Am I the only one who feels indifferent to school shootings? Why should I care if some someone in a school gets shot...

Am I the only one who feels indifferent to school shootings? Why should I care if some someone in a school gets shot, especially when there are 100 times as many people getting shot outside schools?

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Because the media uses them to validate increased gun control.

I mean I'm gonna be honest here, I didn't really care when those guys flew planes into buildings in Sodom and Gomorrah either

People who take news-media seriously are a rapidly dwindling minority. Everyone knows they're full of shit.

Same for the Boston bombing. Good riddance.

No, you are not the only autistic sociopath on Jow Forums.

>good riddance

Op, when theres a school shooting its like butter to my soul. I fuckin love it.

I wished every single day when I was in school that someone would walk in and mass murder every one of my autistic fucking classmates and the idiots who ran that school.

Unfortunately, as others have said this is the #1 most used ammo to fund these retarded 2a control arguments. Instead of blaming the school system itself, they blame guns. Ever notice that its always schools being the most heavyily shot up? Couldnt be becUse those institutions are literally filled to the brim with retards, fuckhats, and austic fuckwhits. No... cant be.

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I'm neither autistic nor a sociopath. I just don't care about other people's problems.

>not caring about some shithead kid you've never and will never meet dying halfway across the continent means you're a sociopath
go back to plebbit, shlomo.

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>when the first post is best post
all of this shit legitimately pisses me off in a way it didn't a year ago, last time we had a school shooting (thanks mr. 56%) we under 21s lost our right to buy a rifle for no good fucking reason. I turn 21 in a month and I am still full of rage.

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The only reason people care is because is makes them feel vulnerable. Up until recently getting shot was seen as something limited to the ghettos. When poor people get killed its invisible to the media and to normies. If mass shootings were to stop tommorow the gun control crowd would lose all support of moderate/centrist normies and would die.

A lack of empathy is the definition of a sociopath. It's not my fault you're defective.


>im not a sociopath i just cant empathize with people
haha what

Nobody actually cares about them except maybe a few easily manipulable brainlets.
Everyone else just pretends to care.

>makes them feel vulnerable
This is why people carry guns


I care more if children are shot than adults. I think the reason doesn't really need explaining.

I CAN empathize with people when it is appropriate. For example. I feel empathy toward my friends and even pets. I do NOT feel empathy for people who have no meaningful relationship with me.
This. There is a racial element to it. White people don't care if blacks shoot each other by the thousands, but they do care if a dozen white teens get shot.
Liberals cannot carry guns because that would mean accepting responsibility for their own safety. They want the government to parent them their whole lives.

Have you ever talked to children? They are awful people. Occasionally you'll meet a good adult but 100% of children are shit.

School shootings are symptomatic of bigger social problems. You might not care on a personal level but you've got your head in the sand if you think it somehow doesn't have far reaching implications or repurcussions. Something has to change, we can either figure it out or eventually they're going to bandaid it (Gun bans)

It doesn't matter what kind of person a child is. There is a night and day difference between how a human acts when they are 15 to 25. Children aren't people yet and they should be protected until they grow into people. That's why we have laws saying they can't make adult decisions like voting, owning guns, or having consensual sex with older people.

>School shootings are symptomatic of bigger social problems
No, they are not. School shootings are extremely rare, and the shooters themselves are anomalies.

I feel you. I don't give a quarter of a shit about high schools getting swiss cheesed. These dumbass teenagers are just going to grow up to be absolute moron consumers just like their parents (if they don't eat a tide pod first)

The burden of writing a blank check towards Freedom doesn't merely rest upon the shoulders of Cpl. Evans or Sgt Juan Deshante-Williams; it can also fall upon the shoulders of 11 year old Hannah, 24 year old Shaka Williams from Harlem or 76 year old Linda Shaas. To be an American is to live with the acceptance of risk and loss of life for Freedom, no matter what your demographic background.

>15 to 25
A 15 year old is an adult. Learn biology.

Faggot, some of the kids at these schools aren't going to be idiots. There are teens that go to school at Parkland that are pro-gun and not sociopaths.

>I am still full of rage
I hope you're not white nor live near a school

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You simply it got used it and most people on both sides of the political spectrum couldn't care less about ghetto shootings.

>school shootings arent part of bigger social issues

Are you fucking retarded?

Again, theres a reason most of these mass shootings are on the playground.

Its because these shithole schools are run by idiots, we spend 78% of childhood in these fucking prisons learning useless shit all for a piece of paper nobody gives a fuck about after you leave, and to top it off, youre surrounded by the most autistic and shitty people in existence.

Change my mind faggot.

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You do realize if it wasnt for modern healthcare, most of us are dead by 30-35, right?

15 is midlife crisis territory faggot.

>I only care about people whose presence I enjoy or I personally identify with

You're not helping your case here.

The death caused by mass shootings is so meaningless that it doesn't matter. A drop in the ocean. Anyone who worries about them is retarded. What you do have to worry about is people worrying about mass shootings. They'll jack your rights. At least terrorist attacks actually cause billions in property damage.

>Am I the only one who feels indifferent to events that fuel the cause to strip our rights

I wish you were, but unfortunately you're not.

They are sexually mature--i.e. can reproduce--and are therefore adults according to hundreds of thousands of years of evolution
Wrong. People in hunter gatherer societies were far healthier than people today because they didn't eat high carb soiboy diets.
What case? I don't have to justify myself to you. I don't have some duty to care about the whole world.
Oh, I'm not indifferent about gun laws. I'm very much against them. I just don't care about the shooting itself.

>I just don't care about the shooting itself.

You should, because if a way can be found to reduce shootings without infringement the wind will be taken out of the anti's sails.

>Anyone who worries about them is retarded

there are a fuckton of retards that have a real chance of destroying our rights forever.

Personally I think part of it is the no tolerance for bullying thing. Kids that defend themselves against a bully are also punshied. This makes them feel as though they have no other option in retaliation except to shoot up the school.

Your point is well taken.

I thought I was the only one, though it doesn't stop the muh chillen bullshit even though not many seem to give a rats ass just how fucky the school system is (and why would they, it takes their little shit spawns away for 8 or so hours and gives them breakfast and lunch).
Sociopath or not it doesn't change the fact that no one bothers to actually tackle the underlying issues causing someone to want to actively murder other students in favor of the piss easy "taek way da gunz" argument. No one else really cares about the children either, they just pretend to be so they don't look bad.

I have to completely agree. High/middle school is such a tremendous drag and the people in charge (not so much the teachers) seem to have little clue into child psychology, let alone the hormone addled teenage psyche.

>15 year olds are adult
Pedo plz
>hunter gatherers lived longer
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, holy shit you're fucking retarded.

I'm in my 30s and pretty numb to everything after years of gore on /b/ and working in health care seeing IRL gore and fucked up shit. I'm with you, op. Get some hobbies and be involved with like minded people.
I only care about the news in as much as I need to be aware about what the (((elites))) will use to control normies.

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edgy faggot deserves rape

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At least we still have the Weather Channel.

>People in hunter gatherer societies were far healthier than people today because they didn't eat high carb soiboy diets.
No, no. You might have said that minus infant mortality rates the average lifespan was mid fifties to sixties. But to say they were healthier is plain wrong.

Hello everybody in this thread (ITT). 4channer here. I love weapons too, don't you. Say, just for no reason, can you guys tell me which state and county you are from? I would loooove to meet up with you all. Peace!

I didn't say hunter gatherers lived longer. I said they were very healthy. Some of them lived very long, but many died young due to homicide.
>You might have said that minus infant mortality rates the average lifespan was mid fifties to sixties
The most common cause of death in hunter gatherer societies was homicide or being eaten by wild animals. If nobody killed you, you lived to be old enough to have grandchildren and great-grandchildren.
>But to say they were healthier is plain wrong.
No, it isn't. They had no obesity, no diabetes, no impotence, no heart disease, no Alzheimer's, few if any dental problems, no insomnia, no ADHD, very little cancer, etc. Most of these diseases are caused by all the chemicals and sugar in our food and our deficiency in saturated fat.

>You do realize if it wasnt for modern healthcare, most of us are dead by 30-35, right?
>confusing mean life expectancy for median.
If you made it out of early childhood, regardless of period, you had a decent chance to make it to your 60s.

Are you fucking retarded? Humans are literally not designed to empathize with abstractions. Things like strangers in some far off place you never knew existed until the news brought it up, that have zero impact on your daily life, are so fucking detached from your emotional response criteria. No amount of media shilling actually makes strangers feel fuck all for strangers, it requires social programming to convince people that they "should" be upset at the deaths of strangers. Humans have a limited ability to empathize, and the brain prioritizes it towards ingroup individuals, ie family, friends, community, etc. Social engineering adds to that group, but theres a limit. Sociopaths cannot form those emotional connections at all, but limiting said connections to individuals that are relevant to your life is completely normal.

This prioritization of life is what enables us to function as social creatures, even fucking ants will wage wars with their iwn kind and kill off rival colonies.

Fuck outta here with that lameass "love everybody" goober bullshit.

You should care that shady ABC agencies often are involved. If you are a father you should care that schools often leave kids no choice, but to either be a "problem child" or a complacent faggot. You should care that certain interest groups encouraging this stuff for the sake of their gun grabbing fetish. Don't send your kids to school should be the take home message of the school shootings.

No. I don't care. Didn't care about 9/11 either. Modern public schools are a battle ground filled with torture and abuse. If anything i'm surprised that they don't happen more often and disappointed that the children must find a way to defend themselves. It's a sad day indeed when women and children are the only soldiers left.

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Same. It only proves more points our societal shortcomings, and that the whole cycle will start all over again, and no one will have learned anything.

No. learn to life expectancy statistics.

More attention needs to be paid to white victims of black crimes.

8ch d0t net/redstick/res/1227.html#q1227

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Crowder will never do a "change my mind that niggers are subhuman"

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Mod why do you hate white people

Jow Forums mod what rules did my thread break that you had to delete it?

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I don't give a single fuck about anyone but myself anymore sooo... yeah.

>Humans are literally not designed to empathize with abstractions.

Fun fact: Studies in comparative neuroanatomy indicate that it's impossible for a normal human to "care" about more than around thirty other humans.

Jow Forums censorship is a huge problem

How the fuck do you think we Californians feel? Our gun grabbing politicians introduced and passed bills that essentially made gun laws worse than the UKs while the blood was still flowing. Now they're gonna regulate barrels, trigger packs, magazines, speed loaders, and ar/ak blanks like actual firearms, meaning you need to be 21 and pass a background check to get any of the above, along with regular long guns and ammo. Fuck el goblino, fuck march for our lies kids, and most of all, fuck the astroturfing psyops kike media members. I may not believe the jews were responsible for me stubbing my toe, but I accept truths such as them owning pretty much all MSM, and being likely to push their blue agenda.

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u fuckin racist that y, whit boi

>if a way can be found to reduce shootings without infringement the wind will be taken out of the anti's sails
You're dumber than a sack of hammers if you believe that. They're frothing at the mouth about a fraction of a fraction of a fraction of deaths annually, and you think that somehow reducing that tiny fraction to an even more statistically-insignificant fraction will appease them?

They don't think logically.

>They had no obesity, no diabetes, no impotence, no heart disease, no Alzheimer's, few if any dental problems, no insomnia, no ADHD, very little cancer, etc
I'm assuming you know this from all the detailed medical records and autopsy reports they left behind, right?


Fuck off back to plebbit. Sociopathy is not a real thing. There are psychopaths who physiologically lack empathy, and then there are people who you think are meanie baddies so you want to have a science-y sounding name for them.

Pathologizing anybody who disagrees with you is evidence of cognitive dissonnance.

Thank Saint Reagan for amnesty

People have forgotten that they don't live in a safe world, the government has created such a bubble that the average person would be shocked to think that the word of law won't stop some one from coming into their house and murdering them

You can legally fuck at 14 years of age in the United States.

You do understand that writing and other forms of record keeping have existed for millennia, yes? Humans were undeniably healthier as hunter-gatherers, but had higher rates of death due to occupational hazards and more importantly: pooped out children at about half the rate (One every 4 years on average vs one every 2 years on average).

Healthier related to lack of fried food and more walking.
Shit tier in every other regard.

You do realize writing only really became a thing after civilization was formed right? Pretty much all forms of writing were created and formalized when there was a need to create records, which hunter gatherers don't have.


I mean, give or take from the number if you need to, but at the end of the day, the ability to empathize, even in normal non-sociopathic individuals, is limited.

Sympathy =/= Empathy

Illinois, cook county
Gg fgt

Instead they only had terrible and debilitating disease that reigned unchecked. Many villages in Africa with access to advanced medical care are still riddled with the blind and disfigured from parasitic infections.