What lessons where learned here?
Also ATF meme thread my stocks are critically low.
What lessons where learned here?
Also ATF meme thread my stocks are critically low.
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Your cults chance of being immolated increases a lot when you live in a rural area.
>What lessons where learned here?
Don't start a cult to enslave and rape children?
He didn't start a cult with the express purpose TO enslave and rape children. That shit just happened alongside that. Perks of being a psycho with charisma and people who'll actually listen.
Almost sounds like a Jow Forumsolony
The lesson learned is that the government can literally murder people in cold blood and most americans will just brush it off as "just doing their jobs." While of course simultaneously talking about how we need the 2nd amendment in case of a tyrannical government.
>What lessons where learned here?
If you are going to lay siege to a place, pay attention to the Delta Force/SAS men that show up with decades of experience in dealing with far more complex problems.
Fuck, these are good
>Once saved a dog he shot, nursed it back to health, then shot it again.
A classic
Firstly Janet Reno is a damn cunt who deserves death for how badly she handled this. Second, the federal government can extend their power beyond what it should be capable of to the point where people are burned alive (whether this was on purpose, or a candle caught the place on fire (the Feds cut the power), they did not do much if anything to help the people in there)....but despite this, people brushed off this idea and Mcveigh cemented a picture of those who sympathized with those who died in Waco as terrorists or child killers.
Compare this with essays like the fate of empires by Glubb and looking at the amount of similarities we have to rome right before bad times...the future is bleak of either a demise akin to mixing Rhodesia with Rome or just Balkanization with factions funded from outside sources....or the Feds get more control and a tighter grasp of control to consolidate what power is left.
The republic is dying. That is what Waco meant to me. Reading more history lead me to see that this place is far beyond saving.
Pedo cults are pretty common in texas
Ruby Ridge hit me way harder than Waco. Literally, the only consequences for it was that the government had to shell out a few million dollars in an out-of-court settlement. The people who used literal entrapment were not impacted. The people who failed to send the court documents were not impacted. The US Marshalls who lied about the situation were not impacted. The FBI heads who decided to change their rules of engagement to ones looser than the military uses were not impacted. The sniper who fired twice against unarmed civilians (The second shot even being declared unconstitutional) was briefly put up for manslaughter until they decided that it was too far past the statute of limitations for it. The family didn't even know who the attackers were until after two of them were dead and the government sent in a drone to make demands.
There's no accountability whatsoever. Even on a smaller scale, cops can and have successfully sued departments for not rehiring them after they get fired, sometimes multiple times in a row. When they kill someone, they get paid to not go to work for a week (We have a word for that, and it's not "administrative leave"). Even when they're undeniably guilty of a crime, everyone else in the justice system tries to cover for them and they get lighter sentences.
Underground shelters doesn't work.
>enslave and rape children
Okay there Lon Horiuchi, what evidence was there to support that claim? Even the government report admits the only pieces of "evidence" of him being a pedo were baseless accusations by a disgruntled local paper.
>What lessons where learned here?
That the government will burn to death women and children then pose with rifles in front of the kids mangled go-karts before the fire even burns itself out.
>There's no accountability whatsoever
Lack of accountability is one of the things that pissed off McVeigh the most, apparently.
I see they're laying in provisions for when the dog supply gets low and their quota reaches a critical point.
Alphabet Soup will not back down, appologize or admit wrongdoing. They obsessed on the fact that federal agents were killed and thew out morality in order to close ranks and get revenge.
Either be prepared to surrender or die. There is no winning.
Re-posting because I fucked up the last one I posted when I cropped out part of a sentence.
>I parrot anything i hear on the news
Fuck off ATF shill
>What lessons where learned here?
That the best way to save children is by burning them alive
These Pedo allegations have really peaked my interest what if and evidence is there to support this claim.
their behavior can be corrected, however.
there's a reason that they treated the bundy ranch standoff and the bird sanctuary occupation with kid gloves, and i'm betting it's not because they just decided one day to be better people.
>tfw nothing came of this
dont fuck with delta
>What lessons where learned here?
The TLAs actually learned an important lesson. You can trace Waco, Ruby Ridge, and McVeigh all back to the 1994 AWB. It caused a surge of right-wing extremism. That's part of why the FBI testified against its renewal, besides the fact that they didn't have enough manpower to enforce it properly.
As such, there will almost certainly never be a federal AWB again.
Actually There more Evidence of the local sheriffs department being involved in human trafficking and sex abuse than the actual cult. Only thing the cult done that can prove was maybe Gun running.
You do know that will trigger Jow Forums right?
Yep, never failed to get at least one 'but muh based ss' reply with it before.
>These Pedo allegations have really peaked my interest what if and evidence is there to support this claim.
Two separate investigations in the pedo thing were conducted and there was never enough evidence to make a case against BASED Koresh. Not saying it didn't happen, but the evidence wasn't there for any criminal prosecution. It was mainly being pushed by the ATF and media to slander the Davidians and garner support for the feds. The ATF is not a sex crimes unit.
>The TLAs actually learned an important lesson. You can trace Waco, Ruby Ridge, and McVeigh all back to the 1994 AWB
Ruby Ridge and Waco both took place before 1994. OKC was '95. It was definitely fuel to the fire, though. Killing civilians AND taking away their guns? Had a lot of folks on edge back then.
Everything other then "Sieg Heil" and "Hitler did nothing wrong" triggers Jow Forums
I also suspect Ruby Ridge and the Branch Davidians were in the back of the minds of the leadership of BLM and the Las Vegas sheriffs at the Bundy ranch standoff. Not that having rifles pointed at you doesn't give you pause, but I think the Feds have learned that it's easier to just wear people down in court.
But even that doesn't always work out. The Bundy's got off from the Wildlife refuge with not guilty verdicts, and a US District judge dropped all charges against them from the ranch standoff earlier this year. Meanwhile, Todd Engel (Idaho) and Gregory Burleson (Arizona) got positively FUCKED with their guilty verdicts and double digit sentences.
Not sure what the takeaway there is. Maybe don't spearhead a small rebellion unless you already have your state leadership behind you?
At this point, I think the ATF is so sick of having to interpret Congress's rules that they're just drawing out of a hat when asked for a ruling.
Or decline to make ruling.
Which one of you glorious bastards did this?
>”there’s no evidence Karesh raped children! Stop parroting!”
>also no evidence of FBI starting the fire
>”th-the evil gubmint killed children! What? You want a source? W-well you’re just bootlicker!”
the FBI still killed LaVoy Finicum though. they're not safe, they just don't have as much bloodlust.
>ITT. cia cucks parroting the same old propaganda
>Not sure what the takeaway there is.
Livestream everything and get a bunch of otherwise unrelated people to stand between you and the Feds. Also it should be noted that the Bundy's have been on the receiving end of almost unheard of Fed restraint, getting little more than a sternly worded letter to stop grazing their cattle for 20 years despite losing every court case since the mid-90s.
>this evil cult leader is raping teh chilluns
>lets burn them alive instead
Great logic faggot
Yes the government did an outstanding job of saving children at Waco.
you fucking brainwashed zogbot
>gov will burn down structures (Philadelphia, Waco, Dorner, etc)
>will use tanks
>will enact media blackout until the end
Fireproof, concrete blocks, dedicated means of communication to public.
Eh, I am from pol and although I think it would be better to compare the atf to commies it does not trigger me
>form 4 wait time should be three times longer
Literally why? If they get the paperwork done and sent back to the civilian in f(x) period of time, why should we forcibly make them wait 3x?
>respectably declines
I wonder what he really wanted to write here.
"After a careful examination of pertinent laws and regulations, "shouldering" a pistol brace that has been modified by the attachment of Fleshlight or dildo sex toy is not illegal, but only if the rifle is braced firmly, and primarily, against the testicles."
They did start the fire by throwing in tear gas grenades. Now whether they knew how much of a fire hazard this was is open for debate, but they definitely did it.
What lessons where learned by the ATF other than children are decent kindling?
>What? You want a source?
I would too. Shame the Feds went and conveniently "lost" all that evidence they collected huh?
personally, I like how they began demolishing the compound immediately after so that nobody could investigate who started the fire.
The ATF does not recognize freedom of religion.
I hate feds and all that but how was McVeigh fighting against them by blowing up 168 people, only 108 of which were actual govt workers, and of those only 8 worked in law enforcement
Explain this? wouldnt that hurt your face?
Some sort of meme not a stock for pistols, looks pretty impractical, but all is fair when it comes to pissing off ATF.
The lesson learned was don't try to play "Good Cop, Bad Cop" during a hostage incident/siege. They will work contrary to each other and create a terrible result.
The FBI was trying to negotiate and was making some progress at getting people released, meanwhile the ATF and National Guard were doing the Psy Ops stuff like blasting music and sounds, shining search lights through windows, messing with their cars.
How can you negotiate with someone when everything you say or try to work on is diminished by the actions of another? Pick one strategy or the other, preferably to try negotiating until it is deemed ineffective and then you can resort to more active measures.
Superb argument, nigger. I’m literally shaking at how wrong I was just proven to be.
If David Koresh was actually raping those kids, it's no surprise Bill Clinton ordered him dead. Bill hates competition after all.
Johnny couldn't control the site to the same extent. Bundy wasn't pinned in place. Out of state paras arrived on scene and threatened to turn the place into a clusterfuck.
This is important, as well. Ruby Ridge and Waco were filmed at a distance. Bundy had press coming and going and streamed things.
To this day it burns me up that flunkies like Jon Stewart used it as an opportunity to paint the whole thing as a bunch of scofflaws and racist gun nuts. Sure, Bundy was more those things than not. But, they overplayed it to dismiss the long history of federal law enforcement acting like dicks.
(((They))) aren’t going to let Whites just seperate from (((diversity))) peacefully.
The irony of his image is that the Jews are responsible for both.
IIRC 60 minutes did a special on it wither this year or late last year, and they interviewed the mail man who contacted the police, because he did not feel comfortable delivering demilled grenades and firearms to the compound all the time (he claimed he watched the cultists opening packages in front of him to confirm contents)
Always dig escape tunnels?
Lies spread after the fact to protect Reno, Clinton, and LEO actions
>Also ATF meme thread my stocks are critically low.
It’s because unfortunately, as long as the media portrays the victims as weird cultists and throws in some “allegations of child abuse” the populace will for some reason believe them without any evidence whatsoever, completely discrediting the victims
So...was McVeighs actions a sort of "balance" for what happened?
>>Firstly Janet Reno is a damn cunt who deserves death for how badly she handled this.
You do realize that she died the day before Trump was elected..........
McVeigh intentionally did nothing wrong. Yes, his CARVER was fucked up, but his reasoning was correct.
>FBI still killed LaVoy Finicum
Ore-fucking-Gon State Troopers killed him
>What lessons where learned
the us govt murders its citizens with complete impunity
Name one that has not.
>we're just as evil and corrupt as everyone else
that's not an argument
all governments are evil
Not looking for one.
Your proof?
>April 13th, 1943
>Jews take up arms and fight the nazis in the city, resulting in a short siege that ends with the destruction of the city and extermination of the people
>50 years later
>April 19th, 1993
>People fight against the feds, it ends with the destruction of their compound and the extermination of everyone inside
What did they mean by this?
The fact that every single government has infringed on the rights of its peoples. Name ONE (1) that hasn't.
Protip: Taxation is theft.
What if you fed your dog 50lbs of tannerite and then shouldered an AR pistol?