Recommend me an optic Jow Forums

Recommend me an optic Jow Forums

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For what? How far are you shooting? What type of shooting?

> poorfag ar15
Go with Nikon or Bushnell until you are ready for a big boy gun

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Anywhere from 50yrds to 600, mostly outdoors

This rifle was expensive man

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I want something modern, like a cool red dot. Nothing too expensive though

Bushnell TRS-25 until you figure out what you want.

>Decorative Sapporo cans

Are you allowed to have a rifle in the frat house?

>600 yds
>red dot

Attached: 5cd.jpg (600x693, 41K)

Eotech or Acog

>That's a lot, is it any good?

3000 reviews for you to look at.

An ACOG atop any AR vaults you from PSA-tier poorfag to a respectable member of /arg/. Just saiyan.

I, too, would appreciate some recommendations. I've got an A2 sight on the front, so I'll need something with a built in riser. I would be using it for 200 yards or less. Priced tag would be about $400 or less.

>buying things just to impress randoms online

Good goy

Ok, I'll check it out. What about a Vortex Sparc?

It's a Sig m400 Elite

Primary arms has some 1-6s and 1-8

Honestly all reddots are kinda a big joke to me. I just posted a cheap one so you can get into it without wasting alot of cash. IMO you should be looking at scopes. How about you tell us your budget and we can recommend yuou something cool

Get a primary arms 5x prism for 300 bucks. It’s a solid scope, good glass and can take a lot of damage

I have about $300 left for my rifle. What's wrong with red dots?

Nothing, but you did say you want to shoot out to 600 yards. A 1x red dot isn’t going to help you if you can’t do it with irons

Idk if I can or not, I haven't shot it yet


>paying premium for the milspec meme scope that is issued to every Tom, Dick and harry

FNH has a M4 collectors rifle with your name on it for 1600 bucks

This looks really sharp, though in not doo sure about the 5x magnification. How will that affect more close up shooting? Would, say, the 3x be a better fit for under 200 yards while still maintaining close range vision?

Also I'm just now reading that you really can't co witness with a magnified optic. Probably should have figured that one out on my own.

You seem to have a very delusion view on what kind of shooting you will be doing that is probably based on video games and the tactical fantasies that people like Yeager sell to kids. You aren’t a soldier, you aren’t in special forces. If anything you should probably learn your fundamentals with regular iron sights before moving onto optics. But if you want a good solid optic that is useful for close targets up to 500 as well as hunting medium game with a .223 then you won’t be disappointed with the primary arms scope

Took all of your suggestions seriously, but decided to get the primary arms one. It was a little over budget but thats ok.

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Nice build,like the buttstock I got the same one on my SBR.
That being said just get a holosun or vortex red dot if you're rifle is just for range use.

Naw I didn't build it, it's a Sig M400 Elite. I just changed out some things, mainly with Strike Industries stuff

Dumb frogposter.

Monitoring because I want a scope for my rifle too. I think you dudes sold me on the primary arms 5x prism

Attached: Primary Secondary 4.jpg (3008x2000, 3.04M)

wow OP actually bought something

Oh hey wa bro. I'm up the road from ya

They aren’t the prettiest nor will they score you points among the LARPer’s on /arg/ with their safe queen rifles but it’s one hell of a scope

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I bought a Primary Arms 2.5x optic. The first time I took it out, the scope shook itself loose from the rail mount - do I just need to tighten harder, or should I use loctite?

Attached: primaryarms.jpg (425x339, 18K)

yea I'll get that, I like that you can also mount a red dot on top rail. Any recommendations for what red dot to mount on top of that scope?

It’s recommend that you blue locktite those before putting it on your rifle

You should be able torque it down tighter. Loctite is just a bonus but isnt necessary

Trijicon ACOG

Now you need another ~$60 for a decent mount.

This is supposed to be bretti gud

That's an interesting, if completely ignorant, assumption. I'm a 35 year old guy that doesn't play video games and had no delusions of grandeur. Also I can shoot with my irons just fine. My main reason for wanting an optic is that irons are next to useless in low light. My primary need for them is hog hunting, which I assure you will not involve shooting beyond 150 yards or so. Hence, my desire for a red dot that focuses on closer range and one that co witnesses with my irons so I don't have to take the entire optic off if I want to use said irons.

ignore shitposts, user

ho shit niggas I used to live right there too, but I moved to Gig Harbor

Vortex strike eagle

My apologies. As you can tell most of the guys asking for advice on Jow Forums think they are delta force going to clear their moms house

But anyways, the 5x isn’t terribly close but is dead on and retains zero if you take it off and put it back on. This was my buddy of who shot my my rifle yesterday after haven’t touched an AR since he left the army back in 2004

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Yeah, after doing some googling, I noticed primary arms offered a life time warranty while the others didn't. Had to get it after reading that.

... Joel?

I live by Aero Precision, which is where I got the bolt, so I'll just stop by their place and get one when the thing comes in.

hey fag I have an aero precision 30mm SPR on ebay for $50 don't buy a new one

but... you called me a fag. Plus I gotta support our local businesses

>... Joel?
no, Scratchy

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Have you seen the torture tests on Primary Arms prism scopes? You really have to try to break those

I wish I could move out of the busy shitty chink county. Nig harbor sounds nice.

Move out to Issaquah you goon

when I can afford to just buy a house I will. I'm planning for North Bend actually.

ACOG or Eotech.

No worries, it's a safe bet to assume that most Jow Forums posters are not serious shooting hobbyists.

I definitely like what I see in the 5x and will keep that in mind if I ever decide to ditch the A2.

Having said that, I'm still set on getting something that will work with it for the time being. Does anyone have an opinion on the Sig Romeo 5x or maybe a Holosun?

Holosuns seem to have been getting good reviews

it's called a mirror.

you know what to do.

>No worries, it's a safe bet to assume that most Jow Forums posters are not serious shooting hobbyists.

Delet this now.

I supported them now I'm selling it to you cheap stop being gay