Overt or Covert Security

Hello people I'm new to this forum, so feel free to troll the living shit out of me for my ignorance, which I'm alright with, 'cause at least I didn't ask this on reddit. I'll get to the point.

>Has a personal security job. It involves accompanying an older family member to do bank withdrawals of plenty of cahs, say about 3k each.
>Not enough to delegate to an armour car.
>Has to accompany older, indefensalbe person from bank to their home, where they are relatively more secure.
>Biggest risk in my zone are two. First Getting 'dicked'.ie, getting a bank employee or a survailance fag finger me for robbing. Very common.
>Then most comming robbing operations are with motorcycles. In an empty street, one ore two motorcycles come quickly from your blindspot and perform the robbery. Has happend onece to the person I protect.

I still don't carry a gun. Our place still has the "Y no shoot him in the leg" and "He was just feeding his family" bull. I still carry a 6 inch war bowie. Also I know that my aweraness is my biggest weapon.

My real question would be about my garment. I have a police issued jumper. Cammies. Cargo pants and military styled hats. Wearing them on public raises eyebrow. But since I don't have a gun I don't want to raise too many eyebrows. Should I dress covertly? Ridiculously Overtly, like a vietnam vet? Or a mix in between? thx

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Dress proper, tuck in your shirt, get a gun, and make sure you walk closer to the street than the old man if you're worried about bikers robbing him.

I will get a gun in due time. Sadly my background checks and money are just not as good as I would like. I'm looking for a 45. or 320. Then I will conceal carry. But in the meantime I'd like to know if dressing like a maniac or even wearing an empty holster will act as deterrent, ir is it just a stupid idea.


Dress in business casual, carry a concealed pistol. DO NOT wear full battle rattle or fatigues, it will attract the wrong kind of attention, especially if you're not visibly carrying a rifle or something, and does nothing to help you tactically.

What state or country are you in? If you're in Texas it is legal to open carry a rifle or shotgun without a license. Also look into a concealable vest, preferably one with inserts for plates.

>If you are in texas.
a man can dream. Lol. I will visit someday

I live in a state that is not cali, but the same stupid gun rules apply. To hell if people get robbed, shot or killed by unlicenced carrying thugs. I have to get the licence, background check, mandatory course. PLUS gun, ammo, holsters, etc. everything out of my own pocket of course.

>Concealable vests
Amazingly, soft vests are even more regulated than guns. Their logic is since it can stop police ammo they are dangerous for a thug to own.

wow. citizens can't even protect themselves. no wonder your employer needs you. that's another strike against wearing fatigues, it attracts police attention. i wonder if your knife is even legal now.

also buy a couple of 10" swinging steel targets, spray paint them, tie them together with rope and throw those bitches over your shoulder and wear that under your clothes. larp as a super mutant. jesus fucking christ those laws are ridiculous.

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Well, my bowie is in a bit of a grey area. But still. It counts as "war material if it passes 4 inches" last time I checked. At this point instead of my bowie I'll have to fight armed thugs with butter knives. Though, for real, I don't think it's the most legal thing to carry a bowie, especially open. Police are cool with some bending of the rules. Well I hope. That's why I want to avoid trouble in the first place

>6 inch bowie
>legal limit is 4 inches
>"grey area"
There is no grey area. If you live where I'm guessing, or even if you don't, you're going to be legally fucked if you ever have to use it even in self-defense.

get pepper spray, a telescopic baton, and a taser

dress normal and keep these concealed with a light jacket or something

Pepper spray and batons I do own. tho for the level of threat I might expect. (2-4 problably pistol armed guys) I dunno what It'll do. Not that my bowie is that much better.

Fuck me :(

unironically carry a shillelagh, wear a jacket, and learn bartitsu (and other martial arts)

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Haha, now that I think about it tho, and if we use a little humor for this ridiculous situation, the phrase "Illegal past 4 inches" does sound pretty funny

>Hey grandson, wanna go to the bank with me? You've been staring at that computer screen all day.
>Mission accepted.

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That ain't a bad idea tho. A weapon that most people don't know. not illegas since it's a club. and pretty damn brutal in good hands. I dabble in powerlifting in boxing btw. Also learned combatives from a local marine.

If only I had the AR-15 I could smile like that fat kid does. But since I don't I cannot operate too hard.

>2-4 problably pistol armed guys
Yeah you'd probably be fucked even if you did carry a gun. In that situation it's best to just let them have the money.

It's probably best to mix up when this old guy withdraws money, never the same day (wed, tues, fri, etc) or time in a row, keep it random.

nice. clubs are illegal here in Texas, but if they're legal where you are you should definitely consider one. they're just as deadly as knives and have better reach.


powerlifting is where it's at. if you've got mass that's enough to cur most would-be robbers. some urban youths out there don't give a fuck and think nothing of murder by gunshot though. be careful my man.

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If you live in a country where bikers steal from the elderly, they'll just try to eliminate the threat (you) when they see your holster. Assuming you live in what I assume is Mexico tier in violence.

smash the knees user, and learn how to use it for joint locks and trips.

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Untill you get a gun...
Get a 6D MagLite. Can't be arrested for carrying a flashlight. And get a ESEE 4P as a blade. Carrying some self defense spray might not be a bad idea either, and a class III vest.

But then I saw Now I'd recommend you go full Taxi Driver, or get a new job. Perhaps as a taxi driver.


consider sap gloves too

I think you should get a spear with a 3.9 inch head. Extended reach is big.

Stop, OP is going to ruin his knuckles that way, and he'll just look like a try hard dyel or a tactifag.

might as well carry one of these too

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Nah, not mexico. A robbery murder here is enough to get a lot of local attention. They are more like oportunity crimes. I believe most likely deterrance is a good choice. Let them pick the other old guy with no personal protection. That's why I thought of the cammies.

Not a bad Idea. I went on a couple of personal securty """missions""" (I'm ex-SEAL, Ranger, Delta you see.) with the member and it went fine. Just gotta look out for the Fucking dickers.

>have a police issued jumper. Cammies. Cargo pants and military styled hats.
>Wearing them on public raises eyebrow.

look like a try hard dyel or a tactifag.

sounds like he already does lol

Fair point.

Op, just dress like a middle class white guy without your larping gear.

bodyguard here. your best weapon is always your mind. if you need a weapon, you probably fucked up. plan your route carefully, days in advance, go to the bank ahead of your detail, and see if anythings fishy. ie: strange people lurking, notice same vehicle, learn to do a "burn run" on your route to and from the bank to determine if youre being followed. remember, youre always most vulnerable in and around your vehicle.

Alright guys you made up my mind. This is my new personal protection attire. Rate it pliz.

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yeah this is your best bet, if they see you dressed all "tacticool" they will assume you are armed and come at you more aggressively or more well armed. Plus it draws attention to you and the old guy.

>why does this old man need a guard?
>he must have lots of money
>lets rob him


>aww that old man has his grandson take him to the bank how sweet

>remember, youre always most vulnerable in and around your vehicle.
Not op, but please elaborate. I'd think being in a vehicle is a great way the get out of dodge or smash into your foes.

The autism will frighten any would be thieves

not that dude and not a bodyguard, but it isn't defensible

No if you get dicked tho. Many bank employers tell the robbers how much you extract, so even if we look like the fucking ingalls, they'd still know we have 3k in our pockets and NOT assume I'm a danger. So I'm not deterring them.

Yeah, I live in high traffic zone. If we get stuck in traffic and I don't have a gun, then unless I go GTA on the sidewalk I'm screwed.

You should dress like not an autist. Business casual, with khakis and a collared shirt. Sweater, if the weather calls for it.
If motorists are performing the fucking robberies, you're already outgunned and outnumbered. You either need to get a super discreet armor vest or you need to risk letting them steal the shit and shooting them in the back, and praying to whatever God you have that the jury will understand.
It's pretty obvious that I don't know shit about multiple threat self defense, but I do know this : that knife is utterly fucking useless and "dressing tough," will get you fucking killed.

you are sequestered in the vehicle. they know you are going to it at some point, so they can stake it out, plant explosives, shoot you, etc. and you can be easily followed via another vehicle, run off the road, ieds and ambushes in extreme circumstances, plus if they know your destination, they can hit you within a mile or so of reaching it, because you can take a lot of different routes to and from, but once your close, your route is greatly limited

Why is this dude withdrawing so much cash user?

Guys. lol, GUYS, I get y'all. I should have made myself more clear. I'm not in IRAQ the motorcicle robbers and dickers and working together, and most likely just praying on the weakest target. They also don't want too much attention. It's 3k not the nuclear codes in a briefcase. They won't risk a murder for that amount in most cases. I was just wondering if dressing up a little would cause them to say "Hmm... this old guy has an obvious BG. We could risk our lives or we can wait on that 90 year old lady with jewlry and half dementia. We'd chose the latter."

Bank only let's you extract limited amount of cash. The familyt member is fearfull of an economic collapse and banks retaining his money. Also the income taxes are great, so his not willing to give more money to banks or govt anymore.

Just beat the crap out of any bank employees you catch talkin shit. Talk shit get hit. Don't be such a nerd about it.

roll out like you mean business homeboy, you just never know

well if there was an economic collapse cash would be useless, it would be better to buy some silver and keep it in a safe

He wasnt talking about your shit, he was answering the other user as to why a vehicle wasnt defensible.

However, I will say that if you dont wholly intend to take your defense job seriously, you shouldn't fucking be defending this dude in the first place. This old man is literally placing his life and livelihood in your fucking hands, and you're sitting there putting that choice in the hands of bikers, laughing about the idea of them killing him.

If you're not going to take the threat seriously, either kill him and take the cash yourself, or dont fucking do this for him at all. This isnt your life youre talking about. It's his. You absolutely owe it to him to take this seriously.

You work for a smart man.

Why don’t you just stick your QB in YOUR car senpai and find a drive through ATM?

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Oh yeah, the old dude is stacking up on gold like you wouldn't believe.

I'll let him know about it. lol thx.
I'm taking my defense job seriously. As I've said. I'm prepared to take any life that threatens him. But as I said. 1) Guns and vests not currently available, ergo. 2) I think deception and avoidance and detarrance are safer bets.

Where does he stack up all this gold? Me and my motorcycle friends are just wondering, friend.

gold is good, but it's value is too dense to be practical for everyday transactions. You can buy silver bars worth $20 that are scored to be broken down into 4ths.

Also if he's that worried he should start learning about prepping: learning useful skills, buying supplies, guns and ammo and having a cabin in a remote place

In your moms rectum. Don't tell anyone is a secret user ;)

Well he's not worried so much about a total societal collapse. More like an economic crash where the paper dollar momentarily looses all value (remember weimar germany where people used paper cash as wallpaper.) And not loosing his savings (in value I mean) by having stable currency like gold, until the dollar can get up on its feet.

>burn run
I agree with you, your mind is your best weapon. But what is a burn run? (Is it grabbing him by the arm and dragging him to the ground or running together with me grabbing him by the arm)

Hawaiian shirt, khakis, Aviators, sperry topsiders, leather chest rig, full size 1911

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is this you?

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You can't do anything about someone at the bank fingering you since you don't have a gun. forget that scenario you have no control over it. as to how to dress you should not try to project strength you should try to project poverty. Don't look like you have anything worth taking.

>Has a personal security job. It involves accompanying an older family member to do bank

That's called a chore my dude

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