police person

it looks like he was paying attention to the fuckups on the stairwell, watch when he hitches his pants up after turning the corner

so i think he was getting ready to draw his pistol

and he didn't hesitate or wait for the crim to look away, as soon as crim pointed gun at him he drew & started shooting

if the crim was ready & willing, he had plenty of time to shoot 1st, but he wasn't & got shot instead

here's a few more of these from liveleak, clik safe mode off & search for robber, dozens of these videos

and also if that had happened in USA i'm guessing officer would have been charged with manslaughter or something - because he kept shooting at the person even after he tried to run away, but Brazil has more common sensical laws than USA for this stuff

Please post these here every day. God's work.

>police need even MORE leeway with killing citizens
Because they've used their responsibility so well so far right? Fucking idiot


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This, really. HOWEVER, look at active self protections newest video for mothers day. Girl handled it like a fucking champ.

fucking mag dumps him to death.
idk but that looked like pretty fucking quick and efficient self defense

Yeah. Girls can take light weight equipment and a hard training. Never underestimate that bit.

>killing citizens

so some person pointing a gun at you illegally is entitled to "rights" ?


I'd say textbook center mass engagement right there. That criminal is bleeding internally in three seconds from about 100 gut ruptures in total, some of them being maybe major arteries and his heart itself.

A criminally sieve, how does this sound like.

> millions of years of evolutionary programming

How's the gulag this time of year? Burned any radical fundamentalists lately?

Coulda died, didn’t. Also 9mmeme

It's accomplice you god damn tard

I aint spell checkin muh goddamn 15 second post an anomomoose image board that will be gone in 2 hours.

daaaamn that 2nd guy in the back pulls a gun too, right before bailing. If red shirt had hesitated any more maybe black shirt accomplice would have grown some balls.

fortunately these idiots are after cash, not blood.

I wonder if this being brazil, so the odds that red shirt is also a cop, play a part in why these guys run so quickly.
Like maybe they'd be more willing to engage if they had reason to believe their victim was just a civilian and not an off duty or undercover cop.

just let it load normally, don't try to skip through it

>shoots one handed just so she can hold onto her purse
>fires when a woman and child is directly in the line of fire
wymen stronk

>shoots one handed just so she can hold onto her purse
first shots from two meters away = speed and pure brutality
>fires when a woman and child is directly in the line of fire
never happened within those two meters

Keep on dreaming how you would have dealt with it.
And just pray you won't ever have to deal with it.

>being is naive

>first shots from two meters away = speed and pure brutality
Non argument word salad

>never happened within those two meters
watch again

Attached: 1.jpg (648x355, 85K)

I did. Keep on imagining.

I posted a picture of it with my last post.

One handed shooting isn't hard but yea she did not give a single fuck about that kid

Attached: Gangstalicious.webm (1280x720, 1.58M)

It's not that one handed shooting is hard,
it's that she could have been shooting two handed if she wasn't subconsciously obsessed with holding on to her purse.

Idk if she was trying to grab her purse or if she was just pulling her non shooting hand back
Whenever I shoot one handed my opposite hand comes back to somewhere abouts close to my chest
She was bladed to him with the gun on her outward side, to use two hands she would've either had to change stance or switch hands so it's smarter to just keep her other hand safe and control loose shit on her body while doing it

The point is that as soon as you give cops more leeway to shoot at people with a gun, they'll progress to "i thought that guy had a gun" to "someone who called us thought that guy had a gun"
The solution is always to disarm blacks and spics, not empower cops.

Watch as she begins with both hands on her weapon, then removes her support hand, clearly grabbing the leading edge of her purse.

Attached: 2.jpg (646x1061, 251K)

Are you fucking retarded or do you not understand body mechanics? Like look at her fucking leg positioning

She's keeping it out of the way, you sperg. Dropping it would require her to shake it off her arm so she could go into a proper isosceles stance. She ditches it right afterwards so I'm not sure what your problem is.

So fucking what?
She takes a step forward instead of stepping to turn towards him.
Are you seriously implying she couldn't have easily engaged him shooting with two hands?
Are you that fucking blinded by your own bias?

There's no need to drop it.
She's instinctively grabbing her purse, instead of keeping both hands on her weapon.

Not him, but I think she was the one with the bag on her arm, so she is in a better position to decide how she wanted to engage her (spitting distance) target than you are.
There is nothing wrong with shooting one handed when your target is literally at arm's length.

Women are not built for combat, women attempting to fight is the same as them throwing their life away for no reason. Cowering in the corner is the best option for them, they are too weak to defend themselves biologically speaking. Hence why women are not testosterone fueled men who are fucking bodybuilders.

>there is no need to drop it
>bag slides down her arm
>throws her aim off
>misses her shot

>Not him, but I think she was the one with the bag on her arm, so she is in a better position to decide how she wanted to engage her (spitting distance) target than you are.
Was going to reply seriously until I saw this

>There is nothing wrong with shooting one handed when your target is literally at arm's length.
Don't speak to me again.

Solid shots on target, nice draw.

only problem is if that accomplice who ran off had a gun, this may have turned for the worst

If your bag is that heavy, then drop it before shooting.
Holding your gun one handed, stepping closer to the attacker, and shoving your gun that close to him,
all while having a woman and child in the line of fire,
is LITERALLY the worst possible thing I could imagine someone doing.

>armchair warrior at it again
Post any evidence of you shooting or anything you say is completely useless

Do you realize that one handed shooting was the standard for a long time before isosceles became popular? It isn't ideal, but it is viable.

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How does your fudd ass know what he's carrying and what happened to the criminal afterwards?

Dropping the bag takes an extra split second. How long does it take for a .38 special to hit you in the brain from that range?

An extra split second before you have even drawn on the bad guy and been identified by him as a threat.
She would have been better off taking longer anyway. Maybe then there wouldn't have been a child's head directly behind her target.

The kid wasn't directly behind him. Both the mother and the child are off to the side at an angle. Also i can't see where the gun actually is. It may have been in her purse.

See this series of images and stop being blind
I mean for fuck's sake, did you even watch the video?
You sound like somebody that had it described to them.

She doesn't fire until the kid has been yanked out of the way, retard.

I love how the criminal puts his hands up when the victim play ball.
"Oh hey bro, its just a prank"
Proceeds to get holes put in him.
This just proves the theory about liberals and criminals. Liberals suffer from mental illness. "Victimization", like stockholm syndrom.

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that's why people who know how to use a gun don't do what they did

the problem with these kinds of n*ggers is that they make the assumption that as long as they have a gun in their hand, they're in control of the situation. It makes them 10x more dangerous, and coincidentally, these retards are not affected by gun laws.

Wheres the "its only takes 6 shot crowd"
"You dont need a double stack"
Fuck all of those people. This video clearly proves. The more you can hold and conceal. The better

>implying 6 rounds of 357 magnum wouldn't have also sufficed

>pocket .380 possibly 9
>probably fell for the hollow point meme

lmao, well you probably do need like 6 shots then

Look again, fuckwit. You can even see the slide moving in this picture. The child is close by, but not directly in the line of fire.

Attached: no.png (639x352, 457K)

That video looks like she worked the slide.

Oh really? What happens when his buddy comes right back and starts mag dumping on you?
"Oh hey, wait perp. Let me speed load my 10 pound .357 magnum."
Give me a break

the adrenaline is what probably stopped him from dropping immediately. When he finally fell on the stairs, it must have been because of severe damage to his nerves in his back or what ever that just made his legs give out

First pic before both shots
second pic after both shots

You call this "not in the line of fire?"

Alright fuckwit, you go ahead and take those shots if you want.
But everyone with a fucking brain knows its very fortunate no bystanders were hurt.

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I carry a semiauto in 40 with two extra magazines. That doesn't mean 357 wouldn't have been fine. I'm not willing to chance it, but that doesn't mean six rounds of 357 isn't infinitely better than nothing and only POSSIBLY marginally better than 9mm or 45.

>ITT dumb fudds argue over caliber sizes as if it means anything

That's why you should carry a round that make big exit wounds.
Most stops aren't because the target can't move, it's because of shock from sudden major injuries.

>But everyone with a fucking brain knows its very fortunate no bystanders were hurt.
Yep. It's a good thing she shot that ape before he could do any damage.

>That's why you should carry a round that make big exit wounds.
No you don't want exit wounds, that means wasted energy and you're just over penetrating the target. This is literally why hollow points are used

>all pistol rounds have the exact same terminal ballistics because I'm an autist who gets upset if my favorite round has any downsides

Im talking about capacity. Two perps. 3 shots a piece. You better be a damn good shot. And hope they all hit center mass, unlike the video where he turned and ran.

>terminal ballistics
made up fudd pseudoscience bullshit

Kinetic energy has nothing directly to do with wounding.
I mean seriously, do you think it shocks people to death or something?
Kinetic energy is just a measure of work done to accelerate an object.
And the amount of kinetic energy in a bullet is laughably small anyway.

You ignorant fool. I was arguing in favor or a larger carrying capacity. As is evident in this video. And not for some 6 shot revolver. YOU ARE NOT getting that many shot off in that short amount of time as he did, with a revolver. And you know it!

>LITERALLY the worst thing possible

she saved the fucking day you mongoloid, id say kill yourself but you dont seem like you have the mental capability of doing it right the first time

>having to use spellcheck
>for correctly spelt misused words

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>Kinetic energy has nothing directly to do with wounding.
bullet size has nothing to do with wounding, take your retarded fudd nonsense elsewhere elmer.

>kinetic energy is just the amount of work
work is not kinetic energy, W=fd, KE=1/2mv^2

No you're just retarded
>well if I shot him he would have dropped in one shot muh stoppin powuh, knock him right on his ass

She did a shit job of it.
He nearly grabs the gun from her, hand coming inches away.
There was a woman and child in the line of fire, and she was too busy holding her purse to shoot properly.

How many chimps have you killed, tough guy?

Attached: unidentified retard.jpg (726x782, 115K)

>shot him like 15 times and he didn't go down
9 milli memer at work, should have carried a 10mm

He won't. Ever.

>from mom's basement
>the saddest of victories ever
>and it's the same next day
>exactly the same
>over and over again
>over and over again
>over and over again

>bullet size has nothing to do with wounding, take your retarded fudd nonsense elsewhere elmer.
Non argument
I explained why this isn't the case with KE. You're just saying this randomly.

>work is not kinetic energy, W=fd, KE=1/2mv^2
I said, and I quote:
"Kinetic energy is just a measure of work done to accelerate an object."
"It is defined as the work needed to accelerate a body of a given mass from rest to its stated velocity."
Oh wow, exactly what I fucking said.

Fuck off brainlet.
I'm not allowing you to waste more of my time.

Not an argument.

>You call this "not in the line of fire?"
.380 cal, JHP rounds. Won't go through a body like FMJs would.

>"Kinetic energy is just a measure of work done to accelerate an object."
This isn't true at all, it doesn't measure work, it doesn't measure work done to "accelerate an object"

>"It is defined as the work needed to accelerate a body of a given mass from rest to its stated velocity."
No you're just regurgigating highschool physics and yet you don't know fuck all about what kinetic energy actually is because you read one sentence on wikipedia you frantically googled.

>kinetic energy has nothing to do with stopping
Brainlet detected. If kinetic energy doesn't have anything to do with wounding/stopping then why are there so many well documented incidents of it doing that very thing? Like shots near the spine but not touching it resulting in immediate paralysis and shots near but not touching the brain resulting in neurological issues. Why the fuck does a ball rifle round like the M2 not do anything but icepick and produce a sub-caliber wound if it doesn't yaw whereas an expanding round makes a hole bigger than the bullets diameter despite them having comparable velocity?

Sure it is. She didn't have the time to pick and choose her angle of attack. There was an asshole waving a gun around in her face. In that moment you either take your best shot or get shot.

JHPs don't always expand, and people miss often.

>"It is defined as the work needed to accelerate a body of a given mass from rest to its stated velocity."
except you're just cherrypicking a one line wikipedia. At any moment you can represent a mass's kinetic energy by its velocity, you can't with a force. A force can't be represented without a change in velocity, you can't just interpret this as a relationship between a force and a velocity between a mass thats disingenuous. You're just fucking retarded thinking that kinetic energy of a bullet doesn't have anything to do with how hard it hits when we use that EXACT method and measure it in terms of energy and velocity which is why every pack of ammo lists the visit the potential velocity out of a certain barrel length given a particular bullet mass