My wife asked me what I wanted for dinner tonight, I asked for onions. She asked me what I wanted to drink...

My wife asked me what I wanted for dinner tonight, I asked for onions. She asked me what I wanted to drink, I asked for onions milk. She gave me a massage, I asked for onions oil. When we got married, her bouquet was made of onions beans. I invest only in onions futures. I plant only onions in my gardens. It's safe to assume my choice in guns is high in onions as well.

Attached: CZ-Logo-2013.jpg (786x786, 50K)

haha you sure like onions don't ya

Get a load of this based boy over here with all of his onions, amirite?!?!?!

Is that even supposed to be funny


Blanch the garlic, aromatics war now!

.... is this a raid attempt?

It is funny. You must be a SoiZ owner

This is Jow Forums not /ck/.

Attached: 15ea_the_condiment_gun_inuse.jpg (600x600, 81K)

I do have one but I don't like it, I'm probably gonna sell or trade it soon.
I wouldn't find this forced shit any more funny with other brands because it's so fucking childish and uncreative.

You're going to get a nice testosterone boost from all those onions.

10/10 quality t b q h

Can someone please explain these references to onions and how they relate to CZ. Or is OP just one of the many mentally deranged people on Jow Forums?

>I have one

Attached: large.jpg (800x450, 59K)

>unable to read a whole post
As expected of forced maymay posters

post your guns

>gun has a reputation for being prefered by firearm "hipsters", who are acutually nu-fudds stuck in the wondernine da/sa's
>retards confuse this with 2012 starbucks macbook flanel vinel record hipsters.
>Jow Forums meme associates onions with low T levels, despite being a medical claim that has never been verified, and all evidence points to low-violence or violence "survivalism" stress, sedentary lifestyles, and high sugar consumption stunting T levels in men instead.
>soiboi becomes a Paul Joseph W0tson tier meme instantly
>so lame that even gookmoot has to word filter it
>a thread died due to the amalgamation of this retardation

Tell me what pic related says and see for yourself.

Attached: 91apRO 4ycL._SY550_.jpg (368x550, 55K)

>Or is OP just one of the many mentally deranged people on Jow Forums?

that one

It triggers bugmen like nothing else, little soifiend

This is a pretty based analogy.
It's just another forced meme like de wae newfags.

Attached: 30087230_217577175668458_7609202354969116672_n.jpg (480x480, 32K)

>nu-Jow Forums in charge of creating memes

Why do people keep posting pics of this guy that works at my LGS?

i want a gun that shoots basedbeans or any bean at annoying velocity