If you low ball people on armslist i hope you get raped

If you low ball people on armslist i hope you get raped.

Fuck all of you

Attached: B08D4B6E-7BF2-4950-BB0A-44934BABFD04.jpg (220x360, 32K)

Who lowballed you?

I get low balled all the times for my firearms. Thing is I'm never selling.
>can I buy a handgun from you for $150?

>I know what I have

Wait... I clicked the OP number.....

>i dont really want to sell it but...

>used gun only priced $25 cheaper than brand new

If you don't like the offer, just don't respond. That's what I do

Fuck anyone who gets upset at lowballs

I guess if you were more responsible with your cash, you wouldn't need the money RIGHT NOW, and you could hold out for a better offer. Too bad :^)

>I'm a jew selling a used gun for MSRP of the same gun new
>I hate it when people are Jews and try to get me to come down to a fair price
Get btfo fag we aren't your friend.

> gunbroker/armslist
98 percent sales expired with no bites.
it's a entire webpage of faggots who aren't willing to accept that the free market doesn't value
scratched up trash like you do

I know that feel.

>Sell me this for 100€ less
>Okay, I'll buy it.
>No, for you it's 100€ more now.

Faggots don't get to have opinions

my theory is that people on gunbroker think they can tack an extra 50 dollars on the price every time the put rare in the title or description

This. Sometimes when I see scratched up or gunsmith specials I pick them up cheap and fix them up. But mostly people are just fucking unreasonably proud.

Why won't you take my lawnmower for your 1911? It runs perfect.

Attached: Armslist sale face to face.webm (720x300, 2.81M)

How about you stop being a retarded faggot and accept that people will always haggle and have been doing so since trading existed, crying little bitch.

Who the fuck do you hang out with? No one just randomly offers to buy my guns.

t. every guy on armslist with a gucci glock who "knows what it's worth"

>t. guy who tries to sell something used $50 over msrp
>only 100 rounds through it, functions perfectly
We all know that you bought with intent to sell and make a profit over no 4473.

>not being a vintage lawnmower enthusiast

that movie had the most Jow Forums soundtrack ever

>ran for 2 minutes in a straight line through a quarry instead of attacking a guy with no ammo
that was hard to watch

>selling anything on a free online website
>expecting not to get lowballed

Oh, get over it. Back when I used to sell beaters on CL I'd have to wade through dozens of retarded rednecks and mexicans offering me "200 CASH TODAY" for a car worth $1000 on a bad day. Comes with the territory, let go of your ego you'll last longer.

>he whines as he posts fag porn
fuck off aidscunt