Would something like jaggernaut suit from cod be practical in real life warfare ?

Would something like jaggernaut suit from cod be practical in real life warfare ?

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Absolutely not. Your questions bad and you should feel bad.

Fuck off, summerfag, no bump for you.

Only if it comes with a powered exoskeleton


Because we aren't a daycare for children.

Too heavy and slow to be effective


But armor

Us military already uses Chinese made plates for their armour

Too heavy and armor piercing rounds area thing so are HE rounds

But stairs

Still won't work. Even if armor could stop standard bullets it won't stop explosives or anything in .50 range. It won't be worth the cost.

>Is a killstreak that even kind of sucks in videogames practical IRL?


Any armour that can stop rifle bullets (let alone AP bullets) all aspect is going to be too heavy to move in.

>it won't stop explosives or anything in .50 range. It won't be worth the cost.

If you use it for clearing buildings and hostage rescue these shouldn't matter all that much

Armor doesn't stop bullets.

It won't be as easy as you clearly think to get up some stairs with over 50 pounds of armor on.

It does tho

Armor like this is perfect for urban combat

clearing buildings is suicide. its much safer to use disposable drones, grenades, or other explosives to clear buildings

hostage rescues require speed and mobility, not a dude that will struggle to fit through a door and have a lot of trouble aiming a weapon accurately.

>go around corner
>3 rag heads open up on you with 7.62x39 AP rounds and you have a very very bad time

>perfect for urban combat

It really doesn't.

Hey, how's grade 8?

>all these liars in the thread
I was assigned as juggernaut during my tour in Afghanistan. The only qualification was that you had to bench press the most out of the entire squad so naturally it went to me. Only problem was that the black hawks us tier-one high-echelon navy seal delta operators would ride in had a weight limit and the suit was too heavy so I had to glide alongside the helicopter in my custom oakley boots (they had mil-spec heelys built into them) when we were out on a mission.

>go around corner
>3 rag heads open up on you with 7.62x39 AP rounds and you have a very very bad time
if three people fire on you its better have armor between you than not and not every enemy has armor piercing rounds or large caliber

>custom oakley boots (they had mil-spec heelys built into them)
were they motorized? Mine were, it made skating work parties a fucking blast

with your big heavy armor that you can't move, shoulder a rifle, climb over rubble, or turn your head 90 degrees

try wearing that armor in youtu.be/_4zXI0X8Brc?t=146

The only time it would be even semi practical would be as a pointman clearing buildings that for some reason you can't just blow the fuck up. Similar to police with a ballistic shield. This would weigh at least 120 lbs if not more and be hot as shit. A couple flights of stairs like in a hospital or government building and your gassed. Standard infantry gear is already heavy as shit to be able to move quickly in.

yeah you are. this board is all idiots and losers and kids. there is nothing and no one of value here. this board knows less about guns than any boomer facebook group, and knowing things about guns isn't even virtuous. this entire place is trash without a single redeeming aspect, just like you.

The only time I can see that armor being of any practical use is if you are entering a situation where you absolutely know a fucking ton of bullets are gonna be coming your way and you have zero cover. Example: Fighting in a civil war era battle with modern armor.
Because armor is better than no armor.

So mostly just firing from cover and occasionally enemy return fire and shrapnel threats? Seems to me like heavy infantry could give an edge

>A couple flights of stairs like in a hospital or government building
Which is why you couple it with powered exoskeleton

Are you retarded ?

>Standard infantry gear
Oh you mean shit that can’t even stop a pistol round ?
Fuck outta here

Heavy infantry would not be able to traverse the rubble and ruined buildings. What edge would these heavy infantry gain?

get down get up get down get up

The only retarded thing is OP's question

>What edge would these heavy infantry gain?

>increased protection from explosives
>high resistance to small arms
>almost complete protection from regular shrapnel
>allows your shock-troops to take positions by force regular units would hesitate to contest

This. Its made for shrapnel and shockwave. Bullets, even handgun will chew it up. No devils advocate today. OP is a fag who never eatched "hurt locker". One scene with the suit and operator dreams should vanish.

How about combat fat suits? These guys are kinda mobile.


>deployed to kuwait where nothing is going on
>mean while the flips are battlingnout with isis in jungle and urban ops

Why the fuck arent we in the Philippines we can drink and fuck women while shpoting terries instead of jerking off in the sand dunes doing nothing

waste of trips

because it'd be too heavy and bulky: can't crouch, can' run, can barely move your arms, can't aim a rifle, not to mention it wouldn't be impenetrable.

Im up they see me im down
Im up they see me im down
Im up they see me im down
Im up they see me im down
Im up they see me im down
Im up they see

Times a million+1

What if you could make them move at higher speed jogging pace and only deploy them in places where they wont receiving anti-tank fire

>Be heavy infantry bulldozer troop
>Deployed at ground level to engage terrorists on the 5th floor of hotel
>I'm overweight for the elevator time to hike the stairs
>Thankfully I charged my exoskeleton
>Reach top of stairs, battery dies
> Locked in my immobilized body she'll meters away from a smelly bearded man with an AK that may have costed a few rubles three hundred years ago
>Suddenly I hear a *click* and *Shhhhhh* from behind me

>Truely regret that the armored suit was designed to have a ass flap to allow pilots to defecate in the field without removing armor

>I hear a man behind me say "You know...they sold the butt flap as a feature....turns out it was just a BUGgger after all"

>Trapped in an iron maiden as I'm buttfucked by the man I sought to kill

AP rounds can be fired from an ak ar or 240 or 249

I'm not arguing current gears effectiveness I'm saying its already heavy and a giant fuckhuge armored suit wood be impossible to actually fight/ get to and from combat in

Faggots like you are the reason why anyone that knows a thing or two about guns don’t post here anymore and the reason why this board’s quality sank to its current squalor.

then it'd be power armor.

>places where they won't receive anti-tank fire
so indoors? power armor is a lot more expensive than explosives

>Reach top of stairs, battery dies
replacement fuel cells being carried by support following close behind, gg

Because the question said practical in real life combat

Not him, but: if you start bringing in heavy infantry then the people you're fighting are just going to bring in some way to defeat it and in the case of most armor that could be a hunting rifle and some fancy bullets. M2AP is one of the gold standards in defeating armor and the best body armor currently available is going to eat shit after somewhere in the neighborhood of 5+ and when weighed against the cost of the armor both in dollars and mobility that seems like a bad trade-off.

>inb4 muh exoskeleton
Exoskeletons of the variety that are used to help injured people walk have bulk roughly equivalent to strapping a loaf of bread to both of your thighs and shins, are we putting all that stuff under or over the armor? Exoskeletons with significantly less bulk exist but you're probably looking at tens of thousands of dollars per suit when your enemies can just field something similar to WW1 technology.


That is literally just a glorified EOD suit, and to answer your question, no. Because armor that can reliably stop a 5.56 or 7.62 or any other rifle round without giving you a broken rib is going to be heavy as fuck, not to mention you'd be even more of a target since you can't move nearly as well as the unarmored guys. And god help you if you're wearing that in a place that's either really hot, really humid, or in my neck of the woods both.

Did you just take a cheeky greentexted joke seriously enough to...

ReBUTT it?

and who's carrying their extra batteries?

>and the best body armor currently available is going to eat shit after somewhere in the neighborhood of 5+
desu I play fallout with +500% NPC damage mod and additional turret mods, making some of the enemy turrets things like 50. bmg that will oneshot you even in armor and the armor is still worth carrying

>and who's carrying their extra batteries?
The headless robot dog


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Jesus fucking Christ. Your pic. Literally meme warfare.

Why do you make this thread every week

>I play fallout

Attached: Patches poor taste.jpg (664x645, 89K)

> be me
> inna new test unit of heavy infantry
> armoured cock shield alone weighs more than my leg
> entire suit weighs twice what I do
> out on patrol in afghaniland
> awkwardly place my rifle somewhere near my shoulder and start blatting off rounds in the general 45 degree direction of the enemy
> fumble to take a knee in this massive kevlar coffin
> fuck im sweating
> fuck I can hardly see out of this thing
> I need a shite
> I want a fag
> look over at my section
> Smitty is looking the wrong way
> James is firing at a bush
> Evans is face down in a moist pool with sweat pouring out of every crack in the armour
> Danny has fallen on his back and is doing a turtle impression
> fuck it, we have to take the initiative
> take two minutes to stand up
> start shuffling towards the enemy position
> in five minutes ive traveled 20 metres
> in ten minutes ive traveled 30
> in twenty minutes the enemy has managed to do a complete flank and is now attacking us from the other side
> before I pass out from heatstroke I see Smitty still looking the wrong way somehow
> Fucking Smitty

if a bulletproof vest can stop 1 bullet, can't you just wear like 5 vests and stop all bullets?

And then can't you wear those 5 vests all over your body, to be totally invincible?
You might not be able to move fast, but that's the point of the juggernaut

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Did you just describe a normal battle drill with or without OPs stupid armor? I cant tell

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You have been trolled. Don't feed the trolls.

p.s. your question was stupid but I honestly don't mind, where else can people ask stupid questions that are firearm related if they can't in Jow Forums - it's not a SOOPER SECRET LEET club, it's a Jow Forums imageboard for fucks sake.

If you can contain your buttmad for a little while you will find that sometimes (not always) you can get some interesting information but mostly retarded shits and giggles here.

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Nah thats just Osprey and a daysack mate

The military wears kevlar vests that are 6 points, that's enough to stop the bullet.

Wearing three vests layered is 18 pounds
That covers your front and back, to cover your sides would be another 18 pounds
Then to cover your pelvic region and legs, another 18
Then you have to have a good solid helmet, another 18

that's 72 pounds. Not so heavy to carry actually, you can walk just fine

Ever run up some stairs with a heavy pack on?
Triple it that difficulty and then you’ll get what he meant.

but the juggernaut is not supposed to run

>A couple flights of stairs like in a hospital or government building
>Which is why you couple it with powered exoskeleton

Which currently not doesn’t exist in any practical or deployable form...

i think an air conditioner might work consider how small the person compartment is

>Which currently not doesn’t exist in any practical or deployable form...
Actually, if you put on some glasses, you see the actual topic was
>Would something like .. be practical in real life warfare ?
Nothing about deployment readiness

Nothing wrong with 1,2,NV.

Tactics is... so so...

Everything else is AIDS.

>hostage situation on the top floor of an old house
>invincible juggernaut slow walks through hundreds of bullets and makes his way to the house
>as he goes up, the old wooden stairs give
>juggernaut operator dies from multiple fractures
but at least the suit is intact

if the terrain the make suits literally too unwieldy dont use them

What if you stopped making retarded whataboutism threads you stupid cunt? You're as stupid as those pricks who try to argue whose favorite superhero would win in a fight.

Retard he can be protected by those big ass bulletproof shields on his way to house

> pathetic little fan blowing warm air on your face that just annoys you more than anything
> big fuck off fan with a mounted battery pack that weighs half what the suit does and only serves to circulate your farts right up your nose

I know this is a troll thread but cmon lad

So literally every terrain?

>What if you stopped making retarded whataboutism threads you stupid cunt?
I am not OP you faggot

Alright my bad. Is this better for you?
>What if you stopped making retarded whataboutism posts you stupid cunt? You're as stupid as those pricks who try to argue whose favorite superhero would win in a fight.

Fake news

Attached: hillary_so_far_ahead_in_polls.png (665x685, 268K)

>armor piercing weapons exist
>oh I know
>lets make our infantry a WALKING PILLBOX
You're a retard and of course not

There's boatloads wrong with all of those games and they're still the best in the series.

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>So literally every terrain?
You wouldn't try to sneak through a mountain pass in an abrams you fagget

waste of trips on a child how sad

Too fucking bulky, if infantry can't effectively move than it's pretty much useless also if this anything like pic related then it WILL fail

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Where did i mention Abrams? My point is that there is no terrain where your meme suit wouldnt be unwieldy as fuck

>My point is that there is no terrain where your meme suit wouldnt be unwieldy as fuck
keep telling yourself that

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But literally every projectile that is slightly more powerful than a pistol, what this user saidAlso but rolling down hills uncontrollably while the enemy laughs
You also don't know how armor works

>using tho
Also if it's about as tough as your average bullet proof vest (not bullet proof) can be penetrated by a crossbow bolt

> cant fit through doors
> cant fit in vehicles
> cant chase people
> cant do fine motor skills
> cant see well

Whatever floats your boat, retard

>what are stairs

this shit right here

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Doesn't even stop daleks when they've prepared to encounter stairs

>heavy suit
>low mobility
>would be hard to stand up with it

>cant fit through doors
they can if you live in a non-third world country that has building codes

>cant fit in vehicles
equip your mvraps with foot ladders and rails to carry them

>cant chase people
you don't deploy these if the target is something you can literally tackle

>cant do fine motor skills
actually machines have higher capacity for precision and speed than humans

>cant see well
with some practice you will get accustomed to using the 360 view to keep eye on things outside your eyes field of view

Because infantry can't patrol 15km in that fucking garbage